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  • 网络wedding custom;Marriage customs
  1. 近代以来,由于受到日本和西方文化的影响,韩国传统婚俗又不可避免地融入了新的因素。

    Recently , the wedding custom absorbed new elements with the influence from western and Japanese culture .

  2. 作为单一民族的国家,韩国的婚俗原本很简单,影响婚俗变化的最大因素是中国儒学的传入并成为国家统治思想。

    As a nation with homogeneous culture , the wedding custom in South Korea is born simple with the key influence from Chinese Confucianism that becomes the dominant political idea .

  3. 土族女性非农就业与女性角色转换&以青海互助XZ村为例骂媒:土家族女性婚俗谐谑话语原点

    Women s Non-agriculture Employment and Their Character Transformation of tu Nationality ; Scolded-matchmaker : the Origin of Female Bantering Discourse in Tujia Traditional Marital Culture

  4. 传承与发展&海南黎族婚俗的调查

    A Survey of Marriage Customs of Li People in Hainan Province

  5. 婚俗的阐释性分析&一个回族村的法人类学观察

    An Explanatory Analysis on the Marriage Custom of the Hui Nationality

  6. 试论韩国婚俗的儒家文化特征

    A Study on Character of Confucian Culture in Korean Wedding Customs

  7. 文化人类学视阈中的土家族婚俗仪礼音乐

    The Research of Tujia 's Traditional Wedding Music in Cultural Anthropology

  8. 武当山古婚俗研究

    A Study of Ancient Marital Customs in the Wudang Mountain Area

  9. 从传统婚俗到西洋婚礼;

    B , From traditional marriage to the western wedding ;

  10. 经济发展对婚俗的影响也是巨大的。

    The economic growth also influences the marriage customs deeply .

  11. 青海婚俗中的媒妁文化浅析

    On the matchmaker 's culture of marital customs in Qinghai

  12. 伊朗和美国的婚俗:一项对比研究

    Marriage in Iran and America : A Study in Contrasts

  13. 宣传婚姻法律,倡导文明婚俗;

    Propagate marriage laws , and advocate civilized marriage customs ;

  14. 试析云南少数民族婚俗聘礼的文化内涵

    The Cultural Dimension of Betrothal Gifts among the Minority Peoples of Yunnan

  15. 英国的婚俗与迷信:过去和现在

    British Wedding Customs and Superstitions : Past and Present

  16. 《诗经》中反映的先秦时代的婚制婚俗

    Marriage System and Customs in Pre-Qin Times Reflected in The Book of Songs

  17. 《诗经》中归字所涉及的远古婚俗

    On Gui in Book of Poetry : a Word Involving Conventions of Marriage

  18. 独特的楚人婚俗文化

    The Unique Marriage custom Culture of the Chu People

  19. 楚婚俗不拘礼法,不重媒妁,择偶缔婚形式多样而且具有自由开放的情韵。

    The Chu marriage custom was free and open .

  20. 试论元曲中羊酒的婚俗文化功能

    On sheep and wine in Yuan Qu : marriage custom and cultural function

  21. 婚俗是一种文化现象,它本身蕴涵了丰富的民族文化心理。

    Wedding custom is a cultural phenomenon , indicating rich ethnical cultural psychology .

  22. 此一时期,民间婚俗构成了对朝廷婚礼制度的巨大挑战。

    Civil wedding customs constituted a great challenge to the traditional wedding system .

  23. 论湘西苗族婚俗文化资源的旅游开发

    On the Tourist Development of Marriage Customs of the Miao People in Xiangxi

  24. 从土家族的哭嫁婚俗解读土家女性世界

    On the Female World of the Tujia People through the Weeping Wedding Ritual

  25. 二十世纪二三十年代小说中的婚俗叙事研究

    The Wedding Customs Narrative Research of Twenties and Thirties in Twenty Century Fiction

  26. 这个婚俗已经不兴了。

    This marriage custom has fallen out of practice .

  27. 但由于民族文化的不同,使得婚俗习惯又各具特色。

    However , due to different cultures , making the wedding customs and unique .

  28. 维吾尔族婚俗历史演变研究

    Study of Historic Evolution in Uygur Marriage Rituals

  29. 反映青年男女恋爱婚俗是民俗舞蹈的另一主旋律。

    The love and marriage of the young are another theme of folk dances .

  30. 首先,门具有主出入的特性,在婚俗仪式空间上起到了引导作用。

    First of all , the door played a leading role in wedding ceremony .