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  • 网络Aung San
  1. 作为独立英雄昂山(aungsan)的女儿,她有着无人可比的政治血统,在她两岁时,她的父亲被暗杀。

    As daughter of the independence hero Aung San , who was assassinated when she was two , she has an incomparable political pedigree .

  2. 作为独立英雄昂山的战友,他与昂山苏姬母亲钦姬和家庭保持了亲密友谊。

    As a former comrade of independence hero Aung San , he maintained a close friendship with Suu Kyi 's mother Khin Kyi and the family .

  3. 日本在1942年进驻缅甸解散了缅甸独立军(BIA),组成了昂山为首领的较小的自卫军。

    The Japanese moved into Burma in1942 and disbanded the BIA , forming the smaller Burma Defense Army in its place with Aung Sang still at the head .

  4. 因允许不速之客停留两天,军事政府将对昂山素及的软禁延长了18个月。

    The military government extended her house arrest by 18 months for allowing the guest to stay two days .

  5. 昂山梭表示,有证据证明缅甸军方驱赶走村民来为外国投资腾出空间。

    Aung Zaw says there is evidence that the Burmese army has forced villagers out to make room for foreign investment .

  6. 据他说,昂山苏姬需要推动促进少数民族参与建立一个真正的联邦。

    According to him , Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also needs to promote participation of the ethnic nationalities to build a genuine union .

  7. 这次一名政府发言人召开了新闻发布会宣称昂山小姐被禁的政治团体将回到缅甸政坛。

    This time a government spokesman gave a press conference and said that Miss Suu Kyi 's banned political party should somehow be brought into national politics .

  8. 原来的‘彬龙会议’是独立前的协议,由民族领导人和苏姬的父亲昂山将军在1948年签订,保证缅甸的少数民族权利。

    The original Panglong conference was a pre-independence agreement signed by ethnic leaders and Suu Kyi 's father , Gen Aung San , that guaranteed the rights of Burma 's ethnic minorities in1948 .

  9. 世界上有许多持不同政见的人们,特别像缅甸的昂山苏姬,是稀有的超越常规的例外情况。因为一般常规是在任何场合里,如果你采取反群众的观点、态度及方法,必将使你自己毁灭。

    Many political dissidents around the world , in particular , Dawn Aung Suu Kyi of Burma , is a rare exception to the rule that says maintaining unpopular views or unpopular attitudes or approaches in any field will destroy you .