
  1. 这是自洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)2011年初开始发布交易头寸数据以来的最高水平。

    It is the highest level since the Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE ) started publishing position data in early 2011 .

  2. 交易员不得试图对公司隐瞒交易头寸,该局执行主管玛格丽特科尔(MargaretCole)表示。

    Traders must not seek to conceal their positions from their firms , said Margaret Cole , director of enforcement at the regulator .

  3. 美国股市上的最大经纪商之一昨日灰头土脸。KnightCapitalGroup透露,错误的交易头寸给其造成了4.4亿美元税前损失,原因是一个软件故障导致数十只股票出现巨大价格波动。

    One the biggest brokers in US equity markets was reeling ­ yesterday after Knight Capital Group revealed a $ 440m pre-tax loss from erroneous trading positions triggered by a software glitch that led to huge price swings in dozens of stocks .

  4. 美国司法部指控汤姆海耶斯(TomHayes)和罗格达林(RogerDarin)合谋操纵日元Libor利率,使之有利于他们的交易头寸。

    The US Department of Justice charged Tom Hayes and Roger Darin with conspiring to manipulate yen Libor rates to benefit their trading positions .

  5. 上周,FSA对另一名摩根士丹利前交易员戴维雷德蒙德(DavidRedmond)处以罚金并下达了从业禁令,理由是他蓄意向上司隐瞒了高风险的交易头寸。

    Last week , the FSA fined and banned another former Morgan Stanley trader , David Redmond , for deliberately hiding a risky trading position from his bosses .

  6. 它可以照顾最惠投资者的利益、利用CDO对冲其贷款账簿,甚至占据交易头寸。

    It could promote the interests of favoured investors , use CDOs to hedge its own loan book or even take a trading position .

  7. 对于银行和保险公司是应该按照长期持有还是按照交易头寸对金融投资估值,IASB提出了一个简单原则。

    The International Accounting Standards Board has proposed a simple principle for whether banks and insurers should value a financial investment as a long-term holding or as a trading position .

  8. 而交易头寸的迅速清仓都会加剧金融市场的波动。

    Any rapid liquidation of trading positions would exacerbate the volatility in financial markets .

  9. 注意你的交易头寸上限是受到期货或股票交易者允许的保证金决定的。

    Note that your trade size may be capped by the margin allowances for futures traders and for stock traders .

  10. 止损指令是指价格达到指定水平时,自动对价差交易头寸(空头或多头)进行平仓。

    Stop-losses are orders to close out automatically a spreadbetting position short or long when the price reaches a specified level .

  11. 客户将资金存入券商,并利用这笔资金作为抵押,借入更大规模资金放大其交易头寸。

    Punters deposit money with the broker and use it as collateral to borrow a much larger amount and magnify their trading positions .

  12. 因此,最初抵押交易头寸的保证金额,就有可能损失殆尽。

    As a result , it is possible that the amount of margin initially pledged against a trading position , can be completely depleted .

  13. 而领先公司通常设立独立的风险委员会来评估交易头寸,同时,首席风险官直接向董事会报告。

    Leading companies often use an independent risk committee to assess positions , and also have the cro report directly to the board of directors .

  14. 交易商表示,至少有一家大型参与者在旨在对冲价格下跌的大笔交易头寸上失手。

    At least one big participant , traders say , has been caught on the wrong side of a major position that was designed to protect against falling prices .

  15. 此外,关于实施最小交易头寸的谈判也在进行之中,虽说这个主意招致了大多数投资者的强烈反对&他们在下单的时候就已经可以确定最小头寸了。

    There has also been talk of imposing minimum trade sizes , an idea strongly opposed by most investors since they can already stipulate a minimum when submitting orders .

  16. 科里表示,很多投机者在2004年第三和第四季度已结清大宗商品交易头寸,在今年年初开始做空(下注赌价格下跌)。

    Currie says many speculators had got out of commodity positions in the third and fourth quarters of2004 and were short ( betting on a price fall ) early this year .

  17. 由于对经济萧条的担忧促使投资者纷纷解除用借入资金建立起的交易头寸,全球货币市场出现剧烈波动,导致大批企业、银行和个人深受其害。

    Companies , banks and individuals have been burned by sharp moves in global currency markets as fears of economic distress prompt an unwinding of trades that have depended on borrowed money .

  18. 在危机之前,激进的奖金机制导致了以下做法的大行其道:交易员积极持有在短期内有利可图、但当市场变得波动时很容易蒙受损失的交易头寸。

    Before the crisis , aggressive bonus structures contributed to the proliferation of traders taking positions that were profitable in the short term but proved vulnerable to losses when markets became volatile .

  19. 由于对冲基金愈发担心,自己针对希腊及其它疲软欧元区经济体特定主权债务的交易头寸会遭遇监管反弹,它们正转而加大做空欧元的力度。

    Hedge funds are raising their bets against the euro amid growing fears of a regulatory backlash against their trading positions on the specific sovereign debt of Greece and other weak eurozone economies .

  20. 作为利用欧元为交易头寸融资的行为增多的证据,投行引用数据称,随着对欧元的悲观情绪加剧,对冲基金正以空前规模做空欧元。

    As evidence of the increased use of the euro to fund trading positions , investment banks cite data that hedge funds are now shorting the euro at record levels as bearishness over the single currency has increased .

  21. 美国监管机构已加大力度收集有关银行交易头寸的信息。此举可能预示,美国政府机构将努力确保交易员的奖金基于实际利润,而非可能永远不会实现的未实现利润。

    US regulators have intensified efforts to gather intelligence on banks ' trading positions in a move that could herald a drive to ensure traders ' bonuses are based on real profits rather than unrealised gains that might never materialise .

  22. 对于美国金融机构,美联储(fed)应坚决要求董事会讨论和披露他们认为自己公司在交易、头寸、投资和业务上最重大的风险敞口。

    For us financial institutions , the Federal Reserve should insist that boards discuss and disclose what they believe to be the most serious exposures of their companies in trades , positions , investments and operations .

  23. 交易大宗头寸时,要保持冷静和头脑清醒。

    Stay calm and maintain clear thinking when trading big positions .

  24. 该行也就未来的问题发出了预警,预计其部分自营交易业务头寸状况将进一步恶化。

    It also warned of problems ahead , with further deterioration expected in some of its proprietary trading positions .

  25. 对于指控中提到的任何违规行为,他都没有责任&他不负责控制或交易那些头寸,不负责准备披露材料,也不负责挑选资产。

    He was not responsible for any alleged wrongdoing – he did not control or trade the position , did not prepare the disclosures and did not select the assets .

  26. 这并不意味着美国经济会毫发无损,只是它的问题很可能不会在美元上反映出来。目前两年或更长时间的交易和头寸正被解除。

    That does not mean that the US economy would emerge unscathed but its problems would probably not be reflected in the dollar in a world in which two years or more of trades and positions are being taken off .

  27. 在上世纪70年代,当负责监督的合伙人来参观时,交易员就把索引卡从墙上取下来,这样,合伙人就不会意识到他们当天的交易超出了头寸限制。

    In the 1970s , they pulled index cards off the wall when the supervising partner came to visit so that he would not realise they were exceeding their position limits in intraday trading .

  28. 防范和打击操纵的法律措施包括但不限于交易量和头寸(持仓)限制、以防止操纵为产品上市的核心条件、赋予监管机构强有力的反操纵权力、追究操纵者的民事责任和刑事责任。

    The legal measures of preventing manipulation include but not limited to volume and open interest limits , take preventing manipulation as core condition of marketing , give the regulatory authority strong anti market manipulation rights , claim against the civil liability of regulator .

  29. 据王立华介绍,就原油期货而言,交易商将得到各自可交易的最大头寸额度,并可在各自的敞口额度内自由兑换人民币与美元,使他们能够以两种货币中的任何一种进行交易。

    For the crude contract , traders would be awarded a quota for the maximum position they could trade and would enjoy free convertibility between Renminbi and US dollars within their exposure limit so that they could trade in either currency , according to Ms Wang .

  30. 自7月之后,随着投资者撤出风险投资,他们开始解除部分所谓的日元套利交易(carry-trade)头寸。

    Before July , when investors began to reverse some so-called yen carry-trade positions amid a retreat from risk , the Japanese currency had been trading at above Y120 to the dollar .