
  • Campus;School;Amherst
  1. 该学院分散在主校区不同地点。

    The school occupies split-site accommodation on the main campus

  2. “我们不是在主校区。”——“是的,不在。”

    ' We 're not on the main campus . ' — ' No. '

  3. 通常乘坐公共交通即可到达各个校区。

    Campuses are usually accessible by public transportation .

  4. 伯克莱校区是加州大学最大的校区吗?

    Is Berkley the biggest campus of the University of california ?

  5. “比方说,这是我带过的最好的学生,”哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特校区的社会科学家、多元融合战略师凯海琳·达特说。

    " Say , you know , this is the best student I 've ever had , " says Kuheli Dutt , a social scientist and diversity officer at Columbia University 's Lamont campus .

  6. 他的办公室位于浙江省杭州市大学象山校区。

    His office is located at the Xiangshan campus of the university in Hangzhou , Zhejiang Province .

  7. 辛辛那提音乐学院:演出安排在主校区,通常设在帕特丽夏·科贝特剧院。

    College Conservatory of Music ( CCM ) : Performances are on the main campus of the university , usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater .

  8. 校区互连及双链路接入Internet的研究与实现

    Research and implementation of campus network interconnecting and connecting to Internet by double link

  9. 基于IC路径的高校校区间隐性知识共享绩效初探

    Study on the Performance of Tacit Knowledge Sharing Based on IC Route Among University Campus

  10. 虚拟专用网络(VPN)技术实现多校区图书馆计算机网络的安全连接

    Multi-Campus Computer Management System of Library Safely Connecting Virtual Special Network Technology

  11. 基于WLAN技术的多校区校园网设计

    Based on WLAN Technology Multi-schools Area Campus Network Design

  12. 四川文理学院采用BT、BOT方式建设新校区的探索与实践

    A Probe into Building the New Campus with the BT and BOT Mode

  13. 利用Intranet跨校区构建光盘阅览室

    Building Multi-campus CD Reading Room by Intranet

  14. 利用VPN构建跨校区图书通还通借网络

    Building a Multi-schooldistrict Library Network by VPN

  15. 成都航院新校区BOT项目方案研究与实施

    Research and Practice about the Scheme of New School Area BOT Item of Chengdu Aeronautic Vocational & Technical College

  16. 针对目前高校存在着多个校区分散、学生数量多、多种管理系统并存的特点,提出了一个基于WEBService的3层结构的教学管理系统的设计方案。

    According to the features in different school sites and various management systems existed in the colleges presently , an educational management information system based on the technique of Web Service three tier computation model is put forward .

  17. 如何提高高校多校区网络办公效率&浅析巧用NetMeeting

    How Enhances Universities Multi-Schools Area Network Work Effect & The Brief Analysis Skillfully Uses NetMeeting

  18. 根据多校区校园网建设和管理中的应用需求,充分发挥三层交换机的性能,采用Trunk和VLAN技术实施多校区网络建设的解决方案。

    Base on the application and requirement of large campus network 's construction and management , exertion the capability of 3-layer switch , solve with the Trunk and VLAN technology .

  19. 经过三年的努力,2011年,节目终于在纽约长老会医院的两个校区:上东城的威尔康奈尔和华盛顿高地的哥伦比亚大学医学中心(ColumbiaUniversityMedicalCenter)开拍(也有部分镜头在布鲁克林的路德会医疗中心[LutheranMedicalCenter]拍摄)。

    After three years of trying , production began in 2011 at two campuses of NewYork-Presbyterian : Weill Cornell on the Upper East Side and Columbia University Medical Center in Washington Heights ( some filming also took place at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn ) .

  20. 本文结合广州大学城华工校区绿化二期工程实践,对将PDCA理论运用在园林工程施工管理上进行了初步探索,希望能为ISO在园林行业的应用起到参考和推动作用。

    The article using the second phased campus landscape project of South China University of Technology in Guangzhou-University-city as an example , tentative apply the PDCA theory into the landscape project construct control .

  21. 再次,以山东大学青岛校区后勤建设一期工程为实际研究对象,对其BOT模式可行性进行验证;最后,总结高校后勤建设采用BOT模式可能遇到的问题,并一一对应地提出解决办法。

    Thirdly , first-stage construction of Qingdao campus of Shandong University is taken as an object to testify the feasibility . Lastly , possible problems in the application process of BOT mode are summarized and corresponding solutions are proposed respectively .

  22. 为了更好地解决学校移动办公、远程办公、校区间通信、资源共享以及通信安全等问题,同时考虑到从减少费用和方便管理的角度出发,决定组建基于VPN技术的校园网。

    In order to better address the school mobile office , remote office , inter-campus communication and resource sharing and communication security issues , taking into account to reduce costs and manage flexible configuration , decided to set up VPN campus network .

  23. 根据源解析的结果及武汉理工大学南校区TSP的污染特征,有针对性的提出各污染源污染的控制对策。

    According to the apportionment results and pollutant characteristics of TSP in the South-School area of Wuhan University of Technology , counter-TSP-pollution control measurements and management for kinds of sources have been provided respectively focusing on varied dust contamination feature .

  24. 例如,已在法国和新加坡设立校区的欧洲工商学院(insead)又在阿布扎比开设了一个企业高管教育和研究中心,面向企业高管提供为公司特设的开放招生课程。

    For instance , INSEAD , which already has two campuses in France and Singapore , has opened a centre for executive education and research in Abu Dhabi , offering both company specific and open enrolment programmes for executives .

  25. 介绍了TS-F型高分子复合防水卷材与聚合物水泥胶粘剂复合防水在泰山医学院新校区实验楼屋面和室内工程中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of TS-F polymer composite waterproofing membrane and polymer cement adhesive combined waterproofing in the roof and indoor project of the experiment building of Taishan Medical College .

  26. 同一校区的新馆设计

    The Design of the New Library of the Same School District

  27. 高校合并后跨校区图书馆的自动化系统及网络设计

    The Auto System and Network Construction of Academic Library of Multi-campus

  28. 咸宁职业技术学院新校区规划的生态策略

    Ecological Planning Strategy for New Campus of Xianning Professional Technology College

  29. 高校多校区固定资产管理模式探索

    Probe on Fixed Assets Management Model in Multi-campus Colleges and Universities

  30. 多校区办学:学生工作面临的困难与对策

    Difficulties in Student Management and Solutions for Multi-campus Colleges and Universities