
  • 网络Araya;badland;Aratani;APRAYA
  1. 以致他们住在荒谷之间,在地洞和岩穴中。

    To dwell in the clifts of the valleys , [ in ] caves of the earth , and [ in ] the rocks .

  2. 理智稳坐着,握紧缰绳,她决不会听任感情脱缰而跑,任其堕入荒谷。

    Reason sits firm and holds the reins , and she will not let the feelings burse away and hurry her to wild chasms .

  3. 它们都必飞来,落在荒谷中、岩石的穴里、一切荆棘丛中和所有的草场上。

    And they shall come , and shall rest all of them in the desolate valleys , and in the holes of the rocks , and upon all thorns , and upon all bushes .