
  • 网络orpheus;Orphic;Orphée
  1. 他的第一部成功作品是《地狱中的俄耳甫斯》(1858)。

    His first success was Orpheus in the Underworld ( 1858 ) .

  2. (希腊神话)俄耳甫斯的妻子。

    ( Greek mythology ) the wife of Orpheus .

  3. 第四章,俄耳甫斯主义和立体主义。

    The fourth chapter , Orpheus , and cubism .

  4. 第一章,俄耳甫斯主义绘画风格研究。

    The first chapter , Orpheus painting style research .

  5. 第五章,俄耳甫斯主义和抽象派。

    The fifth chapter , Orpheus , and abstract .

  6. 俄耳甫斯主义是由立体主义发展来的,慢慢的转向偏重色彩的几何图样。

    Orpheus is made to the development of the doctrine of Cubism , slowly to emphasize color geometric patterns .

  7. 此外,赫密士在欧律狄刻回首去望妻子第二眼的时候,把欧律狄刻带到地狱,与俄耳甫斯相一致。

    In addition , Hermes brought Eurydice back to Hades after Orpheus looked back towards his wife for a second time .

  8. 阿波罗的儿子俄耳甫斯继承了父亲这方面的才能。他的竖琴使人与动物皆受感动。

    His son , Orpheus , took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike .

  9. 俄耳甫斯主义绘画中的德劳内带着一块全色彩的调色板进入到分析立体主义,从而为综合立体主义开辟了道路。

    Orpheus painting of Delaunay with a full color palette into the analytical Cubism , which opened the way for synthetic cubism .

  10. 俄耳甫斯主义本身属于立体主义中的一种,阿波利奈尔把立体主义分为四个趋势:科学立体主义、物理立体主义、俄耳甫斯主义立体主义、和本能立体主义。

    Orpheus liberalism itself belongs to cubism in one , a Polly Nair put Cubism is divided into four trends : Science , physics of Cubism Cubism , Orpheus , cubism , and instincts of cubism .

  11. 他的核心理论著作有《文学与死亡的权利》(载《火的作品》和《俄耳甫斯的凝视》),《文学空间》,《无限的对话》,以及《灾难书写》。

    His central theoretical works are " Literature and the Right to Death "( in The Work of Fire and The Gaze of Orpheus ), The Space of Literature , The Infinite Conversation , and The Writing of Disaster .