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huānɡ jiāo yě wài
  • 熟语wilderness;desolate outskirts and wild land
  1. 去荒郊野外可不能穿成那样。

    You can 't go out in the wilderness dressed like that .

  2. 在荒郊野外的断桥边,生长着一株梅树。

    In the wilderness of the bridge , while , the growth with a plum trees .

  3. 在上个世纪80年代早期,我姑妈家住的房子基本上可以说是位于荒郊野外。那是一个曾经使我和弟弟毛骨悚然的地方,但我们还是喜欢去她那儿,因为姑妈家有四个孩子。

    Back in the early 1980s my aunt lived in a house that was literally1 located in the middle of nowhere.It used to really creep my younger brother and me out , but we loved to go there because my aunt had four children .

  4. 意味着死者的灵魂依然游荡在荒郊野外吗?

    Does that mean the spirit 's still wandering in woods ?

  5. 我把他扔在了荒郊野外。

    I , dropped him off in the middle of nowhere .

  6. 在这种荒郊野外有早餐吗?

    You got any breakfast out here in the boonies ?

  7. 有可能,不过也许要到荒郊野外的地方才能找到。

    Maybe , but it 'll probably be out in the wilds .

  8. 谁知道这荒郊野外会发生什么。

    Who knows what goes on in the backwoods here .

  9. 我现在在荒郊野外。

    I am now in the middle of nowhere .

  10. 他独自住在荒郊野外。

    He lives in a lonely place alone .

  11. 这荒郊野外是什麽鸟地方!?

    Where the hell is this place !

  12. 一旦那些荒郊野外带来的孤寂不再对他有好处,他立刻抛弃了那里。

    As soon as he had exhausted the advantages of that solitude , he abandoned it .

  13. 于是女孩变成一块大石头,躺在荒郊野外。

    With that , she was turned into a large stone and was placed in the wilderness .

  14. 在上个世纪80年代早期,我姑妈家住的房子基本上可以说是位于荒郊野外。

    Back in the early1980s my aunt lived in a house that was literally located in the middle of nowhere .

  15. 它把宾克带到荒郊野外,把他一个人丢在那儿,然后任由不知名的邪恶魔法处置。

    It would lead him into the wilderness and lose him there , prey to the hostile magic of the unknown .

  16. 乔治·卢卡斯把他的总部设在荒郊野外,就是为了不想有人乱入。

    I-I don 't think George Lucas put his headquarters in the middle of nowhere because he wanted people dropping in .

  17. 在当地很难招募到工人,只好招聘外藉员工到这荒郊野外工作,这简直是荒唐透顶了。

    It was so difficult to get local workers and it was a mockery for us to recruit foreign workers to this jungle .

  18. 在荒郊野外独行,不怕猛虎可能的攻击,这就是猎人的勇气。

    Hunter 's courage is that he is dauntless for the possibility of being attacked by the brute tiger when he travels alone in the wilderness .

  19. 我不停地祷告上帝千万别让我一个人死在这荒郊野外,连向家人诀别的机会都没有。

    I was just praying to God to not let me die in this field alone , without a chance to say goodbye to my family .

  20. 第二天他摆脱掉所有的亲戚、朋友、学生等,跑到一处荒郊野外去过离群索居的日子;

    The next day , leaving all relatives , friends and students , he went to an obsolete and remote place to live an isolated life .

  21. 另外,海滩是在位于小镇的偏远地区,呆在那里我们整个行程就变成了荒郊野外之旅。

    And plus , the beach is in a remote part of town , and staying there would mean being in the boonies for our entire trip .

  22. 她家化为灰烬,但弗里德曼却逃跑了。他在荒郊野外生存,把自己绑在高高的树枝上睡觉。

    Her home was burned to the ground , but Friedman was able to get away.He lived in the wild , tying himself to branches high in trees to sleep .

  23. 可是待在原地,让自己在荒郊野外一个小村中的一个道场里静止不动&这可不是我的计划。

    But to stay put , to immobilize myself in a small Ashram in a tiny little village in the middle of nowhere & no , this was not my plan .

  24. 可是待在原地,让自己在荒郊野外一个小村中的一个道场里静止不动——这可不是我的计划。

    But to stay put , to immobilize myself in a small Ashram in a tiny little village in the middle of nowhere - no , this was not my plan .

  25. 那时候,她一个人住在荒郊野外,一个经常闹鬼的屋子里,但她不怕,因为她心中的希望之火从未熄灭。

    At that time , she lived alone a haunted house in the middle of nowhere , But she was not afraid of that because she always had something to look forward to .