
  • 网络exponential order
  1. 我们利用信息技术生产和搜集数据的能力得到了大幅度的提高,各级政府部门、机构开发出了成千上万数据库,数据呈指数级地增长,数据类型也变得越来越复杂。

    The ability of the information technology production and collection data obtained the large scale enhancement . All levels of government departments and organizations developed tens of thousands of databases , the data grew by exponential order , and the data type also became more and more complex .

  2. 近年来,随着Intemet的蓬勃发展,信息量激增,文献数量呈指数级增长。

    In recent years , along with the vigorous development of Internet , the amount of information increases sharply as well as the literature quantity assumes the exponential order to grow .

  3. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,信息正在以指数级速度增长。

    Information is on the exponential increase with the rapid development of Internet ;

  4. 随着Internet的飞速发展,Web的访问呈指数级增长,Web服务器的负载越来越重。

    With the development of Internet , the access to Web is rising rapidly .

  5. 随着Internet的发展,电子文档的数量成指数级增长,大量的文档之间存在密切的联系。

    With the development of internet , electronic document is growing at a skyscraping rate .

  6. 随着网络的飞速发展,Web资源以指数级的速度增长,人们从互联网上可以获取的资料变得越来越多。

    With the fast development of Internet in recent years , Web resources increase at an explosive speed .

  7. 在多进程操作系统环境下,病毒的感染数量和感染强度都呈e的指数级增长。最后提出了反病毒传染技术的发展趋势。

    At last , brings forward some developmental trends against virus infection .

  8. 一方面,在用户呈指数级增加的情况下,在网络中如何保证并提高服务质量(QoS,QualityOfService)显得尤为重要;

    It is very important that how to ensure and improve the QoS ( quality of service ) .

  9. 随着互联网的迅猛发展,Web中所容纳的信息量呈现指数级增长。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the information in the Internet is presented to be an exponential growth .

  10. 并且随着各行各业都开始采用WEB网站作为营销和CRM工具,所获取的数据正在以指数级的速度增长。

    The data is exponentially growing as Web site is being accepted as the tool of marketing and CRM .

  11. 尤其是目前Internet发展迅速,而且其节点数还正在呈指数级增长;网络传输正在向大容量、高速化、多媒体化的方向发展。

    Especially Internet is rapidly developed and the number of nodes is increasing at exponent level toward the giant capacity , high speed and multimedia .

  12. 在Web服务组合的服务选择方法方面,全局最优的Web组合方案引起的指数级性能开销仍然是Web服务组合的一个瓶颈。

    With respect of web service selection methods , globally optimized selection methods suffer exponential costs , causing the efficiency as a bottleneck of these methods .

  13. 随着Internet的迅速发展,各种信息以指数级的速度增长,类型也越来越多。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , the information on it increases as the index number , and the categories of information become more .

  14. 随着Internet的广泛应用,Web得到了迅猛的发展,Web上的信息呈指数级增长,因此,如何对这种海量Web信息进行自动处理成为非常重要的研究课题。

    With the development of the Internet , web information increases exponentially . How to automatically deal with the huge information has become a very important research topic .

  15. 随着互联网的发展,Web中蕴涵海量呈指数级增长的各类信息,历史学专家的研究途径不再局限于封闭的数据库,而是借助搜索引擎在Internet上寻找所需要的史学信息。

    With development of Internet , various kinds of information grow exponentially , historians search for useful historical information through Internet rather than limit to a closed database .

  16. 多年来,呈指数级增长的各种信息,使得Internet用户快速获取准确必需的信息显得越发急迫。

    With the exponential growth of information in the internet , to get the accurate and necessary information from internet for users is becoming more and more urgent .

  17. 随着因特网技术的广泛应用,因特网上Web信息资源呈指数级增长,传统的搜索引擎正面临巨大的挑战。

    The traditional Web search engines are severely challenged by the quantity of exponentially increasing information resources on the Web due to the extensive application of the Internet technologies .

  18. 哪个种类的一个实例,这个问题的时间复杂度是指数级的,也就是当n上升的时候。

    Now , it 's also the case that this is fundamentally what class this algorithm falls into , it is going to take exponential amount of time .

  19. 举例来说,当加载Web页面时,图上的曲线将成指数级增长,这显示在加载Web页面时使用了巨大量的内存。

    For example , when a Web page is loading the curve on the graph will keep growing exponentially , showing the huge amount of memory used while loading a Web page .

  20. 近年来,XML数据量指数级的增长,准确、高效地查询XML数据成为目前的一个研究热点问题。

    In recent years , as the increase of the XML data exponent , How to query XML data quickly and accurately is one of the most heated research issues .

  21. 随着Web技术的迅速发展,网络上的信息量呈爆炸式地增长,新的安全问题和恶意攻击也呈指数级增加,传统的主动防御技术根本无法应对。

    With the rapid development of Web technologies on the Web to grow the amount of explosive , new security and malicious attacks are exponential increases , traditional active defense technology simply cannot cope with .

  22. 随着Internet的飞速发展,Web技术以其广泛性、交互性、快捷性和开放性等特点迅速风靡全球,并且已经渗入到社会的各个领域,网站及网页数量正以指数级飞速增长。

    With the rapid development of Internet , Web technology is becoming fashionable all over the world because of its wideness , interactivity , rapidness and openness , and has permeated various fields of society .

  23. 近年来随着Internet的飞速发展,Web资源以指数级的速度增长,到2004年初,网页数量大约达到80亿。

    With the fast development of Internet in recent years , Web resources increase at an explosive speed . By the beginning of 2004 , the quantity of the webpage was up to 8 billion .

  24. 数据表明,当收件箱的文档增长时,UPDATENOTE和NIF操作时间呈指数级增长。

    The data shows exponential growth rates for UPDATE_NOTE and NIF operation times as the number of documents in the inbox grew .

  25. 随着现代计算流体力学(CFD)的发展,对高速度、大容量计算机的需求越来越迫切,计算越来越复杂,规模也呈指数级增长。

    With the development of modern computer fluid dynamics , the need for high performance and high capacity becomes more and more urgent .

  26. 如果已经安排了QA(质量保证)和测试过程,那么此处的价值就会成指数级增长。

    The value here rises exponentially if you 've got a QA ( quality assurance ) or testing process in place .

  27. 随着计算机信息技术的进步和网络技术的发展,Web应用程序复杂度的增长速度是指数级的,特别是目前炙手可热的RIA技术,逐渐成为企业级开发的首选。

    With the rapid development of information technology and network technology , complexity of web application grows exponentially , especially in RIA , which becomes more preferred in enterprise development field .

  28. 随着时代的发展,Web信息量正在以指数级的速度增长,传统搜索引擎的检索方式,造成搜索的结果集为海量冗余信息,难以找到特定行业用户所需要的精简而准确的信息。

    With the development of the society , the capacity of web information increases exponentially , so that the special users can not find the wanted simplify and accurate information because the traditional search methods will produce much redundancy information .

  29. 随着Internet信息的日益膨胀,网络上的信息资源正在以指数级的速度增长,人们必须面对如何在广博的信息中发现和挖掘自己所需信息资源的问题。

    With the increasing expansion of Internet information , Network information resources is growing at a rate of exponential , People must face the question how to discovery and mining information they need resources at a broad range of information .

  30. 使用mashup解决企业需求,这项技术的采用已进入指数级增长阶段。

    The use of mashups to address enterprise needs has progressed in the adoption curve , and its growth rate is becoming exponential .