
  • 网络oregon;Portland;State of Oregon;Oregon State
  1. 2016年,俄勒冈州圣诞演唱会开始前的几个月里,内奥米告诉导演她有一个特别的想法:"忧郁之花"

    In the months leading up to the 2016 Oregon Repertory Singers Christmas concert , Naomi told the director she had a special one in mind : " Melancholy Flower "

  2. 这个想法1994年诞生于俄勒冈州波特兰市。

    The idea began in Portland , Oregon , in 1994 .

  3. 2007年,俄勒冈州通过法律,要求员工人数超过25人的公司提供“非卫生间的”哺乳室,成为美国首个通过这一法律的州。

    In 2007 , Oregon became the first state to pass a law requiring companies with more than twenty-five employees to provide " non-bathroom " lactation rooms .

  4. 西北太平洋国家实验室的科学家们称,他们认为“牛奶雨”可能来自日本一座火山喷发出的火山灰。本顿清洁空气机构则表示,他们的科学家认为,俄勒冈州中部地区的灰尘是罪魁祸首。

    Scientists at the Pacific Northwest Nationallab said they believe the rain may have carried volcanic ash from an erupting volcano in Japan , while Benton Clean Air said its staffers believe dust from central Oregon was the culprit .

  5. 在俄勒冈州的波特兰市,有五家门店的连锁美发沙龙TheModernMan可提供来自当地供应商的啤酒与波旁威士忌。

    The Modern Man , a chain of five salons in Portland , Ore. , offers beer and bourbon from local purveyors .

  6. 还有一个组织走得更远:位于俄勒冈州的伟大女性发言者(GreatWomenSpeakers)的数据库内只有女性发言者。

    One organisation has gone further : Great Women Speakers , based in Oregon , has a database comprising only female speakers .

  7. 来自中国武汉的常舒(音)是俄勒冈州梅德福市天主教学校圣玛丽中学(St.Mary'sschool)的70名中国留学生中的一位。

    Shu Chang , from Wuhan , China , is one of 70 Chinese students at St. Mary 's School , a Catholic academy in this Oregon city .

  8. 乔布斯后来从俄勒冈州里德学院(ReedCollege)辍学。1974年,他为了寻求开悟远赴印度。

    Jobs later dropped out of Reed College , Oregon , and in 1974 went to India in search of spiritual enlightenment .

  9. 我的iPad主要是小孩在用,他们大多数是在玩游戏和NetFlix。之后,我们去俄勒冈州拜访我父母,并庆祝我母亲光荣退休。

    We visited my parents in Oregon and celebrated my Mom 's retirement .

  10. B.胡安住在纽约,他给住在俄勒冈州的的戴夫写了一封信。

    B. Juan lives in New York . He wrote a letter to Dave . Dave lives in Oregon .

  11. 加里·斯奈德(GarySnyder,1930&)生于旧金山,在俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的小农场长大。他的生活经历几乎包罗万象。

    Gary Snyder was born in 1930 in San Francisco .

  12. 周日,亚什兰和俄勒冈州,一些消费者在RiteAid在他们中间发现了一名可爱的客户。

    And in Ashland , Oregon , some Sunday shoppers at a Rite Aid found a cuddly customer in their midst .

  13. 解决方式有许多:俄勒冈州的参议院罗恩o怀登最近表示,支持“立志法案”(ASPIREAct,TheAmericaSavingforPersonalInvestment,Retirement,andEducationAct)中提到的给全体儿童设立储蓄账户的提议。

    There are multiple ways : Senator Ron Wyden ( D-Ore. ) has recently voiced his support for a universal savings accounts for children , modeled on the ASPIRE Act .

  14. 俄勒冈州波特兰的RobSummers今年25岁,曾经是大学运动员。

    Rob Summers of Portland , Oregon , is twenty-five years old and a former college athlete .

  15. JD,企业培训主管,波特兰,俄勒冈州

    JD , Corporate Training Director , Portland , Oregon

  16. NPR新闻,利亚姆·莫莱蒂俄勒冈州阿什兰报道。

    For NPR news I 'm Liam Moriaty in Ashland , Oregon .

  17. 他搞定了面试(这是他的新老板后来跟他说的原话),得到了担任俄勒冈州俄勒冈市(OregonCity)一名县级政府事务主管的工作。

    He ' nailed the interview , ' his new boss later told him , and landed the job as a county government-affairs director in Oregon City , Ore.

  18. 在俄勒冈州波特兰一个低收入地区,设有从幼儿园到八年级的亚斯特学校(AstorSchool)中便能明显地看到这一规律。

    The pattern is clear at Astor School , a kindergarten through eighth-grade public school in a low-income part of Portland , Oregon .

  19. 贾斯汀·伍德沃(JustinWoodward),Castagna,俄勒冈州波特兰

    Justin Woodward , Castagna , Portland , Ore.

  20. SethTibbott是俄勒冈州胡德河市龟山岛食品公司创始人。

    Seth Tibbott is the founder of Turtle Island Foods in Hood River , Oregon .

  21. 这些酒口感各异,既有俄勒冈州酒厂TeutonicWineCompany酿制的那种轻盈、散发果香的半干西万尼,也有一些比较紧涩的上阿迪杰产西万尼。

    The wines ranged from a light and fruity , off-dry Silvaner by the Teutonic Wine Company in Oregon to some more austere Sylvaners from Alto Adige .

  22. 《麻省理工技术评论》报道称,俄勒冈州波特兰市的研究人员专门以遗传疾病相关基因为靶基因,对大量单细胞胚胎进行DNA编辑。

    The MIT Technology Review reported that the researchers in Portland , Oregon , edited the DNA of a large number of one-cell embryos , specifically targeting genes associated with inherited diseases in those embryos .

  23. 不过,俄勒冈州的耐克全球总部(NikeWorldHeadquarters)采用的是简单的黑白马桶图标,它是28岁的山姆·基勒曼(SamKillermann)创作的。

    But Nike World Headquarters in Oregon is using a simple black-and-white image of a toilet , created by a 28-year-old self-described social justice advocate named Sam Killermann .

  24. 这是MalloryZepedar来自俄勒冈市俄勒冈州

    This is Mallory Zepedar , from Oregon City Oregon .

  25. 研究报告的共同作者之一、俄勒冈州波特兰美国自然医学院(NationalCollegeofNaturalMedicine)的免疫学家茨维奇(HeatherZwickey)说,显然黄耆确实能够刺激人的免疫系统。

    ' Certainly it does work to stimulate your immune system , 'says study co-author Heather Zwickey , an immunologist at National College of Natural Medicine in Portland , Ore.

  26. 第一个是美国俄勒冈州的马克?德马雷斯特(MarcDemarest),他是一名数字化思想家和作者。

    First was Marc Demarest , an Oregon-based digital thinker and author .

  27. 俄勒冈州波特兰(Portland)的泰勒•特沃伦(TylerTervooren)应该比所有人都更能规避乱买衣服的风险。

    Of all people , Tyler Tervooren , of Portland , Ore. , should be able to avoid style risks .

  28. 总部位于俄勒冈州的进口商LoosenBrothersU.S.A.曾试图在美国卖这种酒,但在经过三年的努力之后,该公司放弃了WeingutamStein的葡萄酒。

    Its Oregon-based importer , Loosen Brothers U.S.A. , dropped the wines from Weingut am Stein after three years of trying to sell them .

  29. 去年10月,总部位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰的schnitzersteel承认,曾向中国和韩国钢铁管理者行贿。

    Last October , Portland , Oregon-based Schnitzer steel admitted to paying bribes to steel managers in China and South Korea .

  30. 格莱格·登顿(GregDenton)及加布里埃·昆涅兹·登顿(GabrielleQuiñónezDenton),Ox,俄勒冈州波特兰

    Greg Denton and Gabrielle Qui ñó nez Denton , Ox , Portland , Ore.