
xú kě zhènɡ mào yì
  • licensing trade
  1. 这些损失为:出口方式下的运输成本和关税损失,FDI方式下的固定成本损失,许可证贸易下的联合利润损失以及为了阻止模仿,而转移相对落后技术造成的损失。

    The loss is transportation cost and tariff under export , the fixed cost under FDI , and united profit effect and the profit loss for stopping imitation under licensing .

  2. 许可证贸易是制造商于海外销售的一种简单方法。

    Licensing is a simple way for a manufacturer to become involved in market abroad .

  3. 二是专利许可证贸易;

    Trade under patent license ;

  4. 第二十二条软件产品的经营单位应以许可证贸易形式经营软件产品。

    Article Twenty-Two Managing institution of software products shall conduct he management in the form of licensing .

  5. 网络电子期刊的开发与利用网络电子期刊的租用问题&许可证贸易在网络电子期刊采购中的应用

    On the Development and Application of Internet Electronic Periodicals On the Licensing Issues of the Online Electronic Journals

  6. 本文得出的主要结论有:当模仿是不可置信的威胁时,跨国公司倾向于许可证贸易,并许可最先进的技术。

    The important conclusions are as follows : when the imitation cost is not high , and is not the believable threat , the best choice for the multinational company is licensing the newest technology to host company .

  7. 本协议的规定,不应阻止成员在其国内立法中具体说明在特定场合可能构成对知识产权的滥用,从而在有关市场对竞争有消极影响的许可证贸易活动或条件。

    Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent members from specifying in their legislation licensing practices or conditions that may in particular cases constitute an abuse of intellectual property rights having an adverse effect on competition in the relevant market .

  8. 随着国际贸易中关税、配额、许可证等传统贸易调节手段的不断削弱,技术因素对贸易的影响日益明显。

    Since the functions of traditional means , tariffs , quotas and licenses , in international business control are weakening , the technical factor in trade becomes more and more popular .

  9. 此外,报告将调查范围扩大到155个国家/地区并增加了三类指标:企业经营许可证办理、跨境贸易和缴税。

    It expands the research to155 countries and adds three new indicators : dealing with business licenses , trading across borders , and paying taxes .

  10. 随着多边贸易体制的不断发展和完善,关税、配额、许可证等传统的贸易手段受到了越来越严格的约束。

    With the development and perfection of multilateral trade system , traditional trade measures , such as tariffs , quotas , import licensing and so on , are more and more strictly limited .

  11. 进出口许可证管理属于国际贸易领域,旨在维护正常的贸易经营秩序,保护国内资源和市场、维护国家经济利益和经济安全等方面发挥重要作用。

    The Import and Export License management system belongs to international trade field , which is very important to maintain regular trade order , protect national resource and market , and maintain national economic benefits and safety .