
  1. 电视剧《琅琊榜》是以同名网络小说为基础进行改编的。

    Nirvana is inspired by a hit online novel of the same name .

  2. 与此同时,《琅琊榜》这部电视剧也远销海外,在日本和韩国都有播出。

    The TV series has also been exported overseas to countries including South Korea and Japan .

  3. 如果你看过《琅琊榜》第一部,你就会明白这是一部良心大剧。

    If you have watched Nirvana in Fire before , you will understand how good it is .

  4. 如同小说原本一样,琅琊榜将不预设其发生的朝代。

    Like the original novel , Nirvana in Fire will not be set in any particular dynasty .

  5. 除此之外,最近大受欢迎的《盗墓笔记》和《琅琊榜》也是在小说基础上改变成电视剧的成功案例。

    The Lost Tomb and Nirvana in Fire are two recent hit web series originally taken from online books for TV .

  6. 根据最新消息,《琅琊榜2》还会沿用上一部的制作班底和导演团队,然而演员却经历了大换血。

    According to the newest update , the sequel will have the same producer and director team , but the casts will totally change .

  7. 《琅琊榜2》的情节将围绕下一代的故事展开,全剧将分为上下两部,每部分15集播出。

    The story will focus on the story of the next generation . And it will be divided into two parts with each having 15 episodes .

  8. 琅琊榜改编自海宴的网络小说,海宴也被邀请执笔该电视剧本的改编。

    Nirvana in Fire is based on an Internet novel by author Hai Yan , who was invited to pen the screenplay for the television adaptation .

  9. 不同于其他电视剧,《琅琊榜》不仅引起了观众的热议,同时也开启了古装剧的新篇章。

    Standing out from its peers , Nirvana in Fire has not only attracted attention , but has also turned a new page for future TV productions .

  10. 喜欢史诗巨制比如《权利的游戏》的剧迷们有福了,电视剧《琅琊榜》将会带来最棒的视觉盛宴

    Fans of TV series who love thriller epics such as Game of Thrones have a treat in store with upcoming series Nirvana in Fire or Langya Bang .

  11. 当多数古装剧拿历史当儿戏时,《琅琊榜》因其逼真的场景,对历史和事实的尊敬获得了高度赞扬。

    While many period dramas play fast and loose with history , Nirvana in Fire has been praised for its realistic setting and respect for history and the source material .

  12. 在过去的一年,由于出演《琅琊榜》和《伪装者》,胡歌成为了最受观众欢迎的演员。

    Hu Ge is one of the most popular actors of the past year , thanks to his TV dramas " Nirvana in Fire " and " The Disguiser . "

  13. 演员胡歌凭借在《琅琊榜》中感人的演绎了一位为家人复仇而筹谋多年的角色,从而荣获本届最佳男演员大奖。

    Hu Ge was named best actor for his touching portrayal of a man who avenges his family 's life and honor after years of scheme in " Nirvana In Fire . "

  14. 除林心如担任重要角色外,本片还集结了曾出演电视剧《琅琊榜》的王凯以及凭借电视剧《红色》一举成名的男演员张鲁一。

    In addition to Lin , the stellar cast also includes actors Wang Kai , known for Nirvana in Fire , and Zhang Luyi , who shot to fame in The Red .

  15. 后来,胡歌花了几乎一年的时间恢复健康,并逐渐回归影视圈。2015年,胡歌凭借热播大剧《琅琊榜》再一次迎来事业的巅峰。

    It took him approximately one year to recover and step back to the industry . In 2015 , Hu Ge had another career take-off thanks to the mega-hit TV drama Nirvana in Fire .

  16. 在中国,如果你还没有看过《琅琊榜》,或者不知道谁是梅长苏、萧景琰,那么你就落伍了。

    If you still haven 't watched Nirvana in Fire ( Langya Bang ) or don 't know who Mei Changsu and Xiao Jingyan are , you might be falling behind the times in China .

  17. 大体来说,《琅琊榜》讲述了将帅之子林殊(胡歌饰)复仇的故事。他将恶势力接连清除的策略非常高明、不可预测。

    In a nutshell , NIV tells the revenge story of a young general 's son ( Hu Ge ) , and his methods in bringing bad guys down were just so brilliant and unpredictable .

  18. 孔笙和李雪因执导了史诗巨作《琅琊榜》而获封最佳导演奖。江奇涛则因年代大戏《少帅》荣获最佳编剧奖。

    Kong Sheng and Li Xue shared the award for best TV series director for the epic " Nirvana In Fire . " Jiang Qitao won the best screenplay award for historical drama " Young Marshal . "

  19. 该剧由《琅琊榜》制作团队全力打造,情节也将延续上一部剧情,围绕“欢乐颂”小区22楼五个性格各异的女孩展开。

    The directing team of this drama is the same one from NIV and it will continue season 1 's story of five women who happened to coincidentally live on the 22nd floor of the Ode to Joy apartment .

  20. 在银幕上一向以柔情示人,并屡次扮演悲情主角的中国内地著名演员胡歌,在《琅琊榜》中的角色将会是一个被众人误认为是叛国贼,十年之后经过乔装打扮伺机复仇的将军。

    Chinese veteran actor Hu Ge , a heartthrob for his suave screen image , stars as the tragic protagonist.In his role in Nirvana , he is mistaken for a traitor and returns after 10 years in disguise to seek vengeance .