
  • 网络Lei Yue Mun;Koi Palace;Koi's Seafood Restaurant
  1. 鲤鱼门道场儿童班由即日开始回复正常操练。

    Lei Yue Mun Children Class shall resume normal training with immediate effect .

  2. 位于漆咸道南的永久性博物馆和柴湾鲤鱼门博物馆的建筑工程进展良好。

    Construction of the permanent Museum of History at Chatham Road South and the Lei Yue Mun Museum in Chai Wan progressed well .

  3. 鲤鱼门公园及度假村

    Lei Yu Mun Park and Holiday Village

  4. 世界上商业价值最高的鱼之一。鲤鱼门高超道公共小巴商会有限公司

    One of the world 's most important commercial fishes . Lei Yue Mun Ko Chiu Road Public Light Bus Merchants Association Limited

  5. 现有的海鲜食肆和海鲜档的环境将进一步改善,又修缮海口灯塔及天后宫使其成为鲤鱼门的地标。

    The current seafood restaurants and stalls were renovated with modern design , while the lighthouse and Tin Hau Temple were preserved as the landmarks of Lei Yue mun .

  6. 报道称,每晚都会有一批20到30岁的女性前往鲤鱼门的三家村沙滩,脱掉鞋子,按下手机计时器,凝视落日,也有人撑伞、用纸巾遮脸以防晒伤。

    The women , between 20 and 30 years old , reportedly head to the Sam Ka Village beach in Lei Yue Mun every evening and take off their shoes before setting their phone timers and stand to stare at the sunset - some using an umbrella or a tissue to protect their skin .