- Yellow Wine;Shaoxing wine;yellow rice or millet wine;Shaoxingwine

[Shaoxingwine] 含酒精量较低的米酒,颜色发黄,故名
Gu Fang : Duck flesh congee . Boil parched rice and duck congee , add yellow rice or millet wine .
The He-Ne laser scattering properties of six Shaoxing wine are measured .
Marinate the sliced pork in rice wine , vinegar and soy sauce before frying it .
Xu Xian dismissed the monk politely , with no intention of serving Bai Su-Zhen the wine .
Southern autumn is to Northern autumn what yellow rice wine is to kaoliang wine , congee , yellow dogs to camels .
As soon as the wine touched Bai Su-Zhen 's lips , she ran to the bedroom , claiming she wasn 't feeling well .
He told Xu Xian to serve his wife realgar wine on the fifth day of the fifth month , when demons5 ' powers are weakest .
Probe into pH Target Range of Shao Xing Wine & Prevention and Control of Target-Exceeding
Impact of different lysis methods for the extraction of total DNA on wheat Qu from Shaoxing rice wine
Yellow Wine and WTO
Isolation and Sequence Analysis of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides in Chinese Rice Wine
Application of HACCP in Hakka Yellow Rice Wine Production
Research on the Application of EPT in Yellow Rice Wine Sterilization
Its aroma comes from materials and wheat koji with biochemical reaction during brewing and chemical reaction in storage . Impact of different lysis methods for the extraction of total DNA on wheat Qu from Shaoxing rice wine
The volatile and semi-volatile compounds in yellow rice wine were extracted by HS-SPME .
Research Report on the Application of ADY in the Fermentation of Residual Lees of Yellow Rice Wine
The effects of irradiation dosage , irradiation temperature , different kinds of packing container , vacuous capacity of the container , technology of making wine and storage time on acceleration of yellow rice wine mellowness were studied by sensory evaluation and chemical composition analysis .
A Summary of the Application of Bran-rhizopus Koji in the Production of Yellow Rice Wine
TBA was higher , and the staling flavor was stronger . Compared with Rice Wine Aged 5 Years and decocted rice wine , TBA and conductivity of draft rice wine were lower , and Eh and RSV were higher .
The flavour of rice wine had a decreasing trend when sterilize for 30 min at 75 ℃, and became bad with the increase of sterilization time at over 85 ℃ .
This study take the active peptides of rice wine as object , the research is to find methods on isolation and purification active peptides and on the determination of ACE inhibitory activity . The macroporous resin was used to separate peptides from rice wine .
Meanwhile , Shu Qiao , editor of the Chinese Epicure magazine and an author of several books about food , recommends fermented tofu and Shaoxing wine .
Thirdly , in the metabolic functions section , we investigated the elimination effect of YW on lead content , regulation effect of YW on the Calcium - phosphorous metabolism , and the effect of YW on the rat liver GPT activity .
The fermentation conditions of Aspergillus niger wx-07 , which was isolated from wheat Qu for the production of α - galactosidase , were studied .
The enzyme was stable below 75 ℃ or within a pH range of 4.0 ~ 6.5 . The urea decomposition rate was more than 70 % in Chinese rice-wine within 24h after addition of 0.05U/mL this urease at 30 ℃ .
The application of bran-rhizopus koji in the production of yellow rice wine has been widened since 1982 . Practiced and researched for 20 years , we not only have received successful experience , but also gained good economic benefit and social benefit .
Prevention & Control of Heated Turbidity in Bottled Yellow Rice Wine
The development of yellow rice wine with mushroom and sticky rice
Study on Coagulation of Rice Milk in Yellow Rice Wine Production
Primary Research on the Reason of Intoxication after Drinking Yellow Rice-Wine