
  1. 许地山小说中女性世界的宗教情结

    Religious Complex of the Women World in Xu Di-shan 's Novels

  2. 佛教文化充溢着许地山的多种创作文本。

    Many of Xu Di-shan 's works are full of Buddhistic culture .

  3. 本文深入文本研究许地山作品的悲剧性审美特征。

    This thesis , through penetrating into texts , researches tragic aesthetic characteristic .

  4. 许地山与宗教文化之关系研究述评

    A servey of studies on the relationship of Xu Dis-han and the religious culture

  5. 张开沉重的翅膀&略谈许地山小说创作中女性形象的反抗意识

    Spreading the heavy wings & About womens rebellious spirit in XU Di-shan 's novels literature

  6. 许地山与宗教

    XU Di - shan and the Religion

  7. 浪漫的色彩与写实的骨骼&许地山小说的艺术风格

    Romantic Colour and Framework in Writing Realities & Artistic Writing Style of Novels by XU Di-shan

  8. 许地山移用音乐技巧、手法于文学创作中,使其作品充满了个性化的旋律与内在节拍。

    The use of musical skills in literary creation made Xu 's works melodious and rhythmic .

  9. 许地山的早期作品具有浓郁的宗教色彩。

    Poetry full of religious symbolism Xu Di shan 's early works have a strong colour of religion .

  10. 这篇论文为我们提供了研究许地山作品的一些宝贵意见。

    This paper also provids us with some fresh ideas and valuable opinions regarding the study of Xu 's works .

  11. 许地山的作品大都故事曲折,早期作品具有明显的浪漫主义传奇色彩。

    Most of his works embodied stories full of twists and turns while his early writings carried an obvious romantic color .

  12. 人文价值取向的迁移与整合&从多元文化的视角看许地山创作的人文导向

    Changes of the Humanist Direction & Observing the Humanist Direction of XU Di-shan 's Creation from the Visual Angle of Pluralistic Culture

  13. 儒家思想在许地山的文章中始终是隐藏的一条线,从他的人生经历看反而线索十分明晰。

    The Confucian is always a hidden line in his articles , but in the life experiences term , it is clear .

  14. 许地山的学术成就与印度文化的关系主要体现在佛教和印度文学两个方面。

    Xu Dishan 's academic achievements and their relation with Indian culture are mainly embodied in two aspects ; Buddhism and Indian literature .

  15. 无为自然与反抗荒诞&试论许地山道家思想与加缪的存在主义

    Non-action And Natural VS. Fighting Against Absurdity & A Preliminary Study in the Daoist Thought of XU Di-Shan And the Existentialism of Albert Gamus

  16. 基督教对于许地山创作的影响固然更多停留于表层的题材选择,但道教的影响却是无处不在,甚至可以说他所接受的佛教影响也是以道教为基础的。

    The fact is that he chose stories from Christianism , and the influence of Taoism pervaded in his compositions and was a basis for the reception of Buddhism .

  17. 然而,迄今为止,我们还没有看到从文本叙事话语的角度,对许地山的创作思想及艺术成就进行全面研究的论著出现。

    However , up to now , there is not a complete treatise on his ideas guiding artistic or literary creation and his artistic achievements from the text of narrative discourse .

  18. 许地山是中国现代文学史上一位风格独特的作家,由于他的宗教意识与宗教观念,形成了他不同于任何作家的极富个性的艺术风格。

    Xu is a unique writer in the history of modern Chinese literature . His religious awareness and conception make him a writer of special artistic style , who differs from the rest of his contemporaries .

  19. 郁郁黄花无非般若,青青翠竹尽是法身试论许地山、林清玄散文的佛理禅韵跨文化个案研究垮掉的一代与佛禅

    Yellow Flowers are Prajnas ? Or Green Bamboos Embody Buddhas ? & A Probe into the Buddhist Doctrine in Essays Written by Xu Di-shan and Lin Qin-xuan A Cross-cultural Study : the Beat Generation and Zen Buddhism

  20. 这些接受视野有的已经得到公认,形成既定视野,有的尚待继续深化、具体化。第二章分析在当代文学这个大环境(1949-1978年)中的许地山小说作品接受状况。

    Some of these accept view has been recognized , formed the established view , and some yet to continue to deepen , specific . Chapter ⅱ is the analysis of the reception situation of the contemporary literature ( 1949-1978 ) .

  21. 因此,通过解读许地山的散文集《空山灵雨》,可见许地山的宗教关怀是融合了儒佛道的精神因素,又不拘束于传统精神,而以基督教为精神皈依。

    Therefore , by interpreting his Sacred Rain in the Empty Mountains , the readers can discover that in his work Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism are in harmony , but at the same time , he is beyond the traditional spirit and relies on Christianity .

  22. 文学与宗教的亲缘性如此直露而不是隐性地存在于中国现代文学之初,并且是在新文化运动的先驱者举起反宗教旗帜的背景之下,许地山当是一个特例。

    Literature and religious affinities of such explicit rather than implicit presence is the beginning of modern Chinese literature , and the New Culture Movement in the cultural pioneer raised the banner of the anti-religious background , so at that time he is a special case .

  23. 许地山是以终极关怀的态度与眼光探索人生奥秘带有神秘性的作家,论文着重从苦难意识、孤独意识、命运之谜三个方面来挖掘文本所具有的终极意义。

    Xu di Shan is the writer who has the ultimate caring attitude and vision to explore the mysteries of life . The papers focused on awareness , sense of loneliness , and the fate of the mystery , from which I has to tap the ultimate meaning .

  24. 人生是什么、如何度过人生这些哲学问题,许地山通过笔下优美动人的文学形象为我们作了解答,使无论哪个时代的读者都可以在其中听到生存的智慧,都可以找到心灵的慰藉。

    The life is anything , but how to pass life these philosophy remains a question . How to make the explanation remains in the exquisite moving literary figure . Regardless of readers in what time they can hear the Survival wisdom , and might find the mind consoling .