
  1. 美国国务卿约翰•克里(JohnKerry)也出席了于老挝首都万象召开的东盟外长会议。在会议上,克里敦促中国及其邻国恢复外交努力。

    John Kerry , US secretary of state , also attended the Asean meeting in Vientiane , the Laos capital , where he urged China and its neighbours to renew diplomatic efforts .

  2. 中国一直积极参加东盟地区论坛外长会议、高官会议及非官方会议。

    China has consistently taken an active part in the ARF foreign ministers ' meetings , senior officials ' meetings and unofficial meetings .

  3. 中国外交官在本周的东盟(Asean)外长会议上成功说服各国在联合声明中只字不提南海仲裁案。

    Chinese diplomats successfully persuaded a meeting of Asean foreign ministers this week not to refer to the ruling in a joint statement .

  4. 这是东盟外长今天在新加坡会议的目的之一。

    That 's one of the aims of today 's foreign ministers meeting in Singapore .