
huī fā xìnɡ zhī fánɡ suān
  • volatile fatty acid
  1. 探讨了使用高温厌氧微生物处理有机废水的机理以及温度、pH值、有机负荷、挥发性脂肪酸、微生物载体等对有机废水处理工艺过程的影响。

    The mechanism of thermophilic anaerobic treatment of organic wastewater and the influence of temperature , pH , loading rate , volatile fatty acid and the carrier on the degradation process are discussed .

  2. COD去除率约70%,在厌氧反应器运行过程中,应注意出水挥发性脂肪酸VFA浓度的监测。

    The removal rate of COD is about 70 % ; the concentration of volatile fatty acid should be monitored in the anaerobic treatment of the wastewater .

  3. 在采食后0、2、4、6和8小时采集瘤胃液样本立即测定瘤胃液的氨浓度和pH值,随后测定挥发性脂肪酸和尿素氮含量。

    Ammonia concentration and pH value of ruminal fluid were measured immediately at 0,2,4,6 and 8h after feeding .

  4. 填埋场中pH的变化对填埋臭气中氨气和挥发性脂肪酸气体的影响很大。当pH大于7时,臭气中以氨气为主,基本上不存在挥发性脂肪酸气体;

    The pH of landfill will affect the concentration of ammonia and volatile organic acid of the rotten gas of the landfill distinctly .

  5. 当pH小于7时,臭气中以挥发性脂肪酸为主,而氨气几乎不存在。

    When pH > 7 , NH3 was the main composition of the bad smelly gas and the volatile organic acids was hardly examined ;

  6. 在悬浮污泥系统中,当以挥发性脂肪酸为碳源时,适宜的pH值是7.5。

    N the suspended sludge system , when VFA were used as carbon source , the optimal PH was equal to 7.5 and when the PH values were diverted .

  7. 本试验研究了日粮添加益生菌制剂对断奶仔猪的生产性能、免疫指标、肠道形态结构、pH值和挥发性脂肪酸的影响。

    This experiment was conducted to study the effects of probiotic preparation on growth performance , immune indexes , morphology , pH Valus and Volatile Fatty Acids of weaner piglets .

  8. 挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)是厌氧反应器运行中重要的控制指标。

    VFA is a very important control index in the anaerobic reactor operation .

  9. 结果表明:①阴离子饲粮对瘤胃发酵pH值、氨态氮浓度、总挥发性脂肪酸浓度、主要挥发酸的摩尔比例均没有显著影响(P>0.2)。

    The results showed that ① ruminal fermentation parameters including rumen pH , concentrations of ammonia nitrogen and total VFA , and individual VFA molar percentages , except isovaleric , were unaffected ( P > 0.2 );

  10. 本文主要讨论了日粮精粗比对奶牛瘤胃内环境的影响,包括对瘤胃细菌菌群数量、瘤胃pH值、瘤胃内容物稀释率和外流速度、氨态氮浓度以及挥发性脂肪酸的影响。

    The effects of forage to concentrate ratio on rumen bacteria , pH value , rumen fluid dilution rate ( FDR ), ammonia ( NH3-N ) and volatile fatty acids ( VFA ) were reviewed in the article .

  11. 从动力学常数以及挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的积累情况来看,随着染料浓度的增加,外加基质的降解会受到抑制。

    The kinetic constants and VFA accumulation in reactors showed that substrate degradation could be inhibited by increased dye concentrations .

  12. ISCA对瘤胃挥发性脂肪酸代谢及纤维素降解率的影响

    Effect of ISCA on volatile fatty acid and cellulose disappearance in rumen

  13. 挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)是消化污泥上清液(DSS)中主要的组分。DSS是反硝化很好的碳源。

    Volatile fatty acids ( VFA ) are main constituents of di - gested sludge supernatant ( DSS ) and DSS is a good carbon source for denitrification .

  14. 适当地增加循环流量,可以减轻水解反应器的酸化程度,避免挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的积累对水解微生物的活性产生抑制。

    Increase in recycling flux would alleviate acidification degree in the hydrolytic reactor and decrease volatile fatty acids ( VFA ) accumulation .

  15. 结果表明,温度突降后,产气量几乎降为0,总挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)和乙酸、丙酸含量快速积累,pH值也随之下降。

    The results show that the biogas production almost stop and total VFA , VFA such as acetate and propionate are rapidly accumulated when the temperature fluctuated , accompanied by the fall in pH.

  16. 采用完全混合厌氧消化工艺处理城市垃圾,分析在不同条件下pH值和VFA(挥发性脂肪酸)的变化过程。

    The complete mix anaerobic digestion system was used to treat municipal solid waste ( MSW ) . The pH value and the VFA ( volatile fat acid ) were analyzed under different conditions .

  17. 结果表明,进水中的碳源特别是挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)不足和厌氧水力停留时间(HRT)太短是导致脱氮除磷效果不佳的主要原因。

    The results show that lack of carbon source , especially VFA , in the influent and shorter anaerobic HRT are key factors to limit nutrient removal .

  18. 挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)是污泥厌氧水解过程的重要产物,是一种易生物降解的有机物。

    Volatile fatty acids ( VFAs ) are important intermediate products of sludge anaerobic hydrolysis and are biodegradable carbon sources .

  19. 挥发性脂肪酸(简称VFA)对环境酸度的敏感程度要远大于pH值,VFA更能准确快速地反映出反应器内部环境的变化。

    The sensitivity of volatile fatty acid ( VFA ) to environment acidity was much greater than pH value , so VFA could reflect the environmental change inside the reactor more accurately and quickly .

  20. 改变瘤胃灌注混合挥发性脂肪酸的乙、丙酸比例,测定由血管插管注入14C&乙酸后血液CO2放射比强度(SA)变化曲线。

    The SA-time curve of blood CO2 was measured after the infusion of 14C - acetate into the body through jugular vein catheter . Only the acetate : propionate ratio of the volatile fatty acid mixtures infused into the rumen were changed in different treatments .

  21. 本试验通过监测分析系统的pH值、挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)、氨氮、碱度、产气量以及气体组分等参数,研究了泔脚废油脂的厌氧消化规律,寻求废油脂厌氧消化的极限负荷。

    The experiment studied the anaerobic digestion regularity and the limiting organic load of hogwash waste grease , by monitoring and analyzing the pH value , volatile fatty acid ( VFA ), ammonia nitrogen , alkalinity , gas production and gas composition .

  22. 结果表明,RUP比例的提高对瘤胃液氨氮浓度、纤毛虫种类及其数量和挥发性脂肪酸浓度及其组成无显著影响(P>0.1)。

    The results indicated that the concentration of ammonia nitrogen , the concentration and ratio of total volatile fatty acids ( VFA ), and the number of ciliate protozoa were not significantly affected by increased RUP in the diet ( P > 0.1 ) .

  23. 在pH值下降过程中,消化液相VFA(挥发性脂肪酸)浓度低、波动较小,在pH值上升过程中VFA浓度迅速增大,中温消化时VFA增加幅度大于高温消化。

    In the courses of pH decreasing , VFA ( volatile fatty acid ) concentration was low with small variation , while the concentration of VFA increased quickly with pH increasing . VFA under 35 ℃ was higher than that under 55 ℃ .

  24. 目的:通过分析乳杆菌DM9811发酵液的挥发性脂肪酸,探讨乳杆菌对机体作用的分子机制。

    Objective : Studing on volatility fatty acid in ferment culture in Lactobacillus probe into molecular mechanism between Lactobacillus and its host .

  25. 试验表明,经磷酸或盐酸中和的早期垃圾渗滤液易于厌氧生物处理,38d后其COD、BOD5、VFA(挥发性脂肪酸)都有大幅度的降低。

    The results showed that young landfill leachate neutralized with phosphate acid or hydrochloric acid has good biodegradability . The biodegradation processes completed at 38 days with high removal rate of COD , BOD_ 5 and VFA .

  26. 应用气相色谱法,在维持型(略低于维持水平)、粗料型、精料型三种不同营养条件下测定了牦牛瘤胃内挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的组成及含量。

    The concentrations and compositions of Chinese Yak rumen fluid volatile fatty acids ( VFA ) were determined by gas-chromatography under three different nutritive levels : maintain group ( MG ), roughage group ( RG ), concentrate group ( CG ) .

  27. 本项试验使用了14C标记的丙酸和葡萄糖;用同位素示踪技术研究了全营养灌注绵羊改变瘤胃灌注混合挥发性脂肪酸中乙/丙酸比例后,丙酸糖异生代谢和体内葡萄糖周转速度的变化。

    C-labelled propionate and - 14C-glucose were used as a tracer to measure the percentage of glucose carbon from propionate and glucose turnover of the sheep sustained by intragastric nutrition when volatile fatty acid mixtures with three acetate to propionate ratios were infused .

  28. 选用4头装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的土地山羊为试验动物,按4×4拉丁方试验设计,进行了苹果酸(5g、10g、15g)对山羊瘤胃内挥发性脂肪酸浓度动态变化影响的研究。

    Four goats with permanent rumen fistulae were used by a 4 × 4 latin square design to investigate the effect of malate ( 5 g 、 10 g 、 15 g ) on the dynamics of rumen VFA concentrations in goats .

  29. 三种混合挥发性脂肪酸的乙酸、丙酸比例分别为75:15(VFA1)、65:25(VFA2)、45:45(VFA3)。

    The ratios of acetate to propionate of the three volatile fatty acid mixtures are 75:15 ( VFA1 ), 65:25 ( VFA2 ), and 45:45 ( VFA3 ) respectively .

  30. 结果表明,HLAC的替换对瘤胃液氨氮浓度、挥发性脂肪酸浓度及其组成无显著影响(P>0.1),但纤毛虫总数显著增加(P<0.05)。

    The results indicated that the concentration of ammonia nitrogen , the concentration and formation of total volatile fatty acids were unchanged with HLAC , but total protozoal number increased ( P < 0.05 ) .