
jìng mài
  • vein;vena;phlebo-
静脉 [jìng mài]
  • [vein] 在人类和其他脊椎动物体内把血液从毛细血管带到心脏的管状、有属支的血管,管壁比动脉薄,相隔一定距离有瓣膜,防止血液倒流入接续的血流中。由于具有血色素产生,多数呈深褐色

静脉[jìng mài]
  1. 一根细金属丝从静脉里穿到心脏。

    A tiny wire is threaded through a vein to the heart .

  2. 外科医生施行了静脉切开手术。

    The surgeon performed a section on the vein .

  3. 已给那孩子静脉注射了这一剂量。

    The dose was administered to the child intravenously .

  4. 血液在我的静脉中有节律地涌动着。

    The blood was throbbing in my veins .

  5. 静脉把血液输送到心脏。

    The veins carry blood to the heart .

  6. 长途航班上的乘客须注意可能出现深静脉血栓。

    Passengers on long-haul flights are being warned about the risks of deep vein thrombosis .

  7. 他把静脉滴注瓶从头顶的钩子上拿下来。

    He disconnected the IV bottle from the overhead hook .

  8. 如果患了静脉曲张,可以考虑穿弹力护腿袜。

    If you have varicose veins , consider wearing elastic support hose .

  9. 我有三条静脉出现了堵塞,需要做个三支搭桥手术。

    Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass

  10. 我母亲多年来一直患有难看的静脉曲张。

    My mother has had unsightly varicose veins for years

  11. 许多静脉血管就在皮肤下面。

    Many veins are found just under the skin .

  12. 他在一次飞往悉尼的航行中得了深静脉血栓,险些丧命。

    He could have died after developing deep vein thrombosis during a flight to Sydney .

  13. 外科医生在脑根部的静脉和动脉中放置了导管。

    The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head .

  14. 采取了将所有等待进行静脉曲张手术的病人从名单上删除的简单做法,这一权宜之计使得外科手术等待名单得以缩减。

    Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations

  15. 这种病会堵塞肝脏中的静脉,并引发多种损伤。

    With this disease the veins in the liver can block up , and all sorts of damage follows .

  16. 迄今为止最大一项研究的结果无疑表明严重静脉血栓是由飞行引起的。

    The results from one of the largest studies yet carried out leave little doubt that DVT is caused by flying .

  17. 医生把葡萄糖注射入病人的静脉。

    The doctor injects glucose into the patient 's vein .

  18. 左心室和下腔静脉的后界看得很清楚。

    The posterior borders of the left ventricle and inferior vena cava are well seen .

  19. 纵隔积气可能引起腔静脉梗阻。

    Pneumomediastinum may cause caval obstruction .

  20. 静脉注入降血钙素的结果表明,它是一个潮红促进剂。

    Calcitonin , when administered intravenously , turns out to be yet another flush promoting agent .

  21. 用同等口径的动静脉吻合。

    The caliber of the vein and the artery to which it was anastomosed was similar .

  22. 肺部的感染则可能是放线杆菌沿着淋巴管移行,进入静脉血液。

    The lungs may be infected as a result of the organisms moving along lymphatics into the venous blood .

  23. 血从毛细血管流回静脉

    The blood flows from the capillaries back into the veins .

  24. 医生将葡萄糖注入病人的静脉。

    The doctor injected glucose into his patient 's veins .

  25. 伴有寒战的高热,暗示合并门静脉炎

    High spiking fever with chills is suggestive of a complicating pylephlebitis .

  26. 深静脉血栓有很大的潜在危险性,甚至有可能致命。

    Deep vein thrombosis is potentially serious and can even have fatal consequences .

  27. 静脉输液也可作为一种给药方法

    Intravenous infusions are also used to administer medications .

  28. 结论:静脉滴注GKI显著降低血压和血糖浓度

    INTERPRETATION : GKI infusions significantly reduced plasma glucose concentrations and blood pressure .

  29. 过去的静脉输液流程是纯技术流程。

    In the past , the flow of vein transfuse belonged to pure technology flow .

  30. “经济舱综合征”指的是在乘飞机长途飞行后,或刚刚下飞机时,腿部形成深静脉血栓,特别是乘坐经济舱旅行时,因为经济舱的座位非常狭小,由于缺少腿部空间,人们的腿部无法活动开来。

    Economy class syndrome per passenger and one 's legs tend especially to be immobilized for lack of leg room .