
yán jiāng
  • magma;lava;rock-magma
岩浆 [yán jiāng]
  • [magma] 地球内部呈液态或糊状的熔融岩石物质,通过冷却和结晶作用,变为火成岩的熔融物质或块体

岩浆[yán jiāng]
  1. 火山又向空中喷出了岩浆和火山灰。

    The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air .

  2. 我们大多数人在谈论火山时,都会想到富士或乞力马扎罗的典型圆锥体形状,它们是在岩浆喷发堆积时形成的。

    Most of us , when we talk about volcanoes , think of the classic cone shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjaro , which are created when erupting magma piles up .

  3. 岩浆就会从火山口缓缓涌流出来。

    The lava will just ooze gently out of the crater

  4. 这座火山喷射出的岩浆高达650英尺。

    The volcano spewed a fountain of molten rock 650 feet in the air .

  5. 火山喷出火焰和岩浆。

    A volcano spouts flame and lava .

  6. 岩浆冷却后凝成岩石。

    Lava as it cools hardens into rock .

  7. 包体为部分熔融形成寄主花岗岩岩浆的源区岩石残余。

    The enclaves are remnants of rocks which partially melted to form granitoid magma .

  8. 这个观点推翻了之前的理论,即小行星和彗星的碰撞纯粹是一种破坏性的过程,以为月壳是由月球内部上升的岩浆形成的。

    The idea overturns previous theories that colliding asteroids2 and comets were a purely3 destructive process with the lunar crust being created by magmas rising from the interior .

  9. 建议该处存在有稠密的侵入的岩浆体,延伸到20千米左右的深度,该区附近有低速的P波速度。

    This region is surrounded by lower P wave velocities .

  10. Sr和Nd同位素资料表明,在岩浆形成过程中地壳物质带入未起重要作用。

    Sr and Nd isotopic data indicate that crust involvement was not significant .

  11. 这些气井中的He和CO2不仅显示幔源特征,而且CO2具有岩浆成因特征。

    Those He and CO 2 show not only mantle-derived characteristics but also magmatic origin .

  12. Ni,Gr含量略低于原始岩浆的参考值;

    Ni and Gr are lower than that of reference value of primitive magma .

  13. 岩浆岩系REE三条演化线的约束关系

    The constraint relation of REE three trend lines of igneous rock series

  14. 含片钠铝石砂岩往往分布在断裂和岩浆岩体附近,既可以作为CO2气储层,又可以作为油气储层。

    Dawsonite-bearing sandstone always distributes near fault and magmatic system and acts as both CO2 gas reservoir and petroleum reservoir .

  15. S、H、O、Pb同位素组成表明成矿物质和成矿流体来自岩浆热液。

    S , H , O and Pb isotopes show that the ore-forming fluid and ( metallogenic ) material come from magmatic hydrothermal fluids .

  16. Sr和Nd同位素证据说明老地壳物质在岩浆形成中起了重要作用。

    Sr and Nd isotopic evidence suggests that ancient crustal material has played an important role in the magma genesis .

  17. 锆石CL图像显示其有明显的核边结构,核部具岩浆锆石,边部是变质增生锆石的特征。

    The CL images reveal that most zircons have core rim texture . The cores show igneous zircons characteristics .

  18. 痕量元素、REE及Sr同位素的特征表明岩浆起源于富集型地幔源区。

    Data on trace elements , REE and isotope Sr indicate that the magma come from enriched mantle .

  19. 介绍了H2O和CO2在岩浆中溶解、气泡成核、气泡生长与上升以及岩浆喷发等过程的研究成果。

    This article introduces carbon oxide solubility model , bubble growing and ascending model , and magma eruption model .

  20. 相对来说,在岩浆演化和合矿岩浆的分异过程中,F,Li对Sn的富集成矿比对W的富集成矿所起作用更大。

    On the whole , in the process of magma evolution and ore-bearing magma differentiation , F and Li play more important role in enriching Sn than in enriching W.

  21. 俯冲组分是岩浆源中的另一个主要成分,贡献量为20%左右,是造成海槽区玄武岩中Pb强烈富集的重要原因。

    The component derived from the subducting makes a contribution of at most 20 % , that results in the intensive enrichment of Pb in the basalts in the Trough .

  22. 方解石REE特征显示其部分具岩浆成因,部分具沉积成因,说明是二者交代而成。

    Calcite REE characteristics indicate a magmatic origin of its parts , some of which are sedimentary origin , indicating that both made accountable .

  23. 利用地震剖面探测、地震CT和大地电磁测深等结果显示,在天池火山区地壳内存在低速、低密度及低阻异常体,该异常体可能表明壳内岩浆囊的存在。

    The results of the seismic prospecting , seismic tomography and magnetotelluric sounding show that there is a low velocity , low density and low resistivity abnormal body , suggesting a magma chamber in the crust of this region .

  24. 低的Ni、较高的H2O,说明初始岩浆起源于富含H2O的富集型地幔源区,在相对较低的温度下熔融形成。

    Low value of Ni and high content of H 2O suggest that original magma be formed by partial melting of low-temperature part in mantle enriched water .

  25. 氯在东Manus岩浆中表现为高度不相容的特点。

    Chlorine is highly incompatible during the whole evolution of the eastern Manus basin magmas .

  26. 新疆北部三个与岩浆型Ni-Cu硫化物矿床有关的镁铁&超镁铁质岩的地球化学特征对比研究

    Comparison on Petrologic Geochemistry of Three Mafic-ultramafic Intrusions Associated with Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposits in Northern Xinjiang

  27. 雪球结构形成与否主要与岩浆熔体中Na2O/K2O比值和F、H2O含量有关。

    The formation of snowball texture was closely related to the Na 2O / K 2O ratio as well as the fluorine and H 2O content of the granitic melt .

  28. Te、Se主要富集在与碱性岩浆活动有关的金矿中,Cd主要富集在火山热液型金矿和古老结晶基底内的糜棱岩型金矿中,而Tl则在卡林型金矿中富集。

    Te and Se are enriched in those deposits which relate with alkali-magma activities , Cd in those deposits which occur in crystalline basement mylonite , and Tl in Carlin-type gold deposits .

  29. 岩浆岩岩石化学Kelsey标准矿物值计算法及其软件

    The Kelsey Computing Method for Standard Ore Value and It 's Software

  30. Pb-Zn、Au-Ag的成矿作用与岩浆期后热液和构造有关,以七兴铅锌矿为代表。

    Pb-Zn and Au-Ag mineralizations as the representative of Qixing lead and zinc deposit are related to postmagmatic hydrothermal and structural .