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rì jiǔ shēng qíng
  • Love will come in time;Having been together for a long time, they came to have a tender feeling for each other
日久生情[rì jiǔ shēng qíng]
  1. 这算是属于日久生情吧。例:自从我们在教室里认识以来,我一直很喜欢我的同桌。

    I 've always been very fond of my deskmate since we met in the classroom .

  2. 相比浪漫的一见钟情,还是日久生情更为普遍。当哈利第一次遇见莎莉时,他曾宣称男人和女人不能做朋友,因为“总躲不过性这一关”。

    When Harry1 first met Sally , he asserted men and women could not be friends because the " sex part always gets in the way " .

  3. 我相信日久生情。

    I believe in taking love in a deeper look .

  4. 日久生情:研究发现三分之二的情侣一开始是朋友

    Two-thirds of couples start out as friends , research finds

  5. 小红和小陈每每对窗玩闹,日久生情。

    Xiao Hong and Xiao Chen gradually fell in love .

  6. 真正的爱情,不是一见钟情,而是日久生情。

    True love , not at first sight , but time living feeling .

  7. 我的了解是一段时间后,我爱上了你,似乎就是日久生情的意思。

    There was a period of time that made me fall in love with you .

  8. 走出门去,做你自己,爱情(一见钟情或日久生情)就会找上你。

    Go out , be yourself and love ( first sight or not ) will find you .

  9. 爱情与迷恋之间有哪些差别呢?真正的爱情可能是日久生情而不是骤然间坠入爱河。

    What are some of the differences between love and infatuation ? Genuine love is more likely to involve a process of " growing " in love rather than " falling " in love .