
  1. 认识及其限度&论个体认识的可能性

    Cognition and its limits : a study of the possibility of individual cognition

  2. 对此,主要从个体认识和人类认识的形成方面进行了阐释。

    So the interpreting is centre on the development of the individual and human cognition .

  3. 对于人们在工作中发生的错误有两种不同的认识观:个体认识观与系统认识观。

    There are two perspectives regarding human errors , that are personal approach and system approach .

  4. 教育实习生的个体认识论信念与教学信念在专业学科上存在着显著性差异。

    There are no significant major differences in Student teachers ' epistemological beliefs and Teaching beliefs . 4 .

  5. 于是,帮助社会、教育机构和老年人个体认识障碍、克服障碍成为一项重要的任务及迫切的研究课题。

    Therefore , helping the elderly acquaint with the barriers and conquer them is an importance task and an urgent researching project .

  6. 在这种社会&历史模式的认识论中,归根到底,生产力发展状况是检验人们的社会性认识以及个体认识是否具真理性的唯一标准。

    In the final analysis , the state of productive force is the soluble criterion of truth to human social cognition and individual cognition .

  7. 与早期的认知发展研究相比,心理理论更有可能揭示个体认识发生和发展的内部机制。

    Compared with early researches , the researches about theory of mind are more possible to reveal inner mechanism of individual cognition genesis and development .

  8. 青年期是人的个体认识发展的一个重要时期,而人的个体认识发展史好似人类认识发展史的一个缩影。

    Adolescence is an important period of an individual 's cognition , and its development process is like the epitome of the history of man 's cognition development .

  9. 感官是个体认识世界以及自身的方式和尺度,是人们开展行为活动的基础。

    The sense organ is the way that the individual cognizes the world , also is the foundation that the people carries out the behavior and activity based on .

  10. 随着心理学对个体认识的新发展,自我建构和调节导向作为心理学领域的重要内容,对冲动性购买行为具有着重要的影响,这也为进一步深入研究冲动性购买提供了新的视角。

    Since the psychology has made new progress on self-construction and regulatory focus , also an important influence on impulsive buying behavior , which provides a new perspective for further study of impulse buying .

  11. 爆破工胜任力可有效预测安全绩效的好坏,不仅帮助个体认识自我,充分发挥与岗位匹配的胜任特征,而且为组织选人、用人提供了理论依据。

    The competence can predict safety performance effectively , which can not only help the individual make self-understanding , and make use of the potential competence match to the post , but also provide a theoretical basis on recruitment and evaluation .

  12. 本文分析了影响个体认识和把握客观事实真相的主客观方面的各种因素及其作用方式:提出了个体如何防止对客观事实的歪曲知觉与错误判断的方法和途径。

    The paper makes an anslysis of all subjective and objective factors and their ways which affect individual perception and understanding objective truths , and it puts forward some methods , whereby to prevent distortion , illusion and wrong judgment of objective facts .

  13. 关于个体认识论研究有个体认识论的发展研究、个体认识的信念系统研究和个体认识的元认知过程研究等三种主要研究取向,这些研究取向既面临着新的问题又各具挑战性的展望。

    This paper synthesized three research paradigms regards personal epistemology : epistemological development paradigm , epistemology as a system of independent beliefs paradigm , metacognitive process paradigm , and all of these paradigms are confronted with new problems and challenging prospect for future research .

  14. 大学生自我认识是个体自我认识的基础。

    College students self - cognition is the foundation of individual self - consciousness .

  15. 机敏实际上就是个体如何认识整个文化传统,并依据这个文化传统对具体对象进行审美把握的问题。

    In fact , tact is how the individual cognizes the cultural tradition , on which to judge the concrete objects .

  16. 当它从古代习俗走向现代国家意识形态时,它自身不仅成为了公共利益的抽象符号,而且还成为了个体自我认识的知识形式。

    From ancient traditional ethos to modern state-ideology , it has become the symbol of public interest and the knowledge form of self-recog-nization in society .

  17. 自我评定动机源于个体正确认识自我的需要,表现为个体对于准确的自我知识和诊断性反馈的偏爱和倾向;

    Self-assessment motive , drived by the need of right self-understanding , refers to people 's preference for accurate self-knowledge and feedback with high diagnosticity .

  18. 其虽然具有一定的合理性,但是由于个体主观认识的差异和理论上的缺陷,极易产生量刑失衡的结果。

    Although its has some reasonable , However , due to the subjective understanding of individual differences and theoretical shortcomings , apt to sentencing imbalance results .

  19. 摘要生态价值观是一个多方面的价值体系,该体系不仅随个体的认识而变化,也随时代变迁而不断演进。

    Environmental value concept is a value system of being multifaceted , this system not only changes with individual recognition , but also evolves as the transformation of times .

  20. 曼陀罗指个体自我认识的需要或者自身所心理状态的体现,在希腊期间以及最后回到伦敦之后,尼古拉斯几次经历曼陀罗。

    The mandala can mean a need for self-knowledge or the current psychic state of a particular person . Nicholas experiences mandala several times in Greece and back in London in the end .

  21. 自尊作为人格的核心和基础,不仅对个体的认识、动机、情感、品德和社会行为,而且对人类的心理健康水平有着重要的影响。

    Self-esteem , as the core and foundation of personality , plays an influential role not only in cognition , motivation , emotion , morality and social action , but also in psychological health of mankind .

  22. 由于受到个体的认识论及相关因素的影响,在借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,设计了调查问卷对高中文言文有效教学进行了考察。

    Due to the individual awareness and related factors , on the basis of design and research achievements at home and abroad , designing the questionnaires that study the high school writings in classical Chinese teaching .

  23. 由于在自愿接种机制下每个个体能认识到自己被感染的风险正比与自身的度,所以度大的节点更愿意采取接种。

    Under voluntary vaccination mechanism , each individual knows that the risk of being infected is proportional to its degree , so the nodes with large degrees ( hub nodes ) are more willing to take vaccination .

  24. 自我概念是指个体用以认识、理解、思考和决断的能力系统。

    Self-concept is the ability system which an individual can use to know , understand , thinking and determine .

  25. 现代理性建立在主客对立的框架中,强调个体的理性认识能力,主张个体的自主、自由与自我立法;

    Modern Ration is established within the framework of object and subject with an emphasis on individual 's rational ability to learn .

  26. 人类个体和群体认识世界和传递知识经历一个由口述进入读写的过程。

    The way of humans , whether individual or societal , to perceive the world and pass on knowledge has undergone a process from orality to literacy .

  27. 元认知是个体对自己认识的心理过程和后来监督,调整,指导自己达到一个预期的目的能力。

    Metacognition is the awareness individuals have of their own mental processes and the subsequent ability to monitor , regulate , and direct themselves to a desired end .

  28. 原因在于人皆为个体,在认识、学习、领悟等方面的层次各有差别,因此意见分歧便永远存在。

    That 's because we are all individuals . There will always be differences of opinions as each one of us are at different stages of discovering , learning and understanding .

  29. 当然,造成这种现状的原因是多种多样的。笔者认为,人们对研究性学习的教育价值,尤其是中学研究性学习的个体价值的认识不足是其中一个重要的原因。

    The author thinks that there are many causes , one of which is that people don 't have an ample understanding about its educational value , especially the individual value of learning of research .

  30. 强调自我管理是一个复杂的过程,这个过程的完成需要组织的授权、管理个体的自我认识、自我完善和自我实现。

    It is emphasized that self-management is a complex process , the fulfillment of which involves being authorized by a certain institution as well as the self-awareness , self-perfection and self-realization of the individuals concerned .