
hūn yīn ɡuān xi
  • Marriage;marital relationship;marital nexus;matrimonial tie
  1. 而城乡迁移对于婚姻关系有着巨大的影响。

    The rural-urban migration has a huge impact on marital relationship .

  2. 统治者之间的婚姻关系不是单纯的联姻。

    The marital relationship between the rulers is not a simple marriage .

  3. 他们于1999年解除了婚姻关系。

    Their marriage was dissolved in 1999 .

  4. 她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。

    She married into the aristocracy .

  5. 他们的婚姻关系破裂了。

    Their marriage has broken up .

  6. 眼下他们的婚姻关系非常紧张。

    Their marriage is under great strain at the moment .

  7. 在整个爱情的夏天中,我们知道伴侣不如我们想象的完美,我们必须为婚姻关系努力。

    Throughout the summer of love , we realize our partner is not as perfect as we thought .

  8. 子女对父母的赡养义务,不因父母的婚姻关系变化而终止。

    Children 's duty to maintain their parents shall not terminate with the change in their parents " matrimonial relationship .

  9. 第十七条夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间所得的下列财产,归夫妻共同所有:

    Article 17 The following items of property acquired by husband and wife during the period in which they are under contract of marriage shall be jointly :

  10. 第二十六条夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间所得的共同所有的财产,除有约定的以外,如果分割遗产,应当先将共同所有的财产的一半分出为配偶所有,其余的为被继承人的遗产。

    Article 26 If a decedent 's estate is partitioned , half of the joint as his or her own property ; the remainder shall constitute the decedent 's estate .

  11. 第十九条夫妻可以约定婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产归各自所有、共同所有或部分各自所有、部分共同所有。

    Article 19 So far as the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and the prenuptial property are concerned , husband and wife may agree as to whether they should be in the separate possession , joint possession or partly separate possession and partly joint possession .

  12. 夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产约定归各自所有的,夫或妻一方对外所负的债务,第三人知道该约定的,以夫或妻一方所有的财产清偿。

    If husband and wife agree , as is known to the third party , to separately possess their property acquired during their marriage life , the debt owed by the husband or the wife to any other person , shall be paid off out of the property separately possessed by him or her .

  13. Huston发现婚后最初两年的变化常常能够预言婚姻关系的最后结果。

    Huston found that changes in the first two years of marriage often predicted the outcome of relationships .

  14. Facebook同性用户自去年2月起,即可选择公民伴侣或同性关系来表示其婚姻关系状态,但使用图标更新还实属首次。

    Homosexual Facebook users have been able to select ' In a Civil Union ' or ' In a Domestic Partnership ' as their relationship status since February last year but this is the first they have been able to pick an icon for marriage .

  15. 高期望值和婚姻关系中压力和周期循环的并存似乎是很多婚姻失败的一个重要原因,位于奥斯汀德州大学的人类生态学和心理学教授TedHuston说道。他对168对夫妻进行了为期13年半的跟踪调查。

    The juxtaposition of high expectations with the stress and cycles of relationships appears to be an important reason why many relationships don 't work , said Ted Huston , a professor of human ecology and psychology at the University of Texas at Austin , who tracked 168 couples over 13 and a half years

  16. 南非涉外婚姻关系的法律适用

    The Proper Law to Marriages with Foreign Elements in South Africa

  17. 结果是,正念的夫妇有更令人满意的婚姻关系。

    As a result , mindful couples have more satisfying relationships .

  18. 分享梦想与雄心有助于营造成功的婚姻关系。

    Shared dreams and ambitions can help make a successful relationship .

  19. 离婚是解除婚姻关系的法律手段。

    Abstract Divorce is the legal means to renounce a marriage .

  20. 我同黛比-罗的婚姻关系已经解除。

    My marriage to DEBORAH JEAN ROWE JACKSON has been dissolved .

  21. 虽然他们尚未结婚,但事实上他们已经有了婚姻关系。

    They have a de facto relationship although they aren 't married .

  22. 论我国婚姻关系中道德与法律的平衡调节机制

    The Balanced Adjustment System of Morality and Law in Chinese Marriage Relationships

  23. 婚姻关系中忠实义务的法理分析

    Analysis on the Responsibility of Loyalty in the Marriage with Legal Principles

  24. 婚姻关系解除后,他挺沮丧。

    He became very depressed after their marriage was dissolved .

  25. 亲戚因血缘关系或婚姻关系而成的亲戚;

    A relative by blood or marriage ; a kinsman or kinswoman .

  26. 还是说对婚姻关系不满的人更可能坦诚相对?

    Or are dissatisfied people more likely to be open ?

  27. 婚姻关系中的情绪表达和情绪表达冲突

    Emotional Expression and Ambivalence over Emotional Expression in Martial Relationship

  28. 他们的婚姻关系解除后她再没有见到过他。

    She never saw him again , after their marriage was dissolved .

  29. 论婚姻关系中配偶权的保护

    The protection of the right of spouse in marriage relationship

  30. 叙事治疗理论及其在婚姻关系调适中的运用

    Narrative-therapy and its Application to Social Work in Marriage Adjustment