
  • Luang Prabang;LAOS;Louangphrabang;Louangphabang
  1. 但是机缘巧合,那天我在琅勃拉邦(LuangPrabang)向僧人们进行清晨布施,那个仪式让我想斋戒,就像有时在家里,为了一些仪式,妈妈让我斋戒那样,所以那天我也碰巧禁食了。

    But as fate would have it , I had given morning alms to the monks in Luang Prabang , and the ritual made me want to fast , just as I sometimes did at home when my mother asked me to do so for religious reasons , so I had .

  2. 琅勃拉邦的餐馆是全国最好的。

    The eating houses of Luang Prabang are the best in the country .

  3. 接着,在二次世界大战期间,老挝又被日本所占领。该国在1949年独立,成为在琅勃拉邦希沙旺国王(KingSisavangVong)的领导下的老挝王国。

    Following a Japanese occupation during World War II , the country became independent in1949 as the Kingdom of Laos under the leadership of King Sisavang Vong .

  4. 作为老挝的历史文化名城,琅勃拉邦城的遗产保护与发展日益成为一个令人关注的话题。

    In recent years the heritage conservation and development of Luangprabang , the past capital city of Laos has attracted peoples attention .

  5. 琅勃拉邦的古城反映了19至20世纪欧洲殖民者建造的传统建筑与城市结构相融合的风格。

    Luang Prabang is an outstanding example of the fusion of traditional architecture and Lao urban structures with those built by the European colonial authorities in the19th and20th centuries .

  6. 在琅勃拉邦的大街上,到处是法国人建造的漂亮的石头房屋,带有木质雕花阳台和露台,住宅区的街道旁是一排排有着大型尖顶山墙的传统老挝高脚木屋。

    Its main streets are filled with pretty French-built stone buildings with wooden fretwork balconies and terraces , its residential streets are lined with traditional raised Laotian wooden houses with their sweepinggables .

  7. 不过,同样诱人的还有其首府琅勃拉邦,坐落于湄公河和南康河交汇处的这个城市,现在是联合国教科文组织指定的一处世界遗址,其法国殖民时代的风情得到了完好的保存,让人感觉恍如时光倒流。

    But equally beguiling is Luang Prabang , now a Unesco World Heritage Site , a pinch-yourself perfect time capsule of a French colonial town , caught in a fork between the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers .

  8. 此外,琅勃拉邦那些颇有品位,专做游客生意的店铺,还有那些高雅的古董店里陈列着的精美的古董复制品(特别吸引人的是那些银质的竹篓)都印证着这个国家曾为法国殖民地的过去。

    Plus , its stylish , tourist-targeted shops bear dangerous testimony to the country 's French past ; as well as pretty antiques there are tasteful modern 43 ) reworkings of old textiles and 44 ) objet trouv é ( particularly 45 ) covetable are the silver tip khao ) .