
shēng chù
  • livestock;animal;domestic animals;domesticated animal;brute
牲畜 [shēng chù]
  • [livestock;domesticated animal] 为某种用途所饲养的家畜;尤指菜畜、奶牛和役畜

牲畜[shēng chù]
  1. 牲畜存栏总头数比去年增加了一倍。

    The total livestock number is twice as large as it was last year .

  2. 这一实验是基于这样一种想法,即农民为了保护牛群等牲畜免受狮子攻击,会选择射杀狮子。

    The experiment is based upon the idea that farmers who 're protecting their herd from lions would shoot and kill lions in an effort to protect their livestock .

  3. 某些树的叶子会毒害牲畜。

    The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle .

  4. 牲畜已经喂好并关进厩里了。

    The animals had been fed and stabled

  5. 在大农场,牲畜通常是打烙印的。

    On big farms cattle are usually stamped with brands .

  6. 他们饲养牲畜以供应市场。

    They breed cattle for the market .

  7. 他们的主要工作是饲养牲畜。

    Their main business was cattle-raising .

  8. 他一直没有培育出能够在沙漠地带生长并能为牲畜食用的仙人掌。

    He was never able to grow a cactus that could live in desert climates and provide food for animals .

  9. 在我曾写过的可能最为疯狂的新闻报道中,我曾报道过科学家在牛屁股上画眼睛的实验,这是牲畜保护方面所取得的进步。

    In what 's probably the craziest headline I 've ever written , I 've reported that advances in livestock protection are happening with scientists painting eyes on the butts of cows .

  10. 目前,威尔士正在对机器人进行为期两年的试验,该试验将训练“农业机器人”放牧,监测牲畜的健康状况,并确保有足够的牧场供它们取食。

    Robots are currently under a two-year trial in Wales which will train " farmbots " to herd , monitor the health of livestock , and make sure there is enough pasture for them to graze on .

  11. 试验期间,机器人算法和机械结构将进行微调,使其更好地适应患病的牲畜,并确保它安全地绕开包括树木、泥浆、沼泽和丘陵在内的潜在危险。

    During the trials , the robot algorithms and mechanics will be fine-tuned to make it better suited to ailing livestock and ensure it safely navigates around potential hazards including trees , mud , swamps , and hills .

  12. 如果这个方法奏效的话,它能给博茨瓦纳以及其他地区的农民提供一种低成本、可持续的手段去保护牲畜,同时也能避免狮子被杀戮。

    " If the method works , it could provide farmers in Botswana — and elsewhere — with a low-cost , sustainable tool to protect their livestock , and a way to keep lions safe from being killed . "

  13. 这些大规模的农场地处偏远,使得它们常常无人照管,每年只巡视一两次,这意味着如果牲畜生病或需要援助,农场主可能需要很长时间才能发现。

    The extreme isolation of these massive farms leaves them often unattended , and monitored only once or twice a year , which means if the livestock falls ill or requires assistance , it can be a long time for farmers to discover .

  14. 幸运的是,我设法与达特穆尔的牲畜保护官员取得了联系,并给她发了一张照片。

    Fortunately , I managed to get in touch with a Dartmoor 's Livestock Protection officer and send her a photo .

  15. 宰杀牲畜来吃合乎人道吗?

    Is it humane to kill animals for food ?

  16. 农牧市场东北角,有长800米,宽60米的牲畜交易场地

    Farmers market corner , 800 meters long , 60 meters wide livestock trading venues .

  17. 它还可以在不破坏热带雨林的情况下用来喂养牲畜,在这一点上它与多数新型大豆种植园的做法相同。

    It can also feed livestock1 without harming rainforests in the way new soya plantations2 often do .

  18. 牲畜链霉菌异青霉素N合成酶基因的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and sequencing the isopenicillin n synthetase ( ipns ) gene from Streptomyces Cattleya

  19. 2000年、2001年和2003年三年连续的冬季严寒和夏季干旱使大批牲畜死亡,GDP出现负增长。

    Severe winters and summer droughts in2000,2001 , and2002 resulted in massive livestock die-off and zero or negative GDP growth .

  20. ICP-AES在牲畜中毒案件侦破中的应用

    Application of ICP - AES in investigating legal cases of domestic animal 's poisoning

  21. 西奇塔诺说,FEWSNET收集有关天气、农作物和牲畜的实时数据,跟踪有关粮食安全的进程。

    Scicchitano said FEWS NET accumulates real-time data about weather , crops and livestock to track the course of food security .

  22. Gajraj说,由于大多数兽医都位于城市地区,显然有必要改善农村地区的牲畜健康。

    Gajraj says there 's a clear need to improve animal health in rural areas as most veterinarians are located in urban areas .

  23. Gajraj说,最近的计划是以与相同的社区合作理念为基础的,但具体目的是支持Puntland地区的牲畜卫生服务。

    Gajraj says the latest plans are based on the same philosophy of working with the communities & but in this case to provide support to animal health services in Puntland .

  24. 通过牲畜之间的传播,牛结核病产生了进一步的风险。

    Bovine TB poses a further risk through transmission from livestock .

  25. 科学家们发现,抗生素可以提高牲畜生长速度。

    Scientists found that antibiotics improve the growth rate of animals .

  26. 公共卫生专家在这些牲畜中发现了抗生素耐药细菌。

    Public health experts observed antibiotic-resistant bacteria growing in these animals .

  27. 主要工业产品:牲畜加工品、筑材料、石。

    Industrial Products : Livestock processing , building materials , mining .

  28. 村内和村庄之间的牲畜移动被禁止。

    Movement of animals both between and among villages was prohibited .

  29. 新疆山地草原牲畜采食践踏路迹研究

    Study of Livestock Feeding and Trampling Track in Xinjiang Mountain Grassland

  30. 牲畜仍将会产生气体,但是要比以前少的多。

    Livestock will still have gas , but less of it .