
zhí jìng
  • diameter;diam
直径 [zhí jìng]
  • [diameter] 通过一平面图形或立体(如圆、圆锥截面、球、立方体)中心的基准线直线

直径[zhí jìng]
  1. 这个穹顶直径为42.3米。

    The dome is 42.3 metres in diameter .

  2. 这个洞眼的直径只有0.23英寸。

    This hole was a scant . 23 inches in diameter

  3. 我们需要多大直径的金属丝?

    What gauge of wire do we need ?

  4. 观察员最近在宇宙中发现了直径约5亿光年的巨型空洞。

    Observers have recently found in the Universe giant voids about 500,000,000 light-years across .

  5. 一米布足以包裹住直径为18英寸的帽盒。

    One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in-diameter hatbox

  6. 这个手绘盘子直径为30厘米。

    This hand-decorated plate measures 30cm across

  7. 如果它当时击中地球,就会砸出一个直径100英里的大坑并激起巨大的尘埃云团。

    If it had hit the Earth , it would have made a crater 100 miles across and thrown up an immense cloud of dust .

  8. 圆周内两直径必相交。

    Any two diameters of a circle intersect each other .

  9. 圆的直径必相交于圆心。

    The diameter of a circle must go through the center .

  10. 圆的对称中心线就是直径。

    The axis of a circle is its diameter .

  11. 大地经纬仪的度盘直径一般为140毫米。

    Geodetic theodolites generally have circles of about140mm diameter .

  12. 这个圆直径六英寸。

    The circle has a diameter of6 inches .

  13. 不到两年,它就高耸至1400英尺,直径超过半英里。

    Within two years it had topped out at almost fourteen hundred feet and was more than half a mile across .

  14. 这项新的研究发现,在超过46000平方英里的加利福尼亚森林中,直径超过2英尺的树木数量减少了50%。

    The number of trees larger than two feet across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46 , 000 square miles of California forests , the new study finds .

  15. 因此,来自英国南安普顿国家海洋学中心的卡茨亚·帕波尔茨亚娃博士(DrKatsiaPabortsava)带领了一支考察队去寻找漂浮在大西洋上所有分解得不见踪影的微塑料碎片,这些碎片的大小小于人类头发的直径。

    So , Dr Katsia Pabortsava , from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton , led an expedition to find all that missing microplastic – particles , smaller than the diameter of a human hair – floating in the Atlantic .

  16. 他们采用了不同浓度的微尘(直径大于等于10微米的颗粒物,简称PM10)和柴油颗粒提取物(从车辆使用率高的地区天然提取)来模拟污染空气。

    They used various concentrations of PM10-like fine dust and diesel5 particulate extract ( found naturally in areas with high use of vehicles ) .

  17. 系外行星特征卫星将通过测量行星的直径来做到这一点。

    Cheops will do this by measuring the width of the planets .

  18. 直径从圆心穿过。

    A diameter passes through the center of a circle .

  19. 美国国家科学基金会称,位于波多黎各的直径达305米的阿雷西博射电望远镜设备平台一夜之间坍塌。

    The instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory overnight , according to the National Science Foundation .

  20. 天和核心舱长度16.6米,最大直径4.2米,发射质量22.5吨,是中国研发的最大的飞行器。

    The core module , Tianhe , has a total length of 16.6 meters , a maximum diameter of 4.2 meters and a takeoff mass of 22.5 tonnes , and is the largest spacecraft developed by China .

  21. 目的:CT测量国人肺动脉直径。

    Purpose : To measure the normal pulmonary artery size .

  22. d为弹丸直径,mm;

    D is the projectile diameter , mm ;

  23. 制备的ZnO纳米棒垂直于金属锌片基底生长且有良好的c轴取向性,纳米棒顶端直径在100nm-150nm之间。

    It is also found that ZnO nanorods with 100 nm-150 nm in diameter grow highly epitaxial along the c-axis orientation .

  24. 通过控制催化剂的大小和分布状况实现了ZnO纳米线的直径和生长区域的控制;

    The diameter and growth area of ZnO nanowires strongly depended the size and distribution of catalyst .

  25. 应用螺旋CT增强扫描判定进展期胃癌胃周淋巴结转移时,宜以直径大于9mm作为螺旋CT判定淋巴结转移的直径标准。

    Mm is a fit parameter criterion to judge metastatic lymph nodes by spiral CT .

  26. 反应试剂浓度对体系水核直径的影响随着水含量w值的增大而增大。

    With the increase of water content , the influence of reactant concentration on the diameter of water cores became stronger .

  27. TUNEL法检测颗粒细胞凋亡,以细胞核出现褐色颗粒为阳性结果,计算每张切片凋亡颗粒细胞数、闭锁卵泡数,测量最大闭锁卵泡直径。

    The apoptosis of granulosa cells was checked by TUNEL .

  28. 试验参数包括温度、FRP筋直径、FRP筋种类和恒温时间。

    Test parameters include temperature , FRP bar diameter , FRP bar type and constant temperature time .

  29. 匹配厚度与EPS的填充率和直径大小有关;最佳填充率的选择主要与EPS直径大小有关;

    The match thickness is determined by the filling ratio and the diameter of the EPS bead ;

  30. 所谓大气细颗粒物(PM(2.5))是指空气动力学当量直径≤2.5μm的悬浮颗粒物。

    The meaning of airborne fine particles ( PM_ ( 2.5 )) is particles with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μ m.