
  • 网络Xayaburi;Xayaboury;Sayaboury;Sainyabuli
  1. 以下是一些众所周知的答案:老挝的沙耶武里水坝(XayaburiDam)将向泰国售电,但对那些长期生活在湄公河沿岸的民众的生计造成了威胁;

    Some well-documented answers : The Xayaburi Dam in Laos will sell power to Thailand , while threatening the subsistence livelihoods of people who have long lived along the Mekong River ;

  2. 在湄公河委员会在老挝首都万象举行的一个会议上,老挝坚持让沙耶武里水坝破土动工,并且说工程将达到国际标准。

    At a meeting of the Mekong River Commission in the Lao capital , Vientiane , Laos insisted the Xayaburi dam go ahead , saying it will be up to international standards .

  3. 就在湄公河委员会这个星期举行会议之前,有报导说,老挝早在去年就已经开始为沙耶武里水坝工程修建公路了。

    The deadlock follows reports this week that Laos started road construction last year for the project .

  4. 沙耶武里水电站预计的发电量为1260兆瓦,其中95%将卖给泰国。

    It is expected to produce 1260 megawatts of electricity , 95 percent of which would be sold to Thailand .

  5. 沙耶武里水坝是各国在湄公河上计划修建的11座水电工程之一。柬埔寨和越南担心这座水坝会影响当地的鱼类资源和水稻生产。

    Cambodia and Vietnam are concerned the dam , one of 11 planned for the Mekong , could affect fish stocks and rice production .

  6. 湄公河委员会的一项研究结果显示,沙耶武里水坝会影响鱼类回游,甚至导致湄公河大鲶鱼等濒危物种绝迹。

    One commission study concluded the dam would affect fish migration and could drive endangered species , like the Mekong giant catfish , to extinction .

  7. 但是湄公河委员会的一份报告说,由于水库泥沙堆积,沙耶武里水电站有可能在30年的时间里失去60%的发电能力。

    A commission report said the dam could lose up to60 percent of its operating capacity in30 years , though , because of sediment building up in the reservoir .