
  • Siem Reap;Angkor;Cambodia;REP
  1. 拟议中由日本出资建设的铁路线将是东西走向的,将曼谷与距柬埔寨暹粒(SiemReap)和缅甸土瓦(Dawei)最近的泰国边境城镇连接起来。

    The proposed Japanese one would cross Thailand east to west , connecting Bangkok to the border towns nearest to Siem Reap , Cambodia , and Dawei , Myanmar .

  2. 2012年,该公司能容纳32名乘客的AngkorPandaw号起航,旅客可选择三至七个夜晚的旅行路线,而AvalonWaterways公司能容纳32名乘客的AvalonAngkor号在越南胡志明市与柬埔寨暹粒省之间通行,一次航程超过七天。

    In 2012 , the company launched the 32-guest Angkor Pandaw , offering three - to seven-night itineraries , while Avalon Waterways set the 32-passenger Avalon Angkor sailing between Ho Chi Minh City and Siem Reap over seven nights .

  3. 然而在暹粒市则是另一番景象。

    This , however , is not the case in Siem Reap .

  4. 暹粒木房子中餐厅旁。

    Wooden House restaurant , Siem Reap .

  5. 成都到暹粒的直飞航班是吴哥航空经营的,通常被旅游团包机。

    Chengdu to Siem Reap is run by Angkor Airlines and usually booked by tourist groups .

  6. 这时此地气候干燥,温度凉爽,这就意味着暹粒市正处于旅游高峰期。

    The weather is dry and the temperature cool , which means Siem Reaps tourism population is at its high .

  7. 暹粒旅馆拥有一切你经过漫长的旅行和暹粒吴哥窟的网站劳累一天的需要。

    The Siem Reap Hostel has everything you need after a long tiring day of travelling the sites of Angkor Wat and Siem Reap .

  8. 从金边坐船沿洞里萨河到洞里萨湖上岸到暹粒。

    Go from Phnom Penh to siemreap along the Tonle Sap River to the lake by boat , and go on shore at Siem reap .

  9. 在暹粒市创建的剧团笏博公司将在环球金融中心的冬季花园表演“罗摩传”的场景。

    Wat Bo , a Siem Reap-based troupe , will perform scenes from the " Ramayana " at the World Financial Centre 's Winter Garden .

  10. 吴哥窟(柬埔寨):这个位于暹粒省的考古遗址是9世纪至15世纪高棉(柬埔寨)王朝的首都。

    ANGKOR , CAMBODIA : The archaeological site in Siem Reap was the capital of the Khmer ( Cambodian ) empire from the ninth to15th centuries .

  11. 摩醯因陀山城距离暹粒省大约30英里,比吴哥窟的历史还早360年左右,公元802年,高棉帝国就诞生于此。

    About 30 miles from Siem Reap , Mahendraparvata predates Angkor Wat by about 350 years and was the birthplace of the Khmer Empire in A.D. 802 .

  12. 在这些会议之后,美国将带领一个有史以来最大的商业队伍到柬埔寨的暹粒市,讨论美国商业在东南亚的扩展。

    After meetings conclude , the U.S will lead one of its largest business groups ever to Siem Reap Cambodia to discuss expanding American business in South East Asia .

  13. 这个典雅的度假村邻近暹粒国王的居停,可以俯瞰皇家花园。其位置交通便利,离旧市集和河畔仅几步之遥。

    The elegant resort is in a prime location next to the King 's Residence in Siem Reap , overlooking the Royal Gardens and within walking distance of the Old Market and river .

  14. 他们所在的村子位于距离首都柬埔寨315公里(195英里)的暹粒省,当地居民和官员都不认同这种喂养方法。

    Neighbors and local officials in the village in Siem Reap Province , about 315 km ( 195 miles ) from the capital Phnom Penh , say they are not happy about the nursing .

  15. 去年年末,我从上海出发,在暹粒旅行了三天,还去了柬埔寨的其他城市,一共花了4000元。

    I went to Siem Reap for three days at the end of last year . I set off from Shanghai and spent 4000 yuan in total in Siem Reap and other Combodian cities .

  16. 游览暹粒时最常用的就是人力车(当地人称之为“嘟嘟车”),但是我却冒险像很多欧洲游客一样选择了骑自行车。

    The most common way to get around Siem Reap is to hop on rickshaws ( the locals call them Tuk Tuk ) , but I ventured out on a bike like many Europeans .

  17. 这时此地气候干燥,温度凉爽,这就意味着暹粒市正处于旅游高峰期。和我一样,似乎每一位游客都早早动身,希望能赶在游客大军到来之前一探吴哥窟。

    The weather is dry and the temperature cool , which means Siem Reap " s tourism population is at its high . Like me , it seems every other tourist has also risen early in hopes of discovering Angkor Wat before the 4 ) onrush of other travelers .