
  • 网络rock and mineral analysis;rock and mineral
  1. 《岩矿测试》第25卷主题和作者索引

    Rock and Mineral Analysis Vol.25 , Subject Index and Author Index

  2. 灰色误差理论在岩矿测试数据处理中的应用

    Application of Gray Error Theory in Data Processing of Rock and Mineral Analysis

  3. 流动注射分析在我国岩矿测试中的应用与展望

    Application and Prospect of FIA in Rock and Mineral Analysis in China

  4. 纵观近代岩矿测试分析技术

    An overview of modern mineral testing & analysis techniques

  5. 稳定同位素稀释法在岩矿测试中的应用

    The Use of IDMS in Rock and Mineral Analysis

  6. 河南岩矿测试的世纪回顾与展望

    The 20th century in Retrospect and prospects in the 21st century of rock and mineral testing of Henan Province

  7. 对近年来国内外离子色谱技术在岩矿测试中的应用及进展作了评述。引用文献41篇。

    The application of ion chromatography technique in the rock and mineral analysis during the past 10 years is reviewed with a literature of 41 references .

  8. 质地是鉴定和评价翡翠的重要因素。通过翡翠的市场调查及标本的对比与岩矿测试表明:翡翠的结构、矿物成分、杂质及裂隙是决定翡翠质地优劣的主要内在因素。

    Based on the study of jadeite jade market investigation and test of different kinds of jadeite jades , it is indicated that microstructure , mineral components , impurity and fissure are major inner control factors for determining the texture of jadeite jade .

  9. 结合扫描电镜、铸体薄片和岩矿薄片等测试资料所反映的成岩演化特征,综合分析分析认为延长组地层曾达到晚成岩阶段A&B期。

    Combinated with scanning electron microscope , thin sections and so on , this paper deduces that the Yanchang formation had ever come up to A-B stage of late-diagenesis .

  10. 目前,随着高精度便携式波谱仪的引进,波谱测试工作为大多遥感工作者所熟悉和重视,岩矿波谱的测试和研究工作得到推广。

    Currently , with the instruction of the portable high precision Spectrometer , the remote sensing worker is quite familiar with wave test so that the mineral spectrum work is widely promoted .

  11. 68810912乙级:岩矿鉴定与岩矿测试。

    Class B : rock ore appraisal and rock ore testing .

  12. 乙级:区域地质调查;地球物理勘查;岩矿鉴定与岩矿测试。

    Class B : areal geology survey ; geophysical exploration ; rock ore appraisal and testing .