
huāng yín
  • dissolute;debauched;licentious
荒淫 [huāng yín]
  • [dissolute;licentious;debauched] 过分贪恋女色,纵情享乐

  • 荒淫无耻

荒淫[huāng yín]
  1. 楚王和重要的大臣都荒淫无能。

    The king and the important court officials were dissolute and incompetent .

  2. 楚王和重要的大臣都荒淫无能,一直沉溺于奢侈享乐之中。

    The king and his important court officials were dissolute and incompetent and indulged themselves in luxury and excessive pleasure .

  3. 这一幕让人想起古罗马荒淫的狂欢宴会。

    It was reminiscent of a scene from a Roman orgy .

  4. 在《安娜愠列尼娜》(AnnaKarenina)中,臃肿、荒淫、操着法语的奥勃朗斯基(Oblonsky)要了一桌包括弗伦斯堡牡蛎、帕尔马干酪和夏布利酒的大餐。

    InAnna Karenina , the corpulent , adulterous , French-speaking Oblonsky orders a meal of Flensburg oysters , Parmesan and Chablis .

  5. 这些人钱财很多,过着荒淫的生活。

    These people rolled in wealth and rioted in debauchery .

  6. 而荒淫、不洁和贪婪的行为,更不应出现在基督徒的日常生活中。

    And sexual immorality , impurity , and greed have no place in a Christian 's exercise routine .

  7. 朋友的爱,给人以帮助。但那荒淫纵欲的爱,却只会使人堕落毁灭啊!

    Nuptial love makes mankind ; friendly love perfects it ; but wanton love corrupt , and embases it .

  8. 诗人通过写这一事件,鞭挞了唐玄宗和杨贵妃骄奢淫逸的生活和他们不顾国家、人民的荒唐、荒淫的做法。

    This poem condemns the extravagant and dissipated life of the Emperor Xuanzong and his concubine disregarding the ordinary people 's life .

  9. 西克尔斯的荒淫最终导致他的妻子特丽莎投向了一个名叫菲利普·巴顿·凯的年轻鳏夫的怀抱,他是一名华盛顿地区的检察官。

    Sickles 's antics ultimately led his wife , Teresa , into the arms of a handsome young widower , Philip Barton Key .

  10. 也许对于伊耿来说,他的荒淫史跟明朝正德皇帝朱厚照比起来算是小巫见大巫了。

    Even Aegon the Unworthy might have told the Ming Dynasty Emperor Zhengde to tone things down when it came to his sexual pursuits .

  11. 就是在尘世间,过一辈子清白、规矩日子,也比荒淫、放荡要快乐得多。

    There is more pleasure , even in this world , in an innocent and virtuous life , than in one debauched and vicious .

  12. 巴西人民多信仰宗教,大多数教堂对于狂欢节期间的荒淫行为和婚姻假期表示难以苟同,天主教会数百年以来一直在进行这项战斗。

    Many of the churches frown on carnival as a time of loose behaviour and marriage-breaking , a fight that the Catholic church has waged for centuries .

  13. 我们惯常指责为社会灾害的东西,很大程度上都只不过肇始于人们自己生活的荒淫;

    What we are accustomed to decry as great social evils , will , for the most part , be found to be but the outgrowth of man 's own perverted life ;

  14. 政治腐败、帝王荒淫是其转变之外因,对文学与美的关系的不懈探求是内因。

    That that is so lies in the political corruption and the monarch 's incontinent life as the external cause and in his untiring exploration of the relationship between literature and beauty .

  15. 东吴时期,孙权提倡节俭,孙皓贪婪荒淫,这是东吴由盛而衰的原因之一。

    In the period of Dong Wu Sun Quan encouraged frugality while Sun Hao was greedy and licentious , which is one of the reasons why Dong Wu gradually declined from prosperity .

  16. 在荒淫的社会中,他仍保留着纯洁与天真,而正是这份纯真使他与肮脏的富有阶级格格不入。神秘主义文化视域中的中西诗学本质合一论

    His innocence and idealism hinders him from fitting in with the degenerated society . An Inquiry into the Idealism of " Unity " Internal to Chinese and Western Poetics Against the Background of Mysticism

  17. 比亚兹莱以其精妙的装饰性技巧再现了当时资产阶级社会的黑暗、堕落以及维多利亚时期的伪道德,同时宣泄了世纪末的情绪:颓废、焦虑、荒淫、罪恶和神秘。

    Beardsley exquisite decorative techniques demonstrated at the time of the bourgeois society darkness , depravity and pseudo-Victorian morality . At the same time give vent to their emotions with the end of the century : decadence , anxiety , dissolute , evil and mysterious .

  18. 据载,“惠帝后贾氏,名南风……其人丑且短黑,荒淫放恣,惠帝畏之”。因此,贾后继吕后等人之后,成了历史上另一有名的“祸水”女人。

    Jia thus was the another femme fatale in Chinese history after Empress Lu in the Han Dynasty . According to the records , " Jia Nanfeng was a short , dark-skinned and ugly woman with hot temper and her husband was afraid of her . "