
  • 网络xia shang zhou chronology project
  1. 夏商周断代工程中~(14)C系列样品的树轮校正

    Calibration of a series of ~ ( 14 ) C dates in Project of Xia - Shang - Zhou Chronology

  2. 夏商周断代工程解决西周王年,是采用多学科协同作战的方法,发挥历史学、考古学、C14测年和天文学各自优势,经数十次专家会议协同讨论认可的结果。

    The division project of Xia , Shang and Zhou dynasties to determine the period of the Western Zhou Dynasty is an acceptable result through tens of discussions of experts by means of the advantages of history , archaeology , carbon isotope measurement of time and astronomy .

  3. 夏商周断代工程1996~2000年阶段成果概要

    Results from the Xia-Shang-zhou Projects from 1996 to 2000

  4. 夏商周断代工程的总目标是制订有科学依据的年表。

    The Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project aims at draw up of chronological table scientifically .

  5. 夏商周断代工程及其天文学问题

    Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project and its Astronomical Problems

  6. 夏商周断代工程与夏商考古学文化研究

    Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project and the Study of Archaeological Cultures in the Xia and Shang Periods

  7. 夏商周断代工程与古代文明研究

    The Division Project of Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties and the Study on Ancient Culture

  8. 来自夏商周断代工程的报告

    Report from Project of the Chronology of Early Chinese History in the and Western Zhou Dynasties

  9. 夏商周断代工程集中解决的是年代学问题,因此,当时讨论的考古文化只涉及河南、河北、山西、陕西和北京等地区,山东不在其列。

    The project of division of the history of the Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties focuses on chronological problems .

  10. 西周金文历谱与历史年代探论古史年代学研究的误区&夏商周断代工程金文历谱问题分析

    Incorrect Approaches to Studies of the Chronology of History of Ancient China : An Analysis of the Calendar Chronology of Inscriptions on Bronze

  11. 同时,还为西周年代学研究提供了新的考古依据,证明了夏商周断代工程所列西周年表的基本框架可以成立。

    Secondly , the basic age frame of Western Zhou Dynasty concluded by the Project of Chronology of Early Chinese History of the Xia , Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties is feasible .

  12. 夏商周断代工程不由此途,而将主要精力放到非文字史料的调查和取证上,所得结果大都不可据。

    Yet " the Xia-Shang-Zhou chronology project " does not follow this way , concentrating itself mainly on the investigation and evidence collection of unwritten materials instead , and most of the results are unreliable .

  13. 夏商周断代工程把由此获得的克商年代范围作为推定武王克商年的出发点,是很大的失误。

    It is a big fault that the Xia Shang Zhou Chronological Project advanced the exact year for the King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty conquering the Shang Dynasty based on this extent of the date .

  14. 夏商周断代工程采用系列样品进行(14)~C年代测定,得出了夏商西周的年代框架,与考古遗址相对应,解决了三代考古学的分期。

    Project of the Chronology of Early Chinese History in the Xia , Shang and Western Zhou dynasties , using series of samples and ( 14 ) ~ C dating , ascertains the periodization skeleton of Xia , Shang and Western Zhou dynasties .