
  • 网络Yellow River Delta;yrd
  1. 基于GIS的黄河三角洲地下水开发适宜性评价模型

    GIS-based suitability assessment model for groundwater development in Yellow River delta

  2. 基于GIS的黄河三角洲地区浅层地下水开发潜力评价

    The GIS-Based Exploitation Potential Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater in the Yellow River Delta

  3. 黄河三角洲土地生产潜力的GIS评价

    A Study on the Land Potential Productivities in the Yellow River Delta Based on GIS and Landscape Units

  4. 基于RS与GIS的近代黄河三角洲丹顶鹤生境分析

    Habitat Analysis of Red-crowned Crane in the Modern Yellow River Delta Based on RS and GIS

  5. 基于3S技术的黄河三角洲土壤质量自动化评价方法研究

    Research of soil quality based on 3S in the Yellow River delta

  6. 基于MODIS数据的黄河三角洲区域蒸散发量时空分布特征

    Characteristics of the spatial and temporal distribution for regional evapotranspiration in the Yellow River Delta based on MODIS data

  7. 一般高潮线与2m等深线反映黄河三角洲冲淤变化的对比

    Comparison of mean high tide line and 2 m isobath reflecting erosion and accretion of the Yellow River Delta

  8. 本文首先分析了河口海岸带环境的特点,然后根据作者的实践体会提出了研究开发黄河三角洲海洋地理信息系统(YellowRiverDeltaGeographicInformationSystem,以下简称YRDGIS)的想法。

    At the beginning this paper analyzes the environmental characteristics of estuarial and coastal zones , then based on in person practice the author advances the idea of developing Yellow River Delta Marine Geographic Information System ( abbr. YRDGIS ) .

  9. 经化验和比较,果实含有较高的糖分、VC和多种氨基酸,有较大的开发空间和较高经济效益,在黄河三角洲地区发展前景广阔。

    The results indicated that there were high contents of sugar , vitamin C and many kinds of amino acids in the fruit . And it has greater development space and higher economic benefit to plant the two kinds of Nitraria in the Yellow River Delta .

  10. 由于栅格地图信息量计算方法难以用数学的方法来证明,论文分别以1:400万全国矢量数据和黄河三角洲的ECW影像数据为例,计算了它们在不同尺度下固定视窗内的信息量。

    It is difficult to testify the validity of this method in mathematics , so this paper uses some vector data at 1:400 scale and an ECW image to verify raster-based map information measurement .

  11. 运用倒置W9点取样法对山东省黄河三角洲、鲁西平原、沿海地区3个农区玉米田作农田杂草调查。

    Weed survey in Maize fields was Conducted using an inverted W-Pattern with 9 sampling points in Huanghe river delta , Luxi plain , and Coastal regions .

  12. 未来40年黄河三角洲绝对海平面将上升16~18cm,全球变暖使得黄河三角洲地面沉降和风暴潮危害变得更为严峻。

    The sea-level rise will reach 16 ~ 18cm in the next 40 years , global warming makes the land subsidence and storm surge hazards more severe in this areas .

  13. 通过2年在黄河三角洲进行海水灌溉对土壤性质的影响研究,结果表明:海水灌溉后土壤剖面中盐分含量有所上升,并在0~100cm土层中有盐分积累现象;

    The effect of seawater irrigation to soil propertied was studied in the Yellow River Delta two years . The results were as follows : the salt content increased in soil profiles after seawater irrigation . The salt accumulated in 0 ~ 100 cm soil layers .

  14. 按照《Ramsar公约》和《中国湿地调查纲要》以及结合中国湿地分类系统和方法对黄河三角洲湿地类型进行了三级划分,并分别概述了各类湿地的基本特征。

    According to the classification system and methods in Ramsar Convention , Investigation Outline of Wetlands in China and other classification systems , the wetlands in Yellow river delta is classified by three times , and their distribution , areas and major characters are outlined respectively .

  15. 黄河三角洲区域农业的特点与发展方向

    Characteristics and development orientations of agriculture in Yellow River Delta region

  16. 黄河三角洲湿地区域生态风险评价

    Regional Ecological Risk Assessment of Wetland in the Huanghe River Delta

  17. 黄河三角洲细粒土微振液化分析

    Microshock liquation analysis of fine grained soil in Yellow River Delta

  18. 黄河三角洲土地结构分析

    An analyses on the land structure in the Yellow River Delta

  19. 黄河三角洲海洋地理信息系统研究与关键技术实现

    Study and Application of Yellow River Delta Marine Geographic Information System

  20. 黄河三角洲海域浅水波高和周期的分析

    Analysis of Huanghe River Delta shallow water wave height and period

  21. 黄河三角洲滨海盐渍土饱和导水率的研究

    Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Seashore Saline Soil in Yellow River Delta

  22. 黄河三角洲盐渍土可持续利用对策

    Countermeasure on Sustainable Utilization of Saline Soil in Yellow River Delta

  23. 黄河三角洲胜利Ⅰ号心滩的研究

    Study on the Shengli ⅰ Channel Bar of Yellow River Delta

  24. 黄河三角洲主要环境地质问题与可持续发展

    Sustainable Development and Major Geo-environmental Problems in the Yellow River Delta

  25. 人类活动与黄河三角洲发育的关系

    Influence of Man Activity on Development of the Huanghe River Delta

  26. 黄河三角洲湿地面临的问题及其保护

    Crisis of Wetlands in the Yellow River Delta and its Protection

  27. 黄河三角洲自然湿地植被的特征及演化

    Characters and successions of natural wetland vegetation in Yellow River Delta

  28. 黄河三角洲的冰融沉积构造及其研究意义

    Ice-molten sedimentary structure and its importance in the Yellow River Delta

  29. 黄河三角洲上特殊侵蚀沟槽的研究

    Unusual Erosion Channels in Yellow River Delta : Features and Genesis

  30. 黄河三角洲海岸剖面类型与演变规律

    Coastal Profile Types and Evolution Regularities of the Yellow River Delta