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bǎi nián
  • a hundred years;a century;in a century;centenary;centennial;lifetime
百年 [bǎi nián]
  • (1) [in a century;centenary;centennial;a hundred years]∶指很多年

  • 百年老屋,尘泥渗漉。--明. 归有光《项脊轩志》

  • 百年大计

  • (2) [lifetime]∶指人的一生;一辈子

  • 百年之后,即死了以后

百年[bǎi nián]
  1. 人生的跨度充其量百年而已。

    The time span of one human life covers at most a hundred years .

  2. 因而注定不会长期成功,注定不能够成为做大,做强、做久的“百年老店”。

    And not meant to long-term success , doomed not to become bigger and stronger ," a hundred years " .

  3. 百年庆典活动将在11月20日的宴会中宣告结束。

    The celebration of the centenary will culminate with a dinner on November 20 .

  4. 图一时之苟安,贻百年之大患。

    One moment 's false security can bring a century of calamities .

  5. 一失足成千古恨,再回头已过百年身。

    One single slip brings eternal regret , and looking back , your whole life has passed away .

  6. 穿越世界历史上最不可思议的100年,了解为什么当罗马皇帝没有听起来那么美好,百年战争实际上怎么没有持续100年,以及斯宾塞·珀西瓦尔的政治生涯为何如此倒霉。

    Travel through 100 of the most unbelievable years in world history and learn why being a Roman Emperor wasn 't always as good as it sounds , how the Hundred Years ' War didn 't actually last for 100 years and why Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record .

  7. 根据杰弗里·休斯的著作《英国充斥粗言秽语、咒骂、亵渎”的社会历史》,他们在百年战争期间开始用“lesgoddems”形容英国人,因为他们经常亵渎神灵。

    They started referring to the English as " les goddems " during the Hundred Years War because of their frequent profanity , according to Geoffrey Hughes ' book , " A Social History of Foul8 Language , Oaths , and Profanity in English . " Hell

  8. 百年庆典活动将以宴会作为高潮。

    The celebration of the centenary will culminate with a dinner .

  9. 一位中国的皇帝命令他的仆人去给他弄一个有百年历史的鸡蛋来吃。

    A Chinese emperor ordered one of his servants to find him a hundred-year-old egg .

  10. 当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局。

    In a joint benefits . The world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century .

  11. 在这里你可以观赏到超300件藏品,让你更好地熟悉中国自来水的百年历史。

    Here you can study over 300 items to better familiarize yourself with the 100 year-old history of tap water in China .

  12. 因为他们自己历史上真的就这么干了上百年,所以现在以己度人。

    Because they have been doing this themselves for hundreds of years in history . They are presuming1 others ' behavior based on their own experience .

  13. 我们党的百年历史,就是一部党与人民心连心、同呼吸、共命运的历史。

    Throughout its 100-year history , the CPC has been of one mind with the people , breathed the same breath as the people , and shared weal and woe with the people .

  14. 面对世纪疫情叠加百年变局,中俄相互坚定支持,密切有效协作,生动诠释了中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系的深刻内涵。

    In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic unseen in a century , China and Russia have firmly supported each other and cooperated closely and effectively , which is a vivid demonstration for a new era .

  15. 世界测谎学百年发展的最新研究热点是红外测谎和MRI脑测谎。

    The newest research hot dots in lie detection of the world for century are infrared and MRI brain lie detection .

  16. 好莱坞百年来完整的电影文化工业催生出了相对完善的类型(genre)理论。

    The complete Hollywood film culture industrial for a century gave birth to a relatively completed genre theory .

  17. 第五章构建百年人寿STP营销战略。

    The fifth chapter structured our own marketing strategy .

  18. 近百年来,国内外采掘工业凿岩工程用中空钎钢,只有正六边形(Hexagon)和圆形(Round)两种。

    In the past 100 years , both the domestic and overseas excavation industry employed only hexagon and round hollow rock drill steels for rock drilling engineering .

  19. 防御机制并不是一个新近的概念,自Freud提出防御机制概念以来,已近百年。

    Defense mechanism is not a new concept . Since had been proposed by S. Freud , this concept has a history of almost one hundred years .

  20. 风险理论的研究起源于瑞典精算师Lundberg,至今已有百年历史。

    Studies of the risk theory were originated from the Sweden actuary Lundberg one hundred years ago .

  21. 运用相关及滑动相关的计算技术,讨论了近百年东亚冬季风与ENSO循环的相互关系及其年代际异常。

    Based on the method of coherence and moving coherence analysis , the interaction of East Asian monsoon with ENSO cycle and their interdecadal variations in last century are investigated .

  22. 这是FIFA在百年庆典之际向全世界提出的口号,是现代足球运动的理性宣言,也是本文研究的目的意义所在。

    It 's just the slogan for FIFA to put up through the world in the celebration of anniversary , it is the reasonable declaration of modern football , and the significance of the paper lies in it .

  23. DIN公司是世界一流的电涌保护设备专业制造商,为电子设备的电磁防护提供良好的解决方案,有着近百年的历史。

    The DIN Company is that the first-rate electricity of world pours protecting the equipment special field manufacturer , is that the electronic equipment electromagnetism protection provides fine solving the scheme , and has close centennial history .

  24. 美国建筑师学会(AIA)于1909年制定了首部面向成员的建筑伦理准则,在其后的近百年时间里,这部准则历经数次修改。

    The architecture code of ethics , formulated by the American Institute of Architects ( AIA ) in 1909 , as the first code of ethic to its members , was revised many times in the following a hundred years .

  25. 它改变了固网近百年来的线路测试方式,不但彻底解决了ADSL宽带测试、高频互干的问题,还从根本上永久解决了固网通信测试中所有业务统一抓线的问题。

    It changed the fixed line test of the last century . Not only completely solve the testing ADSL broadband , high-frequency among stem the problem , but also fundamentally a permanent settlement of the fixed-line communications test business in all unified grasp of the problem .

  26. 通过这些措施的实施,可基本消除漓江洪涝灾害而达百年一遇,漓江枯季水量也可望达40~50m3/s,从而基本解决枯季缺水问题。

    The implementation of the mentioned above measures may basically eliminate the flood disasters along Li River , and the flow of Li River in dry seasons may be up to 40 ~ 50 m 3 / s .

  27. 经济学的百年回顾

    Economics in Retrospect for the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  28. 广州方言异序词的百年演变

    Changes of Reverse-Words in Cantonese Dialect during the Latest 100 Years

  29. 高中作文教学的百年回眸与检讨

    Review and Self-criticism to Teaching of High School Composition in One-hundred-year

  30. 百年来福州船政局研究综述

    A Summary of A Hundred Years Research on Fuzhou Ship-Building Bureau