
  • 网络Baiyue;Yue peoples;BYC;BYCBYC;Bach Viet
百越 [bǎi yuè]
  • [Baiyue nationality] 古代越族居住在江、浙、闽、粤各地,各部落各有名称,而统称百越,也叫百粤

  • 南取百越之地。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

  1. 试析百越文化特征中的环境因素

    Brief Analysis on Environmental Factors in the Cultural Characteristics of Baiyue

  2. 百越海洋文化特征初探

    A Tentative Study of the Ocean Cultural Characteristics of Baiyue

  3. 百越民族史整体研究述论

    A Comprehensive Study of the History of Baiyue Ethnic Group

  4. 因此,玉林古代道路建设在广西百越之地,是比较先进的。

    So , the ancient ways of Yulin was rather advanced in Guangxi .

  5. 百越族源于沿海地区,后迁居内地。

    Baiyue Tribe originated from costal regions , and later , the tribe moved inland .

  6. 从昌宁民间文学看其百越文化

    Baiyue Ethnic Culture in Changning Folk Literature

  7. 因此,客家民俗曾受到百越民族及其传人文化的广泛而深刻的影响。

    The Hakka custom is affected deeply by the culture of Baiyue and their descendents .

  8. 傣族源于古代百越族群,这是目前学术界所公认的。

    Dai originated from Bai Yue ethnic group , which is generally acknowledged by academic circle .

  9. 冼夫人是岭南百越族的一位首领。

    Madame Xian Tai was the chief of the Baiyue ethnic group in the Lingnan region .

  10. 广东番禺百越广场预应力拉索施工及检测技术分析

    Analysis on construction and detection technique for pre - stressing cable in Baiyue plaze in Guangdong Panyu

  11. 壮族和泰族是古代百越民族的后裔。

    The Zhuang nationality and the Thai nationality are both the descendants of the ancient Baiyue nationality .

  12. 广东省,远离华北平原的古文明中心,曾有“百越”族聚居于此地。

    Guangdong was far away from the centre of ancient Chinese civilization in the north China plain .

  13. 百越民族稻谷起源神话与广州五羊传说新解

    A New Research into the Myth of Rice Origin of Baiyue People and the Five-Ram Legend about Guangzhou

  14. 南雄历史悠久,春秋时为百越地,战国属楚。

    Nanxiong has a long history of Baiyue Spring and Autumn Period , the Warring States is Chu .

  15. 云南百越系民族有四个民族:傣族、壮族、布依族和水族。

    Yunnan Bai Yue Department of nationality has four peoples : Dai , Zhuang , Buyi , and Shui .

  16. 罗香林是我国现代著名的历史学家、百越民族史研究专家。

    Luo Xianglin was a famous historian as well as an expert on Baiyue national history in modern China .

  17. 最后,探讨了云南百越系民族服饰象征艺术的审美内涵问题。

    Finally , the issue of the Department of the Yunnan Bai Yue symbol of national dress art aesthetic connotation .

  18. 在传统聚落原始规划思想中,凝聚着古代百越文化、傣族村社文化、原始宗教文化和佛教文化等内涵。

    Specifically , the architecture shows the influences of ancient Baiyue culture , the Dai village , primitive religions , and Buddhism .

  19. 古代滇国境内生活着许多民族,既有属于百越族群的居民,也有濮人、僰人等族。

    There were many ethnic groups such as Baiyue race , Pu people and Bo people living in the ancient Dian kingdom .

  20. 并能更全面地了解认识百越系民族,传承自强不息的民族精神。

    And to a more comprehensive understanding of the Department of understanding of Baiyue ethnic heritage of the national spirit of self-improvement .

  21. 探讨了百越系民族服饰的形制、纹饰、象征的表现手法和形制象征的功能等问题。

    Second I discussed the shape , decoration and symbol of a symbol of style and shapes of the functions of other issues .

  22. 中国古代先民的文身现象也很普遍,特别是南方的百越各族尤为突出。

    It was also a universal phenomenon among ancient Chinese predecessors , especially among the Bai Yue and other nationalities in South china .

  23. 百越民族的水稻、浮稻与鸟田传说新解

    The Paddy Rice , Floating Rice and the Legend of " Bird Field " among the Ancient Baiyue People : A New Explanation

  24. 傣族是中国西南少数民族之一,也是最古老的稻作民族百越族的后裔,《古歌谣》是傣族先民留下的反映本民族生产和生活的历史资料。

    Handed down from generation to generation , the old folk songs of Dai are regarded as precious material about Dai peoples production and life .

  25. 布依族先民百越是我国印染工艺起源最早的民族之一。

    Baiyue , an ancestry of the Bouyei , was one of the nationalities that were in possession of the earliest printing technologies in China .

  26. 秦朝统一岭南后,以百越为主体的多民族归服中央统一政权,内地秦人陆续徙入,增进了这一地区与中原经济、文化的交流。

    Interior people of the Qin Dynasty moved to the area , it promoted the exchange of economy and culture between the area and central plains .

  27. 再次,探讨百越系民族服饰色彩的象征艺术问题,分析了百越系民族服饰的色彩。

    Third , as to the Department of Baiyue a symbol of national dress color art issues , we analysed the Department of costumes Baiyue color .

  28. 百越系民族服饰留给现代的价值不仅在于其艺术性,还在于艺术性所蕴涵的象征意义。

    Baiyue Department of the modern national dress left not only in its artistic value , but also , it is implied in the symbolism of art .

  29. 历史上,伏波神是百越人所崇奉的神灵,主要流行于岭南的两广、海南等地。

    In our history , as a god worshipped by people of Baiyue , Fubo God was popular in the areas of Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan .

  30. 常州北枕长江-,南濒太湖,自古就有“舟车会百越,襟带控三吴”的美誉。

    Bordering the Yangtze River to the north , and Taihu Lake to the south , Changzhou has been reputed as " Hub in Wu region " since ancient times .