
shì yì tú
  • sketch map;diagrammatic sketch;map of the exhibition;abridged general view
示意图[shì yì tú]
  1. 对掺F薄膜进行了Uv-Vis测试和变温的Ⅰ-Ⅴ测试,发现薄膜中存在着本征吸收和激子吸收两种吸收机制,并得到了该低k材料MOS结构样品的能带结构示意图。

    Uv-Vis test and temperature-change I-V test on F doped silica film , shows that there are intrinsic adsorption and exciton adsorption existed in the film . The energy band structure diagrammatic sketch of the low k material in MOS structure was obtained .

  2. 他指着示意图给来宾讲解远景规划。

    Pointing at a sketch map , he explained the long-term plan to the visitors .

  3. 流程见示意图3。

    The process is shown schematically in figure 3 .

  4. 这个示意图是按比例画的吗?

    Is this diagram to scale ?

  5. 建筑师看着示意图,想象着竣工后的房子。

    The architect looked at the plans and envisaged the finished house .

  6. 工程师绘制了一幅这座桥的示意图。

    The engineer drew a diagram of the bridge .

  7. 根据其对XML文档结构的感知对XML压缩器进行分类的示意图

    Diagram of classification of XML compressors according to their awareness of the structure of XML documents

  8. 在RationalRequirementsComposer中,一个用户界面示意图部分就是一套可重新利用的用户界面元素。

    In Rational Requirements Composer , a user interface sketch part is a reusable set of user interface elements .

  9. 在确定数据库结构的基础上,论文实现了对铁路线路GIS图和示意图的描述及生成。

    Base on determined database structure , system achieved to the description and generation of railway track GIS map and the layout .

  10. 根据计算数据以及GIS示意图,从三个角度分析了沈阳市区害虫的分布区系。

    Pests distribution pattern of town centre in Shenyang were analyzed from three points according to the calculated data and a diagram of GIS .

  11. 文中还给出Ca3(PO4)2单元系统相图的示意图。

    The schematic phase diagram of Ca_3 ( PO_4 ) _2 single system is also given in the paper .

  12. UI示意图主要利用低精确度故事板作为一种帮助澄清和支持需求的方法。

    Low-fidelity storyboards are typically used for UI sketching as a way to help clarify and support requirements .

  13. 例子B是意大利一个电站利用低温地热流体的流程示意图。我想了解下学期有关意大利语课程的一些信息。

    The schematic flow of low temperature geothermal fluids through a power station in Italy is presented in example B. I 'd like some information about Italian courses next term .

  14. 文中给出了前端系统结构示意图和基于关键帧DC图象的快速浏览实例。

    The system diagram and a real example of rapid browsing prototype based on DC image of key-frame are offered in the last of the paper .

  15. 同时,为方便用户使用和实际工程需要,该软件还提供了与AutoCAD的交互功能,允许软件读取CAD地形图中的数据以及在CAD图中显示索道示意图。

    Meanwhile , it can interact with AutoCAD , which allows reading data from CAD terrain map and displaying sketch map on CAD picture .

  16. 从OnLeaks公布的泄露示意图来看,下一代iPhone将会具备无线充电技术。

    The phone 's schematics , leaked via @ OnLeaks show that the next iPhone could feature wireless charging .

  17. 正如我们在之前的示意图中看到的,需要为对象分配heap上的连续空间。

    As we saw in the pictorial example , an object needs contiguous space to be allocated on the heap .

  18. 文中给出了机械改进示意图,PLC的电气硬件图,主程序框图及部分子程序。

    The sketch map of mechanical improvement , the electrical hardware plan of PLC , the frame of main program and partly subprogram are showed in the paper .

  19. 考虑到水力计算与绘图工作的衔接,尝试进行了AUTOCAD二次开发,将水力计算结果图形化,软件自动绘制简单的水力计算示意图。

    Link the hydraulic compute to drawing work , try Auto CAD second development , make hydraulic compute result graphic , make the software draw simple hydraulic calculation sketch map .

  20. 此外,该示意图同样展示了背部的双摄像头是竖直排布的,而LED闪光灯放置在两个摄像头中间的位置。

    Apart from that , the schematics also shows that the two cameras on the back are placed vertically , with an LED flash sitting in middle of the two camera modules .

  21. 在讨论RHS在对流层的循环转化的基础上,归纳总结出一个示意图;

    The cycle and transformation of RHS in the troposphere are summarized .

  22. 今天的PLM或PDM系统通常承认,原理图,示意图和布局都基本上代表了相同的电子组装件。

    Today 's PLM or PDM systems often recognize that the diagram , schematic and layout all essentially represents the same electronics assembly .

  23. 光交叉互连(OXC)结构和基于阵列波导光栅(AWG)的OXC结构的示意图也在文中给出。

    The diagrams of OXC struture and of OXC struture based on AWG are also presented .

  24. 这张诣在描述美国在阿富汗的战略复杂性的ppt示意图的确达到了这个目的。

    A PowerPoint diagram meant to portray the complexity of American strategy in Afghanistan certainly succeeded in that aim .

  25. 附上WFI示意图,包括使用的品脱。

    Attach the WFI schematic including all the pint of use .

  26. 如果找不到当地测绘工作组提供的建筑物CAD图像,那么可以拍摄一张建筑物入口附近贴出的建筑物平面示意图的数码图像。

    If you can 't find a local site operations group that can provide a CAD image of the building , try taking a digital image of the building map diagrams posted near the entrances of your building .

  27. ISE用户界面允许您在示意图视图添加实体或将其作为HDL对象(Verilog或VHDL)添加。

    The ISE user interface allows you to add entities either in a schematic view or as HDL objects ( either Verilog or VHDL ) .

  28. 介绍了一种实用的PLC控制TIG焊接触引弧系统,简述了控制原理,介绍了PLC控制梯形示意图,给出了应注意的影响因素。

    A kind of PLC controlled contact arc ignition system for TIG welding is introduced in this paper , with the description of it 's principle . The PLC control trapezium scheme is studied and key factors presented .

  29. 同时,对AUTOCAD进行二次开发,设计出用于运行农机图符库管理系统以及用于快速、高质量绘制农机简图和示意图的几个新指令。

    In line with the demands of running the GSAM management system and drawing schematic diagrams or schemes for agricultural machinery in quick speed and good quality , a deep development of AUTO CAD was made , and some new commands were created .

  30. 最后还进行机械设计,用AutoCAD画出安装示意图、底座图、水管路图、CIP清洗系统图、混和管图。

    Finally , mechanical design is carried out , and the fixing sketch map , drawing of foundation , water pipeline system , CIP cleaning system and intermix pipe is designed by AutoCAD .