
  1. CNN主播特派员蕾丽莎·瓦希列娃:不论他的几何沙画多么精细复杂,涨潮都会将它们冲刷而去。

    RALITSA VASSILEVA , CNN ANCHOR / CORRESPONDENT : No matter how intricate his geometric sand designs , high tide sweeps the mall away .

  2. 马天生现在正在编写沙画的课本。

    Ma Tiansheng is currently writing the texts of sand painting .

  3. 许多人接纳这门艺术,每个沙画都会演艺一个故事。

    Many audience members have found the art work , a novel form of storytelling .

  4. 让上帝带著我的手作画,透过沙画传达感动。

    I let God take my hand to paint and to convey inspiration via sand animation .

  5. 沙画议题炒热之后,随之而来的便是后继、追随者的出现。

    After the sand art issue grew hot , what immediately ensued was the emergence of followers .

  6. 沙画起源于国外,现在沙画在中国安家落户。

    The art of sand painting first started abroad , Now it is finding a home in China .

  7. 当然沙画不比一般绘画,能被随意复制,尤其是庄明达的沙画。

    Of course , unlike ordinary paintings , sand animation cannot be copied at will , especially Minta 's sand art works .

  8. 马天生,是一个接触的表演者,他在沙画绘画方面和舞台表演都有丰富的经验。

    Performing sketches in the sand with an overhead projector , MA Tiansheng has expensive experience in both painting and stage performances .

  9. 桃源人家民间工艺大汇展:剪纸、沙画、糖人、面人、糖葫芦等。

    Folk arts & crafts demonstration by peach orchard families : paper cutting , sand picture , sugar-coated figurine , dough figurine , sugar-coated berry , etc.

  10. 以下这张图例表现了一个简化的坛城平面图,如同沙画曼荼罗,但不含有任何佛像和装饰。

    The image below represents a simplified2D version of the complete mandala , as in the sand mandala , but not containing any deities or ornaments .

  11. 无论是特效化妆、人体彩绘或是动态沙画,创作过程难免遭遇孤独寂寞。

    Whether it was special effects makeup , body painting or sand art , the process of creation more often than not came with loneliness and seclusion .

  12. 白色凸缘(Ihanam)就在外墙内,上有12种动物(沙画曼荼罗可显示,这里无法),代表一年中的12生肖。

    On the white ledge ( lhanam ) just inside the outer walls , are12 animals ( visible on the sand mandala , not here ), depicting the12 months of the year .

  13. 而媒体出身的他,更让他能以做节目的思考去创作,这点也不是其他沙画家所能比拟。

    In addition , because he once worked in the media , he also thinks from the angle of producing a program , which is also difficult for other sand artists to copy .

  14. 沙画表演,是一项艰巨的任务。但是北京的马天生已经证明了,任何美丽的事务都可以用沙画来演绎。

    Producing a fine work of art from a handful of sand , might seem like a challenging task , but Beijing 's MA Tiansheng has proven beauty can be shaped from almost anything .

  15. 提起开始做沙画的过程,庄明达表示,所有成果对他来说一直都是进行式,而不是某天突发奇想就可以做起来的。

    Recalling the commencement of his sand art process , Minta said that all of his achievement has been done in gradual progress , rather than being accomplished within one day because of some fancies .

  16. 《纸牌屋》第三季采用独特的象征主义手法,展示了佛教僧侣们如何呕心沥血用彩沙创作错综复杂、精美异常的坛城沙画,僧侣们在绘制完成之后便将这些精美的图案扫掉。

    In clever symbolism , the third season of House of Cards shows Buddhist monks painstakingly create an intricate and beautiful mosaic with colored powder , only to wipe away the whole display when they 're done .