
  • 网络Chain of command;command chain;chain command
  1. HICS系统建立了一个明确的指挥链、共同的术语、清晰的报告系统和角色职责,以及基于事件性质迅速扩大或收缩反应规模的能力。

    Hics establishes a clear chain of command , common nomenclature , clear reporting and clarity of roles , and the ability to quickly expand or contract a response based on the nature of the incident .

  2. 关于为陆军组织网络指挥链的时间表,目前尚不明确。

    And no timeline has been announced for organizing a cyber chain of command for the Army .

  3. 企业在模仿军队的指挥官和指挥链。

    Time was when firms modelled themselves on the armed forces , with officers and chains of command .

  4. 这些架构使得指挥链和软件开发实践中的变更成为必要,而这些正是许多组织试图挑选与评价的。

    These architectures necessitate changes in command chains as well as software development practices that many organizations are still trying to sort out and evaluate .

  5. 这是战略性的谍报活动,目标是破坏和干扰,但真正的收益在于识别指挥链中的人员与技术联系。

    That is strategic espionage . Targeted acts of sabotage disrupt , but the real pay-off comes from identifying the human and technical links in the chain of command .

  6. 油料调拨运输,是战时油料保障指挥链最重要的环节,调拨运输的成败关系到整个油料保障系统保障力的释放。

    The oil transportation is the most important tache of POL support command chain in wartime . Its fail or success refers to the release of POL service system ability .

  7. 但是在指挥链下,仍然普遍存在腐败问题。许多人都怀疑新的措施是否能改变现状。

    But down the chain of command , corruption remains the rule rather than the exception , and many doubt that the new measures will be able to change that .

  8. 字提供的一个原因,马继续工作,作为摄影师,尽管他作出的举动了指挥链,以成为一个电影导演与热战(1998年)。

    The words provide one reason Ma has continued to work as a cinematographer even though he made the move up the command chain to become a movie director with Hot War ( 1998 ) .