
  • 网络Talents Program
  1. 本文专注于MCNP辅助建模系统的研发,该系统是中科院百人计划&数字化反应堆项目的重要组成部分。

    The thesis concentrates on researching developing Computer Aided Modeling System of MCNP . It is a sub-project of one hundred talents project-Digital Reactor .

  2. 2007年初以百人计划进入中山大学,任物理科学与工程技术学院教授。

    He joined the school of Physics and Engineering , Sun Yat-Sen University in China as a full professor in2007.Interesting fields in Prof.

  3. 例如,它可以是一个大型项目,包括了上百人,为了计划和开发的目的分解为许多个子系统和子团队。

    It may , for example , be a large project , numbering a hundred or more individuals , that has been decomposed into a number of subsystems and subteams for planning and development purposes .