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huāng wú
  • desolation;aridity;lie waste;go out of cultivation;overgrown with underbrush
荒芜 [huāng wú]
  • [lie waste;go out of cultivation] 因无人管理田地杂草丛生;无人耕种

  • 由于缺乏劳力,大片土地荒芜着

荒芜[huāng wú]
  1. 连年战乱,百姓流离,田园荒芜。

    Long years of war caused people to leave their homes and the land to lie waste .

  2. 湘中衡阳盆地紫色土丘陵岗地分布广泛,这里普遍植被稀疏,水土流失严重,部分地区甚至基岩裸露,土地荒芜,呈现红色荒漠化现象。

    The purple soil hills distribute abroad in Hengyang basin of middle Hunan , where vegetation cover with sparsely at large , so the erosion is severe , even in partial areas the rocks emerge and the lands lie waste to occur the sight of Red Desertification .

  3. 一片片土地荒芜,人口减少。

    Whole stretches of land were laid waste and depopulated .

  4. 他决定为在澳大利亚西部人为导致荒芜的土地上重新造林做点事情。

    He decided to do something about reforesting man-made wastes of western Australia .

  5. 科西嘉岛腹地地势高企,环境荒芜。

    The interior of Corsica is high and untamed .

  6. 粪便含氮,而正是氮可以肥化荒芜的土地。

    The faeces contain nitrogen and it is that which fertilises the desert soil .

  7. 那些田地由于久旱而荒芜。

    The fields were wasted by a long drought .

  8. 长期干旱使那片土地荒芜了。

    Long dry periods wasted the land .

  9. 这里没有荒芜的土地。

    There is no waste land here .

  10. 这块土地变得荒芜了。

    The land became waste .

  11. 如今的摩卡,狂沙肆虐,港口淤缩,一派荒芜

    Today blowing sand dusts the town and silts its harbor .

  12. Arren认得这个地方,那个令人绝望的梦中的荒芜之地。

    Arren knew the place , the moors and barrens of his hopeless dreams ;

  13. 通过测定论述了成都平原区荒芜草坪2个群落及20个(直径30cm)随机分布不同样圈中优势种之间及优势种与伴生种、偶见种之间的数量特征。

    Through the analysis of the quantity characteristic between the advantages species and between the companion living species and the seldom-seen species in the 2 communities and 20 different circles at random in the Chengdu plain deserted lawn .

  14. 老园丁死后,花园就慢慢荒芜了。

    After the old gardener died , the garden grew wild .

  15. 他张开荒芜的嘴巴,展现其损害。

    He opens his deforested mouth and shows me the damage .

  16. 但眼前仍是一片被摧毁和荒芜的景象。

    And still the scene is one of devastation and sterility .

  17. 而另外一个人的土地上依旧一片荒芜。

    But the other man 's parcel of land remained barren .

  18. 生活因谵妄而兴盛,因倦怠而荒芜。

    Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui .

  19. 我国东北地区某些荒芜土地的景观生态建设

    The landscape ecological reconstruction in some degraded land in Northeast China

  20. 这个花园荒芜了,满是杂草与丛生的灌木。

    The garden was a wilderness of weeds and overgrown bushes .

  21. 几乎没有动物能在北极洲冰封的荒芜地区生存

    Few animal can exist In the freeze waste of the arctic

  22. 荒芜的理想&试析海子诗意人生的空幻感

    Barren Ideal & On Hai Zi 's Nothingness of Poetic Life

  23. 静得吓人,诡谲迷人的气息,一片荒芜,完全受到污染。

    eerily silent , strangely charming , bucolic , totally contaminated .

  24. 我们已经灌溉了荒芜地区使它肥沃。

    We have irrigated the desert area to make it fertile .

  25. 没有诚信,生命将一片荒芜,了无生机。

    Without faith , life will be a blank , no beauty .

  26. 世间这样荒芜,寂静深不可测量。

    This world is so wasted , the silence is beyond measure .

  27. 安琪拉:他在荒芜的小岛上待了多久?

    Angela : how long did he stay on the desert island ?

  28. 我外出期间,蔬菜园里野草丛生。因杂草丛生而荒芜的花园。

    The vegetable garden has run wild while I 've been away .

  29. 而就他自己而言,他喜欢像一位隐士那样住在荒芜的沙漠。

    Personally , he likes living as a hermit in the desert .

  30. 过去拥挤的街道现在荒芜了。

    Streets which were usually so thronged now grown desolate .