
huī fā
  • volatilize;evaporate
挥发 [huī fā]
  • [volatilize] 液体在常温下变为气体向四周散布

挥发[huī fā]
  1. 在紫色砂页岩砖红壤上,即使在pH仅为3.5的强酸条件下,仍会有氨挥发损失。

    Even if under the soil pH 3.5 strong acid condition , still could have the loss of ammonia to volatilize in the latosol from purple arenaceous shale .

  2. 但在焊接时,由于Zn,Al挥发强烈,焊缝成分发生变化,对其形状记忆效应略有影响。

    However , the Zn and Al volatilize strongly and make the composition of curves welding seam change , thus the shape memory property of the alloy is influenced .

  3. 人们认为,易挥发的化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。

    It 's thought that the blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded .

  4. 这意味着,香水的挥发散香过程增强,因此香味可以变得十分浓烈。

    This means the process of evaporation or wear of a fragrance can be perceived as more enhanced and so the wear can be quite powerful .

  5. 珊瑚姜挥发组分的超临界CO2萃取工艺

    Extraction of Volatile Components from Coral Ginger ( Zingiber corallnium ) by Supercritical CO_2

  6. 有机挥发杂质,方法IV:符合要求。

    Organic volatile impurities , Method IV : meets the requirements .

  7. 采取提高熔化温度降低保温时间的措施可以降低Al的挥发烧损。

    Volatilization loss of Al element can be decreased by increasing melting temperature and shorten holding time .

  8. 高浓度有机挥发物可引起小鼠外周血淋巴细胞DNA损伤。

    The high concentration of volatile organic compounds could cause the DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes of exposed mice .

  9. 真空感应熔炼过程中微量Bi的挥发

    Evaporation of Trace Bismuth during Vacuum Melting of Steel

  10. Ge2Sb2Te5材料与非挥发相转变存储器单元器件特性

    The performance of Ge_2Sb_2Te_5 material and nonvolatile phase-change-memory device

  11. 结果表明,煤粉N、焦炭N和挥发分N的转化率都随过量空气系数α和温度的增加而增加;

    It is found that coal N , volatile N and char N conversion increases as the excess air coefficient and temperature increase .

  12. 硼铁矿碳热还原过程中MgO的挥发

    Volatilization of MgO from Ludwigite in Carbothermal Reduction Process

  13. AAⅡ型自动分析仪检测总挥发碱的改进

    Improvement on Determining Total Volatile Bases in Tobacco Leaves by AA ⅱ Automatic Analyzer

  14. NaCl对粉壤土氨挥发及硝化、反硝化的影响

    Effect of NaCl on Ammonia Volatilization , Nitrification and De nitrification in Silt Loam Soil

  15. 准动态箱法测定农田NH3挥发初探

    A Preliminary Study of Measurement of NH_3 Volatilization from Cropland Using Quasi-Dynamic Chamber

  16. W型火焰锅炉是我国大型电站锅炉燃用低挥发份燃料的主要燃烧方式之一。

    Arc firing is one of the most popular combustion technologies used with boilers in Chinese large power plants burning low volatile fuels .

  17. 研究了在用不同方法(SHS方法和传统固相反应法)制备NiZn软磁铁氧体粉体的过程中,Zn挥发量的变化。

    Zinc volatilization in the process of preparing Ni Zn ferrite powders by SHS and conventional solid phase method was investigated .

  18. 化学需氧量(COD)和生化需氧量(BOD)分别降低78.6%和91.2%,硫化物去除率为98.2%,挥发酚去除率为99.6%。

    The chemical oxygen demand and the biochemical demand were reduced by 78.6 % and 91.2 % respectively .

  19. 4.腐败产品胀袋气体主要是CO2、易挥发烷烃、酮和有机酸类物质。

    The main components of gas in gassy pouch of spoiled products were carbon dioxide , alkanes , keton and organic acid . 5 .

  20. 炉渣中SnS的挥发速率

    Evaporation rate of SNS from slags

  21. 生物活性水的加入使堆肥过程的pH值稍有下降,减少了NH4+-N的挥发损失,使养分得到保持。

    Addition of the Bacteria Mineral Water caused slight decrease of pH in the composting process , decreased the volatilization loss of ammonium N , thus the nutrient was kept .

  22. 大同媒中多种金属元素(Ni、Pb、Cu、Co)及挥发份均非常显著地高于汾西煤。

    The trace metal elements ( Ni , Pb , Cu , Co ,) and volatile matter content of Datong coal were significantly higher than those of Fenxi coal .

  23. 考察了神木煤镜质组和丝质组在热解和气化过程中存在的差别,包括不同压力下热解和气化的挥发分收率,生成半焦的C含量,半焦的表面形态和燃烧反应性。

    The differences between pyrolysis and gasification property of vitrinite and fusinite , including volatile yields , carbon content , SEM characteristic and combustion reactivity of residual chars under different pressure , were systematically investigated using TGA .

  24. SiO2光子晶体为面心立方结构,结构内的主要缺陷为溶剂挥发所形成的裂纹以及堆垛层错。

    The 3D SiO2 photonic crystal had FCC structure , and the main defects were stacking faults and cracks induced by solvent evaporation .

  25. 介绍了煤中氮元素的存在形态及NOX的形成机理,挥发分氮及焦氮在燃烧过程中的形成规律及分配比例。

    The nitrogen existence form , NO_X formation mechanism of fuel nitrogen and proportion of volatile nitrogen to char nitrogen during combustion are summarized .

  26. 而Cr主要以无机物形态存在,熔点和沸点又高,故最难挥发;

    On the other hand , Cr mainly assumes the form of an inorganic matter with a high fusion and boiling point , thus making it the most difficult to volatilize .

  27. 香精挥发活性越好、香精和ABS基体间的相容性差、温度越高等都能使挥发性能大大提高;

    Better volatility activation of the essence , worse compatibility of essence with the ABS matrix , and higher temperature as well , could increase the volatility greatly .

  28. 通过调节激光功率和陶瓷源棒中PbO的含量,有效地控制和补偿了晶体生长过程中PbO的挥发。

    The lead volatility has been controlled and compensated through adjusting the laser power and the Pb enriched target composition .

  29. 对于高沸点液体样品,将样品用挥发性有机溶剂稀释,采用浸渍法制样,即把空白KBr压片在稀释后的溶液中浸渍后挥发掉有机溶剂制样;

    For high boiling point liquid sample , dipping a blank KBr pellet is used ;

  30. 但高真空回火后磁体中存在着较多且较大的孔洞,薄片状富Nd相挥发后留下的线状晶界缺陷较多;

    However , the magnets of high vacuum annealing have more and bigger pores , and there exist more linear grain boundary defects produced by the volatilization of lamelliform Nd-rich phases .