
  • 网络garden house;garden villa
  1. 楼市观察:市场上首层带花园洋房二手价会下滑?

    Market observation : Building a garden villa secondary market price will decline ?

  2. 城市优秀近代建筑保护初探&以上海市旧有花园洋房保护规划为例

    Research on the Protection of Urban Excellence Modern Architecture & Taking the Protective Planning of Old Garden Villa in Shanghai

  3. 中央别墅区包含独立别墅、花园洋房等数百栋别墅;

    CVD comprises a few hundred of independent villas , garden houses and so on .

  4. 今天这栋保存完好的花园洋房正静静地在那里等待着那位懂得欣赏她的人。

    Today , this well-maintained Western-style garden house is lying there quietly , waiting for the master who appreciates her .

  5. 在上海的徐汇、卢湾、静安等区,有一些幽静的马路,两旁都为庭院深深的花园洋房。

    You could not miss some garden villas with a delicate courtyard in Xuhui , Luwan , Jing'an and other districts .

  6. 他在紧临着一座长满奇花异草的华丽的花园洋房旁的一所旧房子里租了一间屋住下。

    He took a room in an old house next to a magnificent garden filled with strange flowers and other plants .

  7. 小时候,看到人家住在花园洋房,总觉得他们一定是从另个星球来的。

    When I was young , I always thought people who stayed in houses with gardens must belong to another planet .

  8. 本章总结了本课题的研究内容,再次强调近代花园洋房的保护再利用模式。

    This chapter summarizes the research topic , and once again stresses that the protection and reuse mode of modern garden villas .

  9. 买际上,这也是他生存竞争能力的一种展示,正如他向别人炫耀他的奔驰车或花园洋房一样。

    It is actually a kind of verification of their competition , just as they show off the Benz and villa with garden to others .

  10. 瑰丝·陈花园坐落于20世纪20年代在上海建造的一幢传统别墅上--法式花园洋房,这座三层府邸是由意大利公司Kokaistudios设计而成,集展厅、试衣沙龙、画廊、图书馆和贵宾套房于一身。

    Located in a heritage villa built in the 1920s in Shanghai 's former French Concession , the three-story mansion designed by Italian firm Kokaistudios incorporates a showroom , fitting salons , an art gallery , a library and a VIP suite .

  11. 房子和花园之间的传统关系,在这里被重新定义为在完全相同的建设项目包括:房屋和花园形成了“花园洋房”。

    The traditional relationship between house and garden has been redefined here as the project encompasses in the selfsame construction : the house and garden form a " garden house " .