
  • 网络navigation technology;seamanship
  1. 探讨新的航海技术对船舶避碰自动化的影响

    The Effect of New Navigation Technology on Ship Collision Avoidance Automation

  2. 随着航海技术的快速发展,船舶朝着大型化、高速化方向不断演变。

    As rapid development of navigation technology , vessels develop towards large-scale and high speed .

  3. AIS与现代航海技术的关系及对未来航海的影响

    AIS key technique and influence to marine in the future

  4. 利用大连海事大学航海技术研究所提供的船舶操纵模拟器开发平台,采用Visualc++编程语言实现环境压力模型,在模拟器上实现环境压力的实时动态显示功能。

    Realize the Environmental Stress Model in the ship handling simulator to dynamically and timely display the Environmental Stress Value when simulation starts with the language of Microsoft Visual C + + ;

  5. 现代航海技术如GMDSS、ECDIS、VTS、AIS等的运用给航管人员带来极大方便,同时也对望产生影响。

    The modern marine technique brought mankind tremendous convenience , such as GMDSS , ECDIS , VTS , AIS system waits an usage , also would to lookout creation influence .

  6. 该模拟器的研究与开发,不仅减少了设备投入,节约经费开支,提高培训的效果,而且适应了航海技术对AIS的发展需求,使教学具有超前性和先进性。

    This study and development of the simulator not only reduce the investment in equipment and enhance training quality , but also meet the needs of navigational technology for development of AIS so as to make teaching more advanced .

  7. 本文系统地论述了大连海事大学航海技术研究所研制的大型船舶操纵模拟器控制台接口电路系统的结构、设计与实现,以及控制台实现USB通信的部分工作。

    This article has systematically discussed structure and design of bridge console of large scale shiphandling simulator developed by the Nautical Science and Technology Institute of DaLian Maritime University , especially about its interface circuit , and part work of realization of USB communication in bridge console .

  8. 他们广泛的渔业贸易是航海技术的一个良好的养成所。

    Their extensive fishing trade was an excellent nursery for seamanship .

  9. 现代航海技术对了望的影响及对策

    The influence of the modern marine technique and the countermeasures for lookout

  10. 航海技术专业实践教学体系的构建与实践

    Construction and Performance of the Practice Teaching System for Navigation Technique Specialization

  11. 论现代航海技术与高等航海教育

    Discussion on Modern Marine Technology and Higher Navigational Education

  12. 关于航海技术史研究的若干问题

    A Few Problems of Study of Nautical Science History

  13. 你无需懂得航海技术或有类似经验。

    You don 't need sailing skills or experience .

  14. 元代回回人继承了唐宋时代阿拉伯、波斯人的航海技术。

    The Huihui inherited the voyage technique of Arab and Persian in Yuan Dynasty .

  15. 15世纪中、欧造船与航海技术之比较研究

    A comparative study of Chinese and European shipbuilding and navigating technologies in the 15th century

  16. 借助于发达的计算机及图像处理技术,航海技术已经进行信息化时代。

    With advanced computer and image processing technology , marine technology has the information age .

  17. 新世纪航海技术的展望

    Navigational Technology in the New Century

  18. 因此船舶避碰决策是21世纪航海技术的重要研究课题。

    Consequently , the research on decision-making of ship collision avoidance is a key in 21 century .

  19. 虽然航海技术的细节会使读者如堕云雾,但是船上生活的其它方面却写得头头是道。

    Though the details of seamanship might confuse the reader , shipboard life was in other respects sharply defined .

  20. 在奥斯陆,我们从维京海盗船和著名的康奇基号越洋船上见识到它的航海技术。

    In Oslo , we see testaments to maritime prowess in Viking Ships and the celebrated Kon Tiki raft .

  21. 哥伦布的业绩一旦被接受,就使人类能利用现有的航海技术从事更伟大的事业。

    Columbus'accomplishment , once accepted , enabled mankind to use the existing skills of seacraft for vastly greater undertakings .

  22. 我们刚刚踏上航程的第一步,还有一个全新的航海技术要学呢。

    We are only at the beginning of the voyage , and have to learn an entirely new system of seamanship .

  23. 唐宋时代,阿拉伯、波斯人掌握有先进的航海技术,拥有精确的海程记载。

    Arab and Persian held the advanced voyage technique , provided with accurate voyage recordation in the period of Tang and Song .

  24. 随着航海技术的发展和船舶运输活动日益频繁,对船舶的安全航行也提出了更高的要求。

    With the development of navigation technology , people put higher request forward the marine safety sail because of the increasingly busy shipping transportation .

  25. 比较分析了海运物流业的风险程度,指出航海技术专业是隐性的安全工程专业。

    The risk degree in marine logistics industry is comparatively analyzed and navigation technology specialty is pointed out to be potential safety engineering specialty .

  26. 随着航海技术的发展,人类历史上发生了众多海难事故,这使得人们日益重视海上交通和人命安全。

    Since Navigation there are so many shipwrecks that make people pay more attention to the safety of transport and life on the sea .

  27. 荷兰东印度公司凭借着先进的航海技术以及灵活的贸易方式,在早期远东贸易中成功地立足于亚洲市场。

    With its advanced navigation technology and flexible trade made , the Dutch East India Company has successfully established its role in Asian market .

  28. “奋力”号不是一艘战舰,而是一艘旧商船,就像库克过去学航海技术时乘过的那艘船一样。

    The Endeavor was not a warship but an old merchant ship , just like the one on which Cook had learnt his seamanship .

  29. 我们海军的逐渐增强,其旗帜在遥远的异地展示我们航海技术和武力声名:

    The gradual increase of our Navy , whose flag has displayed in distant climes our skill in navigation and our fame in arms ;

  30. 詹姆斯·库克于1728年出生于英国的约克郡马顿村。从小就开始学习航海技术。

    James Cook was born in 1728 at Marton Village , Yorkshire , England . As a boy , he began to learn how to sail .