
lòu xí
  • corrupt customs;bad habit
陋习 [lòu xí]
  • [bad habit;corrupt customs] 不好的习惯

  • 改变陋习

陋习[lòu xí]
  1. 网民“胡一刀”就表示,这些“传统陋习”早就应该被摒弃掉。

    Net user " Hu Yidao " called them " corrupt customs that should have long been abandoned . "

  2. 各企业力求依商务常规经营,但又摆脱不了官场陋习的侵蚀。

    Every enterprise strived to operate on commercial conventions , but could not resist the erosion of corrupt customs of the officialdom .

  3. 消费者摒弃了20世纪80年代铺张摆阔的陋习。

    Consumers are abandoning the excess and ostentation of the 1980s

  4. 同时,他的同事SueLewis博士,正在研究女性和女孩养成这一陋习如此之早的原因。

    His colleague Dr Sue Lewis has meanwhile specialised on trying to find out why women and girls are getting the habit so young .

  5. 因为GDI+构建于GDI之上,旧有的陋习同样让它获得硬件加速能力变得难以实现。

    Since GDI + was built on top of GDI and had a certain preexisting contract , adding hardware acceleration to it would have been very difficult .

  6. 投资者必须战胜自我,克服个人陋习,抓住市场机会。

    Investors must wrestle with internal demons to time the market right .

  7. 放弃根据年龄和外貌歧视妇女的招聘陋习。

    Abandon hiring practices that discriminate women based on age an outward appearance .

  8. 这个奖项是配偶陋习忍让奖吗?

    Is the award for Exceptional Tolerance in the Face of Spousal Abuse ?

  9. 驾驶人频繁变更车道不属于驾驶陋习。

    It is not a bad habit for a driver to frequently change lanes .

  10. 他们集合经验,力量,和希望来帮助那些上瘾的赌徒克服陋习。

    They pool their experiences , strengths , and hopes to overcome their addictions .

  11. 我们应该废除这种陋习。

    We must abolish such corrupt practices .

  12. 吐痰大多与吸烟有关,二者都被妇女斥为陋习。

    Spitting was mostly associated with smoking , both denounced by women as bad habits .

  13. 那杰夫有什么陋习吗?

    Did Jeff have any nasty habits ?

  14. 她大胆地批评陋习。

    She boldly criticised the out-dated customs .

  15. 你在理财方面最大的陋习是什么?

    What is your worst financial habit ?

  16. 现阶段农村重男轻女陋习透视

    A perspective of present bad customs of regarding men as superior to women in rural areas

  17. 因为他们的陋习是会传染的。

    Because their ambivalence is contagious .

  18. 制止全国性的浪费陋习是我们全体人民的责任。

    It is up to us , the people , to stop the national wasteful habits .

  19. 如果说西方人能够与这种陋习决裂,难道中国人就不能?

    But if Westerners were able to break themselves of the habit , why not the Chinese ?

  20. 专家们列举了工作中普遍存在的陋习,以及改正它们的方法:

    Experts offer this list of common bad habits at work -- and how to break them :

  21. 当时,亚当怪责夏娃,夏娃怪责蛇,自此以后,怪责别人的陋习便循环不息。

    Adam blamed Eve , Eve blamed the serpent , and we 've been blaming ever since .

  22. 对于程序员而言,懒惰是一种优势而非陋习。

    And when it comes to programmers , being lazy can be a virtue , not a vice .

  23. 反置的死亡是没有关闭的门,如同重复发生的陋习。

    Death Inverted is the door that not close , the old habit that returns to repeat a lesson .

  24. 联合国儿童基金会呼吁世界首脑们在2010年消灭这种陋习。

    The United Nations Children 's Fund called on world leaders to end this tradition by two thousand ten .

  25. 有人这样问过我,播出的一条公益广告,能不能改变我们生活中的那些陋习呢?

    Someone asked me , a broadcast public service commercials , we can change the life of those bad habits ?

  26. 要想改变这一陋习,我觉得必须加强对民众的教育,必要时处以罚款。

    To change the bad habits that I think need to strengthen public education and impose a fine if necessary .

  27. 当然要根除这些陋习也许需要很长的时间,但起码我们已经开了一个头。

    Of course it may take some time to eradicate such bad habits , but a start has been made anyway .

  28. 以下8条建议能让你永远告别自己的陋习。

    Here are 8 tips that can help you to finally get rid of that bad habit once and for all .

  29. 他们的父母尽最大努力防止他们养成这种陋习,然而大多数都以失败告终。

    Their parents do their best to stop them from starting the habit , however , most of them are unsuccessful .

  30. 由此看来,犹他州的许多人并不像其他州的人那样对一夫多妻制所隐藏的陋习更易加以谴责。

    It follows that many folks in Utah aren 't as quick as outsiders to blame polygamy for the abuses it masks .