
jiāo fēnɡ
  • clash;cross swords;confront;engage in a battle or contest
  • engage;face
交锋 [jiāo fēng]
  • (1) [engage]∶交战

  • 搏斗的牡鹿用的角交锋,争夺上风

  • (2) [face]∶与[对手]较量;双方比赛

  • A队明天将与B队交锋

  1. 只有切尔西队在四分之一决赛的重赛中击败桑德兰队,双方才会交锋。

    The two sides will clash there only if Chelsea beat Sunderland in their quarter-final replay .

  2. 此案将代表欧盟打击美国科技公司所谓过分行为的努力的一个新篇章,并且外界已将此案与欧盟10年前与微软(Microsoft)的交锋进行比较。

    The case would represent a new chapter in Brussels " efforts to combat the alleged abuses of US technology companies , and has already drawn comparisons to its clash with Microsoft a decade ago .

  3. 他们将在下个星期的决赛中正面交锋。

    They are set to meet head-to-head in next week 's final .

  4. 她在以前的所有交锋中都击败了这个对手。

    She has beaten her opponent in all of their previous encounters .

  5. 那次选举是两大党直接交锋。

    The election was a straight fight between the two main parties .

  6. 在去年的决赛中,史密斯与琼斯交锋。

    Smith met Jones in last year 's final .

  7. 我们向他们清楚地表明,我们不会畏避交锋。

    We made it clear to them that we would not shrink from confrontation .

  8. 双方将在12月16日再次交锋以争夺进入四分之一决赛的席位。

    The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December 16

  9. 候选人在电视辩论中当面交锋。

    The candidates confronted each other during a televised debate .

  10. 儿童文学是各种意识形态交锋的战场。

    Children 's literature is an ideological battleground .

  11. 思想的交锋使辩论熠熠生辉。

    The interchange of ideas illumines the debate

  12. 这对争得你死我活的竞争对手的最后一次交锋是在20世纪80年代。

    The fiercest of rivals , the last time they crossed swords was during the 1980s .

  13. 下雪预示着冷热空气的交锋,而一个高气压区似乎也将到来并可能持续。

    The snow signaled the arrival of a front , and a high-pressure area seemed to be settling in

  14. 这两支足球队将在明天交锋。

    The two football teams will face each other tomorrow .

  15. 在今年的MathCounts全国赛激烈紧张的倒计时轮,前12名学生正面交锋,快速解决复杂的问题,之后数学视频挑战赛决赛选手上台展示自己的视频。

    After the high-pressure Countdown round at this year 's national Math Counts competition , in which the top 12 students went head to head solving complex problems in rapid fire , the finalists for the Math Video Challenge took the stage to show their videos .

  16. 他们彼此唇枪舌剑地交锋

    They cross verbal swords with each other .

  17. 为了推广《骇客交锋》,他甚至第一次参加了ComicCon动漫大会。

    With " Blackhat , " he even attended Comic Con for the first time .

  18. 面对面地交锋中,他能迫使摩城音乐,CBS和索尼使出强硬手段,一掷百万;

    He could force hard deals and millions of dollars out of Motown , CBS and Sony in face-to-face confrontations ;

  19. 那是神奇的两个星期,一段连连得胜的辉煌时期。他在与拉斯维加斯湖人队(当时还是洛杉矶湖人队(LosAngelesLakers))的交锋中迎来大爆发,传奇般地砍下38分。

    There was a magical fortnight , an incandescent win streak , and an epic 38-point outburst versus the Las Vegas Lakers , then of Los Angeles .

  20. “今晚,两支优秀的球队进行了一场非常激烈的比赛。不过遗憾的是,比赛由于双方的激烈交锋而结束。”在一次声明中,乔治敦大学的教练,JohnThompson三世表示。

    " Tonight , two great teams played a very competitive game that unfortunately ended after heated exchanges with both teams ," Georgetown coach John Thompson III said in a statement .

  21. 苏格拉底与Thrasymachus,之间的交锋,是本书,最著名的片段之一。

    Between Socrates and Thrasymachus that is one of the most famous moments of the book .

  22. 今年秋季,随着谷歌携其安卓电视(AndroidTV)挺进这一领域,游戏开发者们将能够创造跨平台的游戏体验,从而与传统游戏机厂商开始更直接地交锋。

    With Google 's GOOG - 1.04 % entry into this space this fall with Android TV , game developers will be able to create cross-platform experiences that will begin to compete more directly with the traditional console manufacturers .

  23. 被评为之间的交锋勒布朗和DJ草莓,远期为团长的马里兰州和儿子,前大联盟棒往前推草莓。

    Billed as a matchup between LeBron and DJ Strawberry , a forward headed for Maryland and the son of former big-league slugger Darryl Strawberry .

  24. 里昂证券(clsa)常驻台北的分析师郑兆刚(ckcheng)表示,法庭内的激烈交锋正给企业和投资者带来“大量不确定性”。

    The ferocity of the courtroom fights is creating " a lot of uncertainty " for companies and investors , said CK Cheng , an analyst with CLSA in Taipei .

  25. 事情并不总是沿着人们的预想的方向发展的,激动和小范在OSL半决赛上的交锋亦是如此。

    Things don 't always work out how you expect them to and the Fantasy-Jaedong OSL Semifinal was one of those occasions .

  26. 然而,AlphaGo在与李世石的5局交锋中,有4局获胜。

    Yet AlphaGo beat Mr Lee in four of the five games .

  27. 在这种交锋中,有一点几乎被忽视,即帕尔默这样做的最初动机:他是在回答一些与中国国有企业中信泰富(CiticPacific)的官司有关的问题。

    Nearly overlooked in the back-and-forth has been what set Mr. Palmer off in the first place : He was responding to questions about a court case against him by a Chinese state-owned enterprise , Citic Pacific .

  28. 北京时间今早9时开始,美国总统奥巴马和共和党候选人罗姆尼纽在约州霍夫斯特拉大学举行的第二场总统候选人辩论中再次交锋,今日90分钟的辩论将由CNN首席政治记者坎迪-克罗利主持。

    President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney met in Hempstead , New York Tuesday evening for the second of three presidential debates , moderated by CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley .

  29. 亚洲公司治理协会创始人贾米·艾伦(JamieAllen)表示,在过去的三年里,一些投资者已准备同他们持股公司的管理层交锋,此类投资者的数量出现激增。

    Jamie Allen , founder of the Asian Corporate Governance Association , says the number of investors prepared to engage with the management of companies they own has increased sharply in the past three years .

  30. 本月,当Spotify在一轮融资环节中筹资逾5亿美元时,投资者轻看了该公司在与苹果(Apple)的残酷交锋中被击败的风险。此次融资对这家音乐流媒体公司的估值为85亿美元。

    When Spotify raised more than $ 500m this month in a funding round that valued the music streaming company at $ 8.5bn , investors played down the risk of it being crushed in a bruising battle with Apple .