
  • 网络best buy;BestBuy;BBY;Bestbuy.com
  1. 该计划推出后,百思买改变了政策,回收旧电视增加了25美元的费用,以维持该计划的运行。

    Since the launch of its program , Best Buy changed its policy to add a $ 25 fee for recycling old televisions in order to keep the program going .

  2. 像百思买和三星这样的电子巨头在过去几年里提供了电子垃圾回收项目,旨在将旧电子零部件翻新成新产品。

    Electronics giants like Best Buy and Samsung have provided e-waste take-back programs over the past few years , which aim to refurbish old electronic components and parts into new products .

  3. 在2011年的一项研究中,她调查了实施“以成果为宗旨的工作环境”(ROWE)计划对百思买公司总部员工的生产力和福利的影响。

    In a 2011 study , she investigated the effects of implementing a Results Only Work Environment ( ROWE ) on the productivity and well-being of employees at Best Buy 's corporate headquarters .

  4. 以百思买为例,由于其最大竞争对手亚马逊和沃尔玛没有专门的回收计划,百思买在回收电子垃圾总量中占比最大。

    Best Buy , for instance , has been bearing the lion 's share of e-waste volume since two of its largest competitors , Amazon and Wal-mart , do not have their own recycling programs .

  5. 百思买的购物卡、塔吉特的购物卡、科尔士的购物卡,还有100美金,我今年得到的全是“空洞礼物”啊。

    For example : Best Buy , Target , and Kohls gift cards , and $ 100 .... man , all I got this year were blank presents .

  6. 7月它还将登陆百思买门店(BestBuy)。

    it will be in Best Buy stores in July .

  7. 百思买(BestBuy)正在走下坡路。

    Best buy is in a downward spiral .

  8. 百思买(BestBuy)的境况非常糟糕。

    Best buy is in bad shape .

  9. 输入“买入”(buy),这下你猜对了,结果是百思买(BestBuy,名称里有buy这个单词&译注)

    Typing " buy " brings up you guessed it best buy ( bby )

  10. 直到不久之前,百思买(BestBuy)还一直乐于听到这样的消息。

    Until recently , that had been good news for rival best buy ( bby ) .

  11. 你到百思买(BestBuy)去,你知道你能买到的打印机有多少种吗?

    Walk into a best buy and how many different kinds of printers can you buy ?

  12. 百思买(BestBuy)的“只看成果工作环境”(ResultsOnlyWorkEnvironment)计划允许企业员工在任何地方、任何时候工作,曾经赢得媒体的盛赞。

    Best buy got glowing press for its results only work environment in which corporate employees could work anytime , anywhere .

  13. 电子零售商百思买(BestBuy)处境艰难,公司创始人、前任CEO迪克•舒尔策现在有很大机会买下这家公司。

    Best buy founder and former CEO Dick Schulze now has an opportunity to buy the troubled electronics retailer .

  14. 由于百思买(BestBuy)的一次幸运的过失,一对买家现在可以把这个平板电脑当作是圣诞节的尊贵礼物了。

    Thanks to a fortunate error by Best Buy , a couple of shoppers can now use the tablet computer for stocking stuffers .

  15. 近年来,美国零售商百思买(BestBuy)和家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)等大型国际品牌都被迫退出了中国市场。

    Big international brands such as US retailers Best Buy and Home Depot have been forced to abandon China in recent years .

  16. 百思买(BestBuy)今年在美国经历的磨难和考验,恰好展示了做为一家实体电子零售商有多么艰难。

    The trials and tribulations of Best Buy in the US this year demonstrate exactly how tough it is to be a bricks-and-mortar electronics retailer .

  17. 就在雅虎发布声明之后的一个星期里,百思买(BestBuy)也表示将终止该公司的灵活上班政策。

    One week after the Yahoo ( yhoo ) announcement , best buy ( bby ) said it would end its flexible work policy as well .

  18. 美国电子消费品零售商百思买(bestbuy)也打算参与中国市场的竞争,通过提供更好的销售支持,证明其较高的价格物有所值。

    Best buy , the US consumer electronics retailer , is also trying to compete in the Chinese market , justifying higher prices by offering better sales support .

  19. 可它本应该很像百思买旗下的电脑技术服务商geeksquad那样广为人知。

    But it would have felt quite familiar to the geek squad .

  20. 这款全新的Nexus7从7月30日开始登录各大销售平台,包括百思买(BestBuy)、沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)和亚马逊(Amazon)。

    Starting July 30 , this new Nexus 7 is available in a dozen retail outlets including Best Buy , Wal-Mart and Amazon .

  21. 电子零售巨头百思买(BestBuy)宣布管理层重大调整,并警告公司称第三季度营收将大幅低于预期后,百思买股价在昨天遭受重创。

    Best buy shares took a beating today , after the electronics retailer announced a management shakeup and warned that third quarter earnings would be significantly worse than previously expected .

  22. 百思买可以与GA或其他培训服务提供商合作,将其大卖场作为培训中心。

    Best buy can bring in GA or other providers and use part of their big box stores as training centers .

  23. 巨型零售商也加入了这一行列:K市场,百思买集团和沃尔玛都提供为为办理银行业务的顾客设立了代付站点。

    Big-box retailers are getting in on the act , too : K-Mart , Best Buy and Walmart all offer bill-paying stations to their unbanked customers .

  24. 而且,除了百思买(BestBuy)、沃尔玛(Walmart)等原有的零售合作伙伴之外,现在又增添了新的零售商?

    And more retailers in addition to the likes of best buy ( bby ) , Walmart ( WMT ) , and so on ?

  25. 大家可以走进任意一家百思买(BestBuy)门店,逛逛笔记本电脑专区。在那里,你可能每天都会听到很多人问销售助理类似的问题。

    You can visit any Best Buy and walk around the laptop section , and you 're likely to hear this same question posed to sales associates multiple times per day .

  26. 不过,百思买不必像IBM一样,以《财富》百强(Fortune100)公司为核心客户,而是面向中小企业和普通消费者。

    Instead of focusing on the fortune 100 as IBM does , however , best buy can serve small and medium-sized business and consumers .

  27. 芭比的撤退紧随家得宝(HomeDepot)和百思买(BestBuy)之后&这两家美国零售商由于打不开市场,双双关闭了在中国的门店。

    The withdrawal comes on the heels of store closures in China by US retailers Home Depot and Best Buy , which both struggled to crack the local market .

  28. 上周,百思买(BestBuy)继雅虎(Yahoo)之后宣布取消在任意地点办公的政策,不过这并不意味着禁止远程办公将成为美国公司的一种新趋势。

    Best Buy followed Yahoo this week by ending its work from anywhere policy , but that doesn 't mean there 's a new trend in corporate America .

  29. 《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)六月份的报道称,拥有百思买20.1%股份的舒尔茨正在与银行谈判,希望夺回公司的控制权,并将其私有化。

    The New York Times reported in June that Schulze , who still owns 20.1 % of best buy , was in talks with bankers to seize control of the company and take it private .

  30. 面对亚马逊(Amazon)等在线零售商带来的残酷竞争,百思买实体店的销售下滑,公司面临关闭店铺的压力。

    It faces pressure to close stores as sales lag as well as cutthroat competition from online retailers such as Amazon .