
  • 网络hawaii;hawaii island;Big Island;hawaiian island
  1. 上千名群众来到夏威夷岛纪念珍珠港事件71周年,50名事件幸存者来到活动现场。

    About 50 survivors were on hand in Hawaii today as thousands gathered at the site of the Japanese on Pearl Harbor 71 years ago .

  2. 米凯拉·麦克玛纳斯要从神秘瀑布镇去夏威夷岛上了。

    Michaela McManus is going from Mystic Falls to the island of Hawaii .

  3. 夏威夷岛上的植被很葱翠。

    The vegetation is lush on the Hawaiian islands .

  4. 位于夏威夷岛中部以南的活火山。

    An active volcano on south central Hawaii Island .

  5. 夏威夷岛是世界上最美丽的地方之一。

    The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth .

  6. 即使是从理论上来说,将夏威夷岛还原成有人类居住之前的状态也是不可能的。

    Even theoretically , returning Hawaii to a prehuman existence would be impossible .

  7. 在太平洋的夏威夷岛上的火山就是盾状火山。

    The volcanoes in the Hawaii islands , in the Pacific Ocean are shield volcanoes .

  8. 夏威夷岛的物种已经遭受过外来物种的狠狠打击,因此正紧张地关注着关岛的局势。

    Hawaii , its own species already hard-hit by alien ones , is watching Guam nervously .

  9. 这些自然力量的展示常常是非常特别的,如夏威夷岛上的基拉沃格火山。

    Often these displays of might are simply spectacular like Killawog on the island of Hawaii .

  10. 在夏威夷岛附近的水域里,一只透明的幼虾骑在一只同样透明的水母背上。

    A transparent larval shrimp piggybacks on an equally see-through jellyfish in the waters around Hawaii .

  11. 他们是一个总部设在夏威夷岛的主要策划婚礼。

    They are based in Hawaii and are one of the island 's main wedding planners .

  12. 木槿花是一种热带地区包括夏威夷岛上常见的花卉。

    Hibiscus flowers are a familiar flower to be found in tropical regions including the Hawaiian Islands .

  13. 他说,夏威夷岛群的8个岛屿比巴西岛群更具生态系统独特性。

    He said the eight islands in the Hawaiian chain have more distinct ecosystems than all of Brazil .

  14. 昨天对夏威夷岛的进攻给美国海陆军部队造成了严重的损害。

    The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces .

  15. 在这个单独的项目中,科学家鉴别了出了夏威夷岛的深海里七个竹竿珊瑚物种。

    In a separate project , scientists identified seven new species of bamboo coral in deep waters near the Hawaiian Islands .

  16. 夏威夷岛以它的海滩著称,但是有一些沙滩并不适合游泳。

    The islands of Hawaii are well known for their beaches , but some of those beaches weren 't meant for swimming .

  17. 为了尽可能正确获得有关电视剧的极小细节,育碧公司的艺术总监飞到《迷失》场景所在的夏威夷岛。

    The network flew Ubisoft 's art director down to the location shots on Hawaii so he could get the minute details just right ;

  18. 预计飓风伊丝艾拉将会在周三抵达夏威夷岛,届时会伴有强降雨和大风,大风时速可达85英里。

    Hurricane Iselle is expected to arrive on the Big Island of Hawaii on Thursday bringing heavy rains and winds gusting to 85 miles per hour .

  19. 科纳海滨很可能是夏威夷岛上风景最优美、海洋最繁多、交通最便利,也是最有意思的潜水景点。

    This Kona Coast dive site is possibly the most beautiful , diverse , easily accessible , interesting dive location we have on the Island of Hawaii .

  20. 夏威夷岛距日本的距离说明此次袭击显然是许多天前甚至几星期前所策划的,此事将记录在案。

    It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago .

  21. 官方认为,从海平面算起,珠穆朗玛峰的最高点要高于其它的山。但如果从山底算起,莫纳克亚山(夏威夷岛的死火山)是世界上最高的山。

    The summit of Qomolangma is officially higher above sea level than the summit of any other mountain , but Mauna Kea is the tallest when measured from base to summit .

  22. 这天早晨,我上平台望见在下凤两里左右的夏威夷岛,它是形成这群岛的七个岛中最大的一个。

    When I arrived on the platform that morning , I saw the Island of Hawaii two miles to leeward , the largest of the seven islands making up this group .

  23. 这幅精彩的宇宙图片是由哈勃历史资料和地面照片合成的,所用照片由夏威夷岛莫纳克亚山顶的8.2米口径“昴星望远镜”拍摄。

    This stunning cosmic portrait is a composite of space and ground-based image data from the Hubble Legacy Archive and the8.2 meter Subaru Telescope at the summit of Mauna Kea , Hawaii .

  24. 山姆欧胡甘:如果你观察那些海拔低于2000英尺的夏威夷岛,会发现基本上很难找到本土动植物。

    Sam Ohu Gon : If you look in the Hawaiian Islands below 2,000 feet by and large youre going to have a very hard time finding native plants and animals . You are listening to Sam Ohu Gon in Hawaii .

  25. 夏威夷岛上的景点会出现在名单上,这毋庸置疑,不过拉奈岛也确实堪称人间天堂中的天堂。岛上没有红绿灯,只有两家旅馆,让你感觉这里是你专属的小小天堂。

    It 's almost a given that a Hawaiian destination would make the list , but Lanai is truly an escape even in paradise.There are no traffic lights on the island and only two hotels , making it feel like your very own slice heaven .

  26. 对夏威夷檀香山岛的两个站(H3和H4)钙质沉积物进行了20~100kHz的原位纵波声速和声衰减测量。

    In situ compressional wave velocity and attenuation measurements were made at 2 carbonate sediment sites over a frequency interval between 20 and 100 kHz .

  27. 这张照片摄于夏威夷椰子岛上的礁湖。

    This photo was taken in the lagoon at Coconut Island , Hawaii .

  28. 他统一了夏威夷各岛并创建了一个长久统治夏威夷各群岛的王朝。

    He was the one who united all the Hawaiian islands and founded the royal dynasty that ruled them for years .

  29. 但他同时补充道,夏威夷本岛上生存的少量海豹群体正在兴旺壮大,这是个好消息。

    But the good news is that a smaller population of seals on the main Hawaiian islands is growing and thriving , he said .

  30. 按惯例,他们一家会在夏威夷主岛瓦胡岛的开鲁瓦高档小区租一所豪华别墅住下来,然后在周边徒步旅行,打高尔夫,或与友人到餐厅聚餐。

    They have traditionally rented a luxury villa in the upscale Kailua area on Oahu , the main island , and head out for hikes , rounds of golf and restaurant meals with their friends .