
xià cháo
  • Xia dynasty
  1. 我国历史上有一个夏朝,这为中国古代史学家所坚信。

    Ancient Chinese historians believed in Xia Dynasty 's existence in ancient China .

  2. 从夏朝开始,君主被赋予了至高无上的权力。

    From the Xia Dynasty onwards , Kings were endowed with supreme authority .

  3. 关于历史上是否存在夏朝的问题

    A Question About Whether the Xia Dynasty Existed in History

  4. 国家机构:夏朝是一个奴隶制国家。

    State Organs : The Xia is a slave-owning state .

  5. 在夏朝灭亡以前,社会矛盾越发激化。

    Towards the end of the Xia Dynasty , social conflict grew sharper .

  6. 商汤抓住这个机会反抗并推翻了夏朝。

    Shang Tang took this opportunity to revolt and overthrew the Xia Dynasty .

  7. 中国封建正统法律思想的形成&从夏朝到西汉

    Form of the Chinese Feudalism Legitimate Law Thought

  8. 自首制度起源于夏朝,之后沿袭至今,经历数千年。

    Originated from Xia Dynasty , surrender system has followed thousands of years experience .

  9. 将关于夏朝的传说同现实区分开是困难的。

    it was difficult to separate myth from reality in regard to the Xia .

  10. 桀,夏朝的最后一个统治者,被说成是一个暴君。

    Jie , the last ruler , was said to be a corrupt king .

  11. 大部分中国的考古学家把二里头文化视为夏朝的遗址,

    Most Chinese archaeologists identify the Erlitou culture as the site of the Xia dynasty ,

  12. 说到夏朝,人们很难将传说和历史区分开来。

    In regard to the xia , it was difficult to separate myth from reality .

  13. 中国历史上最初进入奴隶社会是在夏朝。

    The Xia Dynasty saw the first introduction in Chinese history of the slave system .

  14. 国家制度:夏朝的国家制度是在原始公社制度的废墟上建立起来的奴隶制度。

    State System : The Xia was built on the ruin of primitive commune system .

  15. 夏朝的中国由原始社会逐步进入了奴隶社会。

    In Xia dynasty , China had gradually entered the slave society from the primitive society .

  16. 在准备这场推翻夏朝的行动中,汤赢得了广泛的支持。

    Among the preparations for the overthrow Tang had been the winning over of popular support .

  17. 启建立了夏朝(公元前21世纪至公元前16世纪)并开启了君主世袭制。

    Qi founded the Xia Dynasty ( 21st-16th century BC ) and initiated the hereditary system of monarchy .

  18. 而大多数西方考古学家对于二里头文化和夏朝之间的联系仍不确定。

    while most Western archaeologists remain unconvinced of the connection between the Erlitou culture and the Xia Dynasty .

  19. 农业:夏朝实行土地国有制,臣民要向国家纳供。

    Agriculture : In the Xia , lands belonged to the state and the people had to tribute .

  20. 第一个史前朝代应该是夏朝,从公元前21世纪至公元前16世纪。

    The first prehistoric dynasty is said to be Xia , from about the twenty-first to the sixteenth century B.C.

  21. 但是根据所有的历史记录,夏朝的历史要更早,其可追溯到公元前2000年。

    There is the Xia which predated them but by all historical records , the earliest that one started was2000 BC .

  22. 在近世疑古思潮的影响下,夏朝传统的信史地位开始发生动摇。

    With the influence of recent suspecting ancient history thought , the status of Xia Dynasty in true history becomes faltered .

  23. 原始记载与之后的商朝不同,没有直接的考古学证据存在来证明夏朝的存在。

    Archaeological Records Unlike the later Shang dynasty , no direct archeological evidence exists to confirm the existence of a Xia dynasty .

  24. 传统上认为在公元前16世纪,夏朝的最后一任统治者夏桀,滥用他的权力、加大了镇压。

    Tradition has it that in the 16th century B.C. , the last ruler of Xiajie , abused his power and increased oppression .

  25. 汤还采纳伊尹的建议,停止朝贡夏朝以试夏桀的实力。

    Tang adopted Yi Yin 's suggestions to stop paying tribute to the Xia Dynasty in order to sound out the strength of Jie .

  26. 中国的翻译事业从夏朝到现代,经历了四千多年的历史;

    The cause of translation or interpretation in China has a history of around four thousand years , dating back to the Xia Dynasty .

  27. 商灭夏建立商朝以后,不仅在政治经济文化各方面完全继承了夏朝的成果,在民族特征上也是相同的。

    When Shang destroyed Xia Dynasty and established Shang Dynasty , it completely inherited the civilized result in political , economic and cultural aspects etc.

  28. 起码来说,夏朝标志着新石器时代晚期到具有典型特征的华夏文明-商朝的一个过渡时期。

    At minimum , the Xia period marked an evolutionary stage between the late neolithic cultures and the typical Chinese urban civilization of the Shang dynasty .

  29. 夏的最后一位国君桀是历史上少有的暴君,对夏朝的灭亡负有责任。

    The last ruler of the Xia Dynasty was Jie , a rare despot in history , who was blamed for the fall of the Xia .

  30. 我国果醋历史悠久,早在夏朝就开始有记载。

    The history of fruit vinegar in our country is glorious . As early as Xia Dynasty , there was the record of the fruit vinegar .