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lòu shì
  • a humble room;a room totally without decoration
陋室 [lòu shì]
  • [humble room] 简陋狭窄的房屋

陋室[lòu shì]
  1. 谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。(刘禹锡《陋室铭》)

    Within ; the laugh of cultured wit ; where no gross soul intrudes .

  2. 这样的陋室是我们用废弃的纸板或货箱搭建而成的,其大小只可供我们爬进去召开秘密会议,我们管这样的陋室叫“bunk”。

    This was our word for a hovel , built by us of salvaged boards or crates and big enough for us to crawl into for secret conclaves .

  3. 神常在陋室中,而不常在富丽的皇宫中。

    God is oftener in little huts than in rich palaces .

  4. 爱情能使陋室变为金殿。

    Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace .

  5. 身居陋室,整日作画,他对此已完全心满意足了。

    He 's perfectly content to live in a simple room and to paint pictures all day .

  6. 这张照片照于1992年,在照照片不久后,这间小陋室边因为一个共用炉子造成的火灾而倒塌。

    The photo was taken in1992 and shortly after the shack burned down in one of the common stove fires .

  7. 罗伯特离开小聪明的陋室被召回智慧的大厦,那召唤者是他自己的敏感,而不是她的谴责。

    Robert was recalled from wit to wisdom , not by any reproof of hers but by his own sensibility .

  8. 结果显示,置身漂亮房间内的受试者与那些陋室里的受试者相比,前者往往对这些肖像有更高的评价。

    Results showed that the subjects in the beautiful room tended to give higher ratings to the faces than did those in the ugly room .

  9. 灯红酒绿,纸醉金迷,眩目的霓虹灯掩盖不了陋室处处。

    The feasting , revelries , luxuries and dazzling neon lamps of that era could not gloss over the sprawling slums and abject poverty of most Shanghai residents .

  10. 市园林处果断决定,拆除杂物房,让这些身居“陋室”的“宝贝”重焕光彩。

    Municipality park resolute decision , tore down dopant house , make these bodies resided the heavy Huan sparkle of " baby " of " humble room " .

  11. 而智者,居陋室而自娱,无得失而自乐,他们珍惜自己所拥有的一切。

    But a wise man , reside humble room but amuse oneself , have no gain and loss but from joy , they cherish oneself to own of everything .

  12. 雪莱简直就是预言了惠特曼,以后再读这些诗句,我一定会情不自禁地想起陋室里的这位老诗人,他的坚韧与达观令他熠熠生辉。

    He had been prophesying of Walt Whitman , nor shall I ever read those lines again without thinking of the old rhapsodist in his empty room , glorified by patience and philosophy .

  13. 扎克伯格夫妇对不平等的担忧与卡内基类似,后者看到的是美国工业化时代“百万富翁的豪宅与工人陋室之间的反差”。

    The Chan-Zuckerbergs " worries about inequality mirror those of Carnegie , who observed " the contrast between the palace of the millionaire and the cottage of the labourer " in the age of US industrialisation .