
  • 网络Stonecutters Island;Ngong Shuen Chau
  1. *增建深层管道,把香港区排出的污水送到昂船洲处理;

    Building more deep tunnels to collect sewage from Hong Kong Island for treatment at Stonecutters Island ;

  2. 英军发现当地环境适宜,拟保留九龙半岛驻防,经英国驻广州领事白加士爵士与两广总督交涉后,获得九龙半岛南端(北至界限街)连同昂船洲的租借权。

    Finding it healthy , they wished to retain it as a military cantonment , with the result that Sir Harry parkes , consul at canton , secured from the Viceroy a lease of the peninsula as far north as boundary street , including Stonecutters island .

  3. 香港昂船洲大桥锚腹板制造工艺设计

    Fabrication procedure design of stay web of stonecutters bridge in Hong Kong

  4. 对昂船洲大桥节段模型风洞试验所采用的模型的一些观察

    Some Observations on the Models Employed in the Section Model Wind Tunnel Tests for Stonecutters Bridge

  5. 昂船洲特大斜拉桥采用特殊的分体双箱梁结构形式,双箱梁间开槽达14.3米。

    Stonecutters Bridge has adopted a special separated twin-box aerodynamic deck section with a wide gap of 14.3m between the twin girders .

  6. 为了准确地取得桥址紊流风场特性并以此作为昂船洲桥抗风设计的依据,特别于东桥塔处安装了一个紊流风参数监测系统。

    As part of the aerodynamic investigation for the unprecedented 1018m span Stonecutters Bridge , a field measurement system for studying wind turbulence characteristics was installed at the bridge site .

  7. 本文通过昂船洲桥桥址风场实测及相应风洞试验获取了抖振响应分析参数,并在此基础上建立和发展了大跨度桥梁精细化频域抖振分析方法。

    The refinement of buffeting analysis for long span bridges in the frequency domain based on parameters obtained from field measurement systems and wind tunnel experiments is the object of this thesis .

  8. 同时为了更能准确地了解昂船洲桥桥身和桥塔的紊流风场特性,通过1比1500地貌模型风洞试验收集了桥址和桅杆位置的紊流风场特性的互相关信息。

    In order to work out the correlation of turbulence characteristics between the mast and the bridge line , 1:1500 scale terrain model wind tunnel experiments for the study of the flow field in the vicinity of the bridge site was conducted .

  9. 非滑道区大型结构物建造垫墩优化及装船受力分析研究正在进行中的工程有喜灵洲避风塘。同时,又开始了昂船洲政府船坞码头及其系泊柱墩建筑工程。

    Optimization on the Cup Support and Force Analysis during Shipment Process of the Large-steel Structure in Non-slideway It continued with the construction of the Hei Ling Chau typhoon shelter and began building jetties and dolphins at the Government dockyard on Stonecutters Island .