
  • 网络factsheet
  1. 出版物:书籍、报告、字幕新闻、案例分析、小册子、会议记录、宣传单等;

    Publications : books , reports , factsheets , case studies , booklets , proceedings , flyers , etc. ;

  2. 新闻视频中的字幕文字通常含有新闻人物人名,新闻事件主题等很重要的信息。

    The caption text in News video frames often contains many important information , such as names of newsmakers , the theme of news events and so on .

  3. 其次,提出了在灰度颜色空间运用角点检测技术来识别标题字幕帧,并通过一定的规则提取合理的标题字幕帧组成新闻视频摘要。

    Secondly , this thesis proposes a new method , which utilizes the technique of corner detection to identify the subject caption frames in gray-scale color space . Then the video abstraction is set up by extracting reasonable caption frames under certain regulations .