
Religious Complex of the Women World in Xu Di-shan 's Novels
Many of Xu Di-shan 's works are full of Buddhistic culture .
This thesis , through penetrating into texts , researches tragic aesthetic characteristic .
A servey of studies on the relationship of Xu Dis-han and the religious culture
Spreading the heavy wings & About womens rebellious spirit in XU Di-shan 's novels literature
XU Di - shan and the Religion
Romantic Colour and Framework in Writing Realities & Artistic Writing Style of Novels by XU Di-shan
The use of musical skills in literary creation made Xu 's works melodious and rhythmic .
Poetry full of religious symbolism Xu Di shan 's early works have a strong colour of religion .
This paper also provids us with some fresh ideas and valuable opinions regarding the study of Xu 's works .
Most of his works embodied stories full of twists and turns while his early writings carried an obvious romantic color .
Changes of the Humanist Direction & Observing the Humanist Direction of XU Di-shan 's Creation from the Visual Angle of Pluralistic Culture
The Confucian is always a hidden line in his articles , but in the life experiences term , it is clear .
Xu Dishan 's academic achievements and their relation with Indian culture are mainly embodied in two aspects ; Buddhism and Indian literature .
Non-action And Natural VS. Fighting Against Absurdity & A Preliminary Study in the Daoist Thought of XU Di-Shan And the Existentialism of Albert Gamus
The fact is that he chose stories from Christianism , and the influence of Taoism pervaded in his compositions and was a basis for the reception of Buddhism .
However , up to now , there is not a complete treatise on his ideas guiding artistic or literary creation and his artistic achievements from the text of narrative discourse .
Xu is a unique writer in the history of modern Chinese literature . His religious awareness and conception make him a writer of special artistic style , who differs from the rest of his contemporaries .
Yellow Flowers are Prajnas ? Or Green Bamboos Embody Buddhas ? & A Probe into the Buddhist Doctrine in Essays Written by Xu Di-shan and Lin Qin-xuan A Cross-cultural Study : the Beat Generation and Zen Buddhism
Some of these accept view has been recognized , formed the established view , and some yet to continue to deepen , specific . Chapter ⅱ is the analysis of the reception situation of the contemporary literature ( 1949-1978 ) .
Therefore , by interpreting his Sacred Rain in the Empty Mountains , the readers can discover that in his work Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism are in harmony , but at the same time , he is beyond the traditional spirit and relies on Christianity .
Literature and religious affinities of such explicit rather than implicit presence is the beginning of modern Chinese literature , and the New Culture Movement in the cultural pioneer raised the banner of the anti-religious background , so at that time he is a special case .
Xu di Shan is the writer who has the ultimate caring attitude and vision to explore the mysteries of life . The papers focused on awareness , sense of loneliness , and the fate of the mystery , from which I has to tap the ultimate meaning .
The life is anything , but how to pass life these philosophy remains a question . How to make the explanation remains in the exquisite moving literary figure . Regardless of readers in what time they can hear the Survival wisdom , and might find the mind consoling .