
lián dāo
  • sickle;scythe;hook;reaping hook
镰刀 [lián dāo]
  • [sickle; hook] 弯钩形刀,有一短柄,装有短木把,用于割庄稼或割草

镰刀[lián dāo]
  1. 旗帜上有镰刀的图案。

    There is a picture of the sickle on the flag .

  2. 红细胞粘稠,硬化成字母C的形状,就像一把弯弯的镰刀。

    They become sticky and into the shape of the letter C , like a sickle , a hand tool with a curved blade .

  3. 把镰刀磨得飞快。

    Sharpen the sickles till they are like razors .

  4. 镰刀和收割钩被用来收庄稼

    Sickles and reaping hooks were used for cutting the crops .

  5. 由于缺少镰刀,他们在徒手收割庄稼

    Being short of sickles , they are reaping by hand .

  6. 我告诉你怎么做:你现在就去铁匠店多买几把镰刀回来

    I 'll tell you what : go to the forge now and get some more scythes .

  7. 红血球会变得粘稠,并且硬化成字母C的形状,像一种有弯曲刀片的手持工具,镰刀。

    They become sticky and harden into the shape of the letter C , like a sickle , a hand tool with a curved blade .

  8. 柄首刻镰刀锤子,五星及俄语“苏联”CCCP的图案。

    The pommels decorated with bulging images of hammer and sickle , five-pointed star and abbreviation " CCCP "( the USSR ) .

  9. ITS区序列分析表明:可通过测定镰刀菌rDNA-ITS序列进行镰刀菌种水平上快速鉴定。

    Alignment of ITS sequence of Fusarium showed that determination of Fusarium rDNA-ITS sequences for rapid identification of Fusarium species was feasible .

  10. 追随者们每月一次在SantaMuerteShrine参加大规模的祭祀活动,向所谓的死神起到。死神经常被描写成穿着黑色的斗篷,手持长柄大镰刀的骷髅,或者穿着飘逸的白色长袍。

    Once a month , followers attend mass at the Santa Muerte Shrine and pray to the so-called Death Saint , often depicted as a skeleton dressed in a black cloak and carrying a scythe , or in a long flowing white gown .

  11. 这里是VOA特别英语健康报道。上周,美国研究人员报告9名患镰刀性细胞贫血症的成人被治愈。

    Study Finds Treatment Cured Sickle Cell in 9 Adults This is the VOA Special English Health Report . Last week , researchers in the United States reported curing nine adults with sickle cell disease .

  12. 家家户户门外都有一个老头或是老太婆在剥竹笋当晚餐,或在编织,或在磨刀石上打磨镰刀;这完全是一幅布鲁盖尔(bruegel)笔下世界的亚洲版。

    Outside every doorway is an old man or woman stripping bamboo shoots for dinner , or knitting , or sharpening a scythe with a whetstone ; an Asian version of the world according to Bruegel .

  13. 另外,胎儿血红蛋白(HbF,α2γ2)的升高能够减轻由于β-珠蛋白基因表达异常所致的遗传病(如β-地中海贫血和镰刀型细胞贫血)的临床症状。

    Additionally , the increase of fetal hemoglobin ( HbF , α _2 γ _2 ) can ameliorate the clinical symptoms of inherited abnormalities of β - globin gene expression , such as β - thalassemia and sickle cell anemia .

  14. 隐蔽型脱氧雪腐镰刀烯醇的形成、转化与检测研究进展

    Study advance on formation , transformation and detection of masked deoxynivalenol

  15. 这里有把镰刀送给你。

    Here is a scythe . I give it to you .

  16. 农民笑我笨手笨脚拿镰刀的样子。

    The peasants laughed at my clumsiness in handing the sickle .

  17. 所以没有什么能挡住时间的镰刀,

    And nothing ' gainst Time 's scythe can make defense ,

  18. 烟草镰刀菌根腐病研究初报

    A preliminary report of tobacco root rot caused by Fusarium sp

  19. 镰刀好像不是由我的手臂挥动。

    When it was not my arms which swung the scythe .

  20. 请她用皮制的镰刀收割。

    Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather .

  21. 筛选用于防治大豆尖孢镰刀菌根腐病的木霉菌株

    Screening Trichoderma spp for biocontrol of root rot of soybean

  22. 关于镰刀谷是否另一类中间型的思考

    Research on that sickle-shaped rice is an another kind of intermediate type

  23. 农夫用镰刀在地里刈出一条路来。

    The farmer cut a swathe in the field with his scythe .

  24. 从此,这一把镰刀呼啸着。

    From then on , the sickle had been whistling .

  25. 石犁、铁锹和镰刀被广泛运用。

    Stone ploughs ; spades and sickles were widely used .

  26. 安徽省赤霉病麦中镰刀菌种的研究

    Investigation on Fusarium Species of Scabby Wheat in Anhui Province

  27. 镰刀斧头旗在屋顶上下空飘扬。

    The hammer and sickle was flying over the roof .

  28. 让镰刀歇在下一畦庄稼和田垄的花丛旁;

    Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers ;

  29. 长柄镰刀-丰收的希望的寄托。

    Scythe-hope of a fruitful harvest of things hoped for .

  30. 这是一把镰刀,那是一把斧子。

    This is a sickle and that is an axe .