
  • 网络matrix structure
  1. 矩阵式结构对企业职能表现的不利影响及解决途径研究

    The Harmful Influence of the Matrix Structure on Function Performance and Its Solution

  2. 矩阵式结构中的职权可能取决于要确定的问题的类型。

    Authority in a matrix structure could depend on the type of issue to be decided .

  3. 为了克服事业部制存在的问题,有必要对证券公司现有的组织结构进行改革,向扁化的矩阵式结构发展。

    So we have to reform and develop the structure .

  4. 二是提出了矩阵式结构在科研机构中的适用性。

    Secondly , applicability of Matrix organizational structure in scientific institution is put forward .

  5. 矩阵式结构是适应网络经济的非常流行的组织结构,但对企业职能表现仍有不利影响。

    With the rise of the net economy , the matrix structure is very popular , but it has harmful influence on function performance .

  6. 当环境一方面要求专业技术知识,另一方面又要求每个产品线能快速做出变化时,就需要矩阵式结构的管理。

    It destroys the traditional management structure . We need this kind of structure when situation requests both special technology and quick changes in each product line .

  7. 本文的创新之处在于:1.本文在现有组织结构基础上提出了新的组织结构形式-矩阵式结构,矩阵式结构的出现是企业管理水平的一次飞跃。

    A new organization structure is researched in this article . We call it as Matrix form . It presents another big leap for enterprise in management level .

  8. 该模型适用于以项目为运作中心的管理模式,在业务过程协作领域具有很好的适应性,而常用的矩阵式结构也可以作为该模型的一个特例。

    This model is applicable to the management pattern which centre at project and the field of business process cooperation . The common matrix organizational structure can be treated as a special example of this model .

  9. 学术管理上,强化矩阵式结构,增强学院间学术人员的横向沟通和协调,在学生管理上,实行院与舍区的双重管理。

    In academic management , the matrix structure is to be strengthened to increase horizontal interaction and coordination in academic and personnel matters ; in student management , the dual control system based on colleges and living quarters is recommended .

  10. 大型企业的领袖必须在一个矩阵式结构(地区对职能,本地对全球)的内部矛盾与政治人士、公众、压力团体等外部人士的需求(过去他们往往能够忽略这些需求)之间找到平衡。

    Leaders of large organisations must balance the internal tensions of a matrix structure region versus function , local versus global and the demands of external constituents such as politicians , the public and pressure groups , which they often used to be able to ignore .

  11. 图书馆Web站点服务的开展,对图书馆的各个层面都产生了一定的影响:在网络环境下,图书馆应采用新的的领导模式和矩阵式组织结构模式;

    Library website service influences various levels of library : library should adopt new leadership modle and matrix organization structure ;

  12. 矩阵式组织结构显然是结合了前两种组织结构的优点,达到了优势互补的目的,同时也克服了二者的缺点,对于我们探讨EPM的有效组织结构具有一定的指导意义。

    The matrix organizational structure combined the advantages of the former two , and overcame their disadvantage .

  13. 但是,矩阵式组织结构也存在权限模糊、命令不统一等缺陷,这是我们在设计EPM的组织结构时应该避免问题。

    The matrix organizational structure gave us some guidance to construct a effective EPM 's organizational structure , but it still have some disadvantage such as the orders are not uniform .

  14. 认清矩阵式组织结构的本质。

    The essence of matrix organization structure could be recognized clearly .

  15. 理论界因此提出了建立矩阵式组织结构的解决办法,部分企业开始运用矩阵式组织结构来进行新产品开发。

    Theoretically , experts have provided many solutions of establishing the matrix organization .

  16. 一种新的矩阵式键盘结构

    An New Type of Matrix Keyboard Structure

  17. 矩阵式组织结构中的绩效评价问题研究

    Achievements Evaluation of Matrix Organization Structure

  18. 营造一个有利于抓安全的组织环境,将原职能式组织结构演变为矩阵式组织结构。

    The matrix organization structure instead of functional organization structure can create a useful circumstance to safety management .

  19. 随后本文对矩阵式组织结构在实施过程中可能产生的不利因素及其应对措施进行了分析。

    Subsequently , the disadvantage factors of Matrix organizational structure putting in practice are analyzed and the measures are put forward .

  20. 项目制可以打破传统的管理格局,变单一纵向管理为矩阵式管理结构。

    The mechanism of project management will break down traditional managing approaches and change singularity lengthways management into matrix managing structure .

  21. 这些复杂的组织拥有矩阵式管控结构,其中往往包括为医生、护士和管理人员设置的独立“筒仓”。

    These complex organizations have matrix-style management control structures that often include separate silos for physicians , nursing , and administrators .

  22. 这就是矩阵式组织结构的雏型,可能比它在美国的普遍出现要早10年。

    Here was the makings of a matrix organization , perhaps ten years ahead of its wide-spread appearance in the United States .

  23. 在组织结构上,大型船公司应成立专门的物流公司,并且物流公司宜采用矩阵式组织结构。

    As for group structure , large shipping company should set up specialized logistics company and the logistics company should adopt matrix group structure .

  24. 希望本文通过外资企业矩阵式组织结构的研究和探讨,可以对国有大型企业的组织结构改革提供参考和借鉴。

    I hope this matrix structure research on the foreign company will provide a reference on the reform of organization structure to large state-owned enterprises in our country .

  25. 本论文致力于研制出一个可为多种电力设备的绝缘在线监测系统所用的通用软件,该软件具有交叉矩阵式框架结构,以电力设备局部放电为第一个监测变量。

    This thesis aims at developing common software for monitoring insulation condition of several power equipments , and the software was constructed base on a intersectional structure like matrix .

  26. 参考项目管理的组织结构,对其几种组织结构模式进行分析和比较,建立A公司应急管理的矩阵式组织结构。

    With the reference of organizational structure models of project management , we analyses and compares them , then establish the Matrix organizational structure of Company A emergency management . 4 .

  27. 矩阵式组织结构内存在诸多问题,比如权力的冲突与平衡问题、沟通问题、人力资源问题等,企业可以通过自身的调整来规避和完善。

    Simultaneously , there are many problems in the matrix organizational structure , such as the balance and conflict of the power , communication problems , human resource issues , companies can adjust to circumvent them .

  28. 在此基础上,提出了采研院科研项目管理的模式、总体框架以及以矩阵式组织结构和合理的激励机制为重点的保证科研项目管理有效实施的保障体系。

    Based on the foregoing statement , the thesis puts forward the mode of project management on scientific research , the whole frame , the matrix organization structure and the guaranteed system that is focused on the appropriate inspirited mechanism .

  29. 在结构熵模型中,我们给出了新旧三种组织结构模式,并对这三种组织结构的有序程度进行计算,得出未来国防及军队机构改革会采用矩阵式组织结构的结论。

    In the model of structural entropy , we introduce three organizational structures and analyze their order degrees and flexible degrees . At last , we make the conclusion that the institutional reform of troops will use the " matrix organizational structure " .

  30. 通过对三相矩阵式AC-AC拓扑结构变换电路的分析,把AC-AC九开关式矩阵式变换器等效为虚拟整流和逆变2部分;

    Based on the topological analysis of three-phase matrix AC to AC conversion circuit , an AC to AC nine-switch matrix converter is equivalent to virtual rectification part and conversion part .